... <看更多>
crackle 的例句. crackle. Patients may present with wheezing or crackles in the lungs. 來自. Wikipedia.
vi. 發劈啪聲;充滿活力. n. 劈啪聲. 牛津中文字典 ...
n. 噼啪聲,爆裂聲;(碎瓷上的)裂紋;【醫學】尖銳的肺泡音。 vi. 噼噼啪啪地響,生氣勃勃,興奮不安(等)。 "black crackle" 中文翻譯: 黑烤漆; "crackle breccia" ...
#4. crackle是什么意思? crackle翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
crackle 的解释是:劈啪响, 裂纹, 发劈啪声… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:crackle的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
使用Reverso Context: It analyses the factors that casting speed effect on crackle tendency.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"crackle"
大量翻译例句关于"crackle" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#7. crackle 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
crackle. 分享單字. US /ˈkrækəl/. ・. UK /'krækl/. B2 中高級. 定義 影片字幕 ... 繁體中文. @2021 VoiceTube Corporation. All rights reserved.
crackle中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 噼啪聲,爆裂聲;(陶瓷器或玻璃上的)裂紋v. 發噼啪聲;給人緊張(或活潑)感。英漢詞典提供【crackle】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、 ...
#9. 'crackle' 的简体中文Translation | 柯林斯英语- 汉语词典
'crackle' 的简体中文Translation of | 官方柯林斯英语- 汉语词典网上词典。10 万条英语单词和短语的简体中文翻译。
#10. crackle 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
crackle 劈啪響,裂紋(vi.) ... 線上英漢字典/中文拼音/計算機 ... A kind of crackling sound or r[^a]le, heard in some abnormal states of the lungs; as, ...
#11. crackle - 發劈啪聲,裂紋 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 食品科技, crackle, 裂紋. 學術名詞 畜牧學, crackle, 裂紋. 學術名詞 視覺藝術名詞, crackle, 冰裂紋. 學術名詞
#12. Crackle Crackle - 新宿/餐飲酒館[食べログ](繁體中文)
... Crackle (新宿/餐飲酒館)的店鋪資訊!有感想、評價與照片等,有來自使用者的真實資訊!也有關於地圖及餐點菜單的詳細資訊。(繁體中文)
#13. 位置的高階導數- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
在英語中,位移對時間的四階,五階,六階導數有時候有點滑稽地被稱為"Snap," "Crackle" and "Pop"(英語:Snap, Crackle, and Pop)。 目次. 1 定義; 2 勻加加加速運動公式 ...
#14. Crackle 完整報導- Engadget 中文版
Crackle articles, stories, news and information. ... 免費串流影片服務Crackle 登陸部分品牌智慧型電視和藍光播放器平台 · Sanji Feng・2013年01月23日, 晚上07:01.
#15. crackling - WordReference.com 英汉词典
crackling - WordReference.com 英汉词典. ... 本页中: crackling, crackle. WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2021: 主要翻译. 英语, 中文.
#16. crackle 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
crackle 例句. Druce lit the cigar, which began to spark and crackle. 德魯斯點著一支雪茄,這支雪茄發出火花,噼噼啪啪地響起來。
#17. crackle翻译为:噼啪声,爆裂声,(碎
crackle 的中文意思:噼啪声,爆裂声,(碎,点击查看详细解释:crackle的中文翻译、crackle的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握crackle这个单词。
#18. Flamenco clutch in crackle patent Royal Blue - LOEWE
Launched in the 1970s, the Flamenco Clutch cinches closed using drawstring pulls finished in its signature coiled knots. This version is crafted in crackle ...
#19. crackle - 从英语翻译成中文 - PONS 词典
#20. crackle"的中文翻译 - 医学词典
简明英语-中文词典 ... a fire crackling in the wood stove 木头火炉中的火焰哔拍作响 2 活泼; 生动 a book that crackles with humor 充满幽默的书籍
#21. [魔法風雲會]KTK 裂響終末Crackling Doom 中文版 - 蝦皮購物
魔法風雲會經典單卡卡相極佳無白邊摺痕新莊可面交確認卡況出貨隨機附贈R卡#魔法風雲會#MTG 購買[魔法風雲會]KTK 裂響終末Crackling Doom 中文版.
#22. 胸腔檢查(視診觸診叩診聽診) @ 安歆居家護理所 - 隨意窩
當許多肺泡不同時被撐開,就會發出crackle. 聲,可見於心衰竭、肺積水、肺炎、肺纖維化. Friction Rub:當肋膜表面因發炎物堆積、或變厚、或長癌.
#23. 簡單認識呼吸音 - woocy的秘密基地
6: rales(crackles)(濕囉音): 一種水泡破裂音(bubbling),可在小呼吸道(肺泡區)可聽到,主要是因肺泡充滿水或痰液,常見疾病如肺水腫或肺炎。
#24. 單字crackle的中文意思與發音 - 線上字典
crackle中文 意思: crackle [kræk(ә)l] n.劈啪響,裂紋vi.(使)發劈啪聲..., 學習crackle發音, crackle例句盡在WebSaru字典。
#25. 呼吸音簡介 - Tiny Notes
(1) Fine crackles. 短、爆裂音、通常出現在中晚期的吸氣期(吐氣期不一定); DD:interstitial lung disease、積水、積痰. (2) Coarse crackles.
#26. crackle是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋- 計算機專業英漢詞典
crackle 是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋分析:crackle詞語:crackle解釋:發噼啪聲(生氣勃勃);n.裂紋(噼啪聲)詞性:及物動詞詞典:計算機專業英漢 ...
#27. crackle - 中文百科知識
crackle n cracklin scrancrackle n. 劈啪響, 裂紋vi. (使)發劈啪聲英英解釋:名詞crackle:1. the sharp sound of snapping noises同義詞:crackling, ...
#28. Decopatch Paper Ref 334 Single Sheet Beige-Brown Finish ...
Amazon.com: Decopatch Paper Ref 334 Single Sheet Beige-Brown Finish Crackle : 藝術、手工藝與縫紉.
#29. 英语-汉语crackle翻译
#30. crackle的意思在线翻译,解释crackle中文英文含义,短语词组 ...
crack.le. crackle的音标和读音: DJ音标发音: [ˈkrækəl] KK音标发音: [ˈkrækəl]. crackle的词性: v.(动词). crackled, crackling, crackles. crackle的词性:
#31. crackles的中文意思 - Dict.site 英漢/漢英線上英文字典
crackles 中文 意思是什麼 · Today, china's economy crackles with the dynamics of change. · The message crackles over the radio in the police car.
#32. 特發性肺纖維化 - 內科醫學會
音(Velcro crackles);而有二到五成的病人會出. 現杵狀指(clubbing finger)。當疾病進展到中後. 期,病人逐漸產生肺高壓,進而出現右心衰竭. 的症狀,例如周邊水腫。
#33. crackle 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释crackle这个英文词呢? crackle这个英文词,中文意思如下:裂纹。 Meaning of crackle for the defined word. 在语法上,这个单字"crackle"是 ...
#34. crackle中文怎么翻译_英汉词库
#35. C - crackle 中文 - EN166
n. 噼啪聲,爆裂聲;(碎瓷上的)裂紋;【醫學】尖銳的肺泡音。 vi. 噼噼啪啪地響,生氣勃勃,興奮不安(等)。 “black crackle“ 中文翻譯: 黑烤漆“crackle breccia“ 中文 ...
#36. 【呼吸音】爆裂音/囉音(crackles/rales)
#37. 或者是介面3 裝置上的音訊播放時扭曲的程度
修正︰ 音訊crackles,或者是介面3 裝置上的音訊播放時扭曲的程度. Surface 3 其他...小於 ... 中文(台灣) · 連絡Microsoft · 隱私權; 管理Cookie; 使用規定 · 商標 ...
#38. How to Cover Chipboard With Paper, Paint, Distress, Gloss ...
書名:Crazy for Chipboard: How to Cover Chipboard With Paper, Paint, Distress, Gloss, Emboss, Crackle, Dye, Gold Leaf, and Textures, ...
#39. crackle (英语→ 西班牙语)
热门:西班牙语译英语、法语译英语、日语译英语。 其他语言:保加利亚语、中文、捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、爱沙尼亚语、芬兰语、德语、希腊语、匈牙利语、意大利语、 ...
#40. Precious as the Morning Star: 12th-14th Century Celadons in ...
中文 ; EN; 日本語 ... The Crackle of Celadon; Connoisseurship and Discovery · sitemap · 中文版; English; 日本語 ... The Crackle of Celadon.
#41. crackle中文是什么意思 - 我比你强问答社区
如果这个页面的内容能够帮你解决问题,请帮忙宣传我比你强问答社区。 回答. crackle中文意思是捻发音.
#42. 【Chest】呼吸音聽診Breathing sound - 小節的醫學筆記- 痞客邦
1. 假如聽到兩側肺葉有bibasilar end-inspiratory dry crackles,可以下什麼診斷? (A) 間質性肺部疾病Interstitial lung disease→有特殊的魔鬼沾撕裂音 ...
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大词典网为您提供英文crackle是什么意思,crackle在线翻译,crackle翻译解释,crackle中文意思,crackle用法,crackle读音,crackle音标,crackle发音,crackle列句, ...
#44. Crackle - Google Play 應用程式
Stream free Hollywood movies, TV series and originals on your favorite devices. Wait, free? Yes, free, always and forever.
首頁 / 狗 / 狗玩具. PETMATE JW CRACKLE HEADS CANVAS BALL (M) 47014. $68.00. 即將更新. 尚有庫存. 數量. 加入購物車. 貨號: 618940470144 分類: 狗, 狗玩具 標籤: ...
#46. Bibasilar crackles: Causes, sounds, and treatment - Medical ...
One type of sound that can indicate a problem is called bibasilar crackles. The sounds of the lungs can provide clues that help a doctor to diagnose an ...
#47. Crackle Paint Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock
Find crackle paint stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#48. crackle翻譯及用法 - Eyflka
crackle中文 :發劈啪聲…,但當中有許多都是曾經的經典。你肯定看過一兩部的。 Crackle 插件安裝教學. 1. crackle中文, crackled 中文,用法和例句等。 'crackle' 的簡體 ...
#49. Fine Crackles (Rales) - Lung Sounds - MEDZCOOL - YouTube
#50. Crackle Plus: Jobs | LinkedIn
Crackle Plus | 7216 followers on LinkedIn. A Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment company | Crackle Plus owns and operates ad-supported VOD networks ...
#51. 薪燒肉Bar Crackle - 大阪府, 各類西洋料理 - SAVOR JAPAN ...
薪燒肉Bar Crackle. 薪焼き肉バルクラックル. 大阪站/梅田站, 梅田/北新地, 大阪府 ... 繁體中文服務: 未知. 可使用信用卡種類: American Express / Diners Club ...
#52. 果凍霹靂玩具
KONG‧Squeezz Crackle Dumbbell / 果凍霹靂啞鈴. NT$330 ~ NT$480 · 售完. KONG‧Squeezz Crackle Bone / 果凍霹靂骨頭. NT$340 ~ NT$440.
#53. Crackle Polish – KONAD - 코나드
Crackle Polish(9.5ml). The natural cracks generated from oxidation become patters themselves, creating a mysterious overall look.
#54. Raku White Crackle 5822-01 Sunbrella 织物
Raku White Crackle. 5822-01. 14.2" x 14.14" | 36.07 cm x 35.92 cm 重复. 73% Sunbrella Acrylic, 27% Sunbrella Polyester. 54" / 137 cm 卷.
#55. CRACKLE花瓶
CRACKLE 花瓶. Pick Up in Stores: YES; NO. Home Delivery: HK$ 180.00. SKU: 1111010009736 ... 中文. 中文 · English · English中文.
#56. Marc Walloch 的Snap Crackle Rock - PremiumBeat
Driving and slick, with surf rock elements featuring energetic electric guitar and drums to create an exciting and fun mood. 包含任何授權.
#57. crackles 爆裂音- 呼吸科专业名词
crackles 爆裂音,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,呼吸科專業名詞-詞匯翻譯,美國LetPub 論文編輯.
#58. KELLOGG'S 家樂氏玉米片SNAP! CRACKLE! and POP! 人偶組
CRACKLE ! and POP! 人偶組. 全店,購買滿NT$3000,即享免運優惠. NT$1,900.
#59. CRACKLE中文意思_百度知道
CRACKLE中文 意思 展开. 2个回答 ... crackle ware:碎纹陶器|碎纹瓷 crackle test:变压器油湿度检查|裂纹检验. 本回答由提问者推荐. 已赞过 已踩过<.
#60. 翻译'crackles' – 字典中文-英文 - Glosbe
检查“ crackles”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中crackles的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
#61. In lung disease, crackling and wheezing can be more than just
These wheezes and crackles are signs of what diseases? Grotberg: Typically, wheezing is found in asthma and emphysema. Patients who wheeze can ...
#62. a chinese celadon crackle-glazed vase, 18th-19th century
A Chinese celadon crackle-glaze bottle vase Of compressed pear-shape, on a moulded foot and with a straight slender neck, covered overall in a light whitish ...
#63. crackle - 翻译为中文
crackle 从英文到中文的翻译. ... They break, they snap, they pop, they crackle, and I'm the one who puts their tradition back together again.
#64. 過敏性肺炎
促、吸氣性爆裂音(inspiratory crackles)和. 呼氣性喘鳴(expiratory wheezing)、第二. 心音或發現杵狀指、周邊水腫等肺高壓或. 肺心症臨床表現;一般說來慢性型HP患.
#65. A blue and white 'lion' conical bowl and a crackle-glazed ...
Property from an old Hong Kong family collection 香港家族舊藏A blue and white 'lion' conical bowl and a crackle-glazed underglaze-blue jar and cover,Qing ...
#66. 'Snap! Crackle! Pop!'的中文翻譯 - 偵測語言翻譯
'Snap! Crackle! Pop!'的翻譯結果。
#67. Roast Pork with Crackling 脆皮燒豬 - Mrs P's Kitchen
How gorgeous is that golden, juicy and tender rost pork with ridiculously crispy crackling??!! It is one of my best shot and I am gonna ...
#68. 澳洲Mont Marte蒙馬特Crackle壓克力裂紋膏(250ml/MPA2503)
市價 250 特價 200. Mont Marte Crackle Paste能在藝術品上創建紋理和裂紋效果。這種不透明的介質非常適合建造表面。 乾燥後為不透明、無光澤的外觀,並可與用壓克力 ...
#69. crackle 中文crackle - Fvilb
crackle 中文 詞彙學術名詞食品科技crackle 裂紋學術名詞畜牧學crackle 裂紋學術名詞視覺藝術名詞crackle 冰裂紋學術名詞電力工程crackle 發劈啪聲,裂紋學術名詞材料 ...
#70. coarse crackles中文 - 工商筆記本
coarse crackles中文. ... Coarse crackle(rales). ... 6: rales(crackles)(濕囉音): 一種水泡破裂音(bubbling),可在小呼吸道(肺泡區)可聽到,主要是因肺泡充滿水或痰 ...
#71. Crackle Creme (@cracklecreme) • Instagram photos and videos
Crackle Creme. Restaurant. ~Creme Brulee~Macarons~Waffles~ Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 3pm -9:30pm. Saturday : 12pm - 9:30pm
#72. crackle test是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋- 汽車專業英漢詞典
crackle test是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋推薦:crackle test詞語: crackle test解釋: 變壓器油溼度檢查詞性: 名詞詞典:汽車專業英漢 ...
#73. Black and White Roses Flowers Pattern in Crackling Paint on
English · Español · Deutsch · 中文(繁體) · 中文(簡體) · 日本語 · 한국어 · ภาษาไทย. Search. 發掘更多. bodiljane · The M jewelers · 皮革手機殼 · 禮物卡 ...
#74. 碎雷電閃- 流亡編年史, Path of Exile Wiki
每層強化+2 射線寬度每層強化有33% 更少分歧角度每層強化有30% 更多擊中和異常狀態傷害 來自品質的額外效果: (0–10)% 機率感電敵人. Crackling Lance ...
#75. Crackle Cradle中文版:1-到1-BOSS - Bilibili
#76. Crackling Birchwood from Fireplace for Your Home | Netflix
For the first time in 4K Ultra-HD, everyone's favorite Yuletide fireplace snaps and crackles in crystal clear, high-def holiday warmth.
#77. Prawn Crackle Pops with Aaron Craze - 看影片不用背單字
#78. THE LITTLE WHITE COMPANY-Crackles Crocodile 中号柔软 ...
将品牌对品质的品牌追求转移到儿童友好的饰品和服装上,这款品牌创造了可爱的玩具,比如Crackles Crocodile。这款可爱的旅行箱采用2422 ... 台湾/ 新台币$ | 简体中文 ...
#79. Frameless for Sony Crackle - Chrome 网上应用店
用户评价. 所有语言有用. Milton G修改时间:2017年2月17日. Quit loading. Crackle won't load anymore either.Not since I installed this app. 此评价有用吗?
#80. "snap crackle pop"是什么意思? -关于英语(美国) | HiNative
snap crackle pop@Lilsalma Wow, I didn't know that. Guess you're right though.的定义.
#81. crackle - DICT.TW Dictionary Taiwan
crackle 的中文翻譯。英漢字典、漢英字典、和英辭書、英英字典、英漢醫學字典、注音查詢、中文輸入法字典。 Chinese-English / English-Chinese / Japanese-English ...
#82. Laura Collins-Hughes - The New York Times
Recent and archived work by Laura Collins-Hughes for The New York Times · Domhnall Gleeson Feels That Crackle in the Air · Review: Channeling Anger in 'A Girl Is ...
#83. One Minute China: The art of imperfection in porcelain
These crackles, which resemble spider webs or icebergs, were once considered firing defects of porcelains, resulting from quickly cooling ...
#84. Bibasilar Crackles: Causes, Treatment, and More - Healthline
These sounds indicate something serious is happening in your lungs. Bibasilar crackles are a bubbling or crackling sound originating from the base of the lungs.
#85. Stream Movies Free Online | Free TV and Movies with Plex
Stream over 20,000 free on-demand movies and shows from Warner Brothers, Crackle, Lionsgate, MGM and more. Dive In ...
#86. 明珠930, Studio930 - tvb.com
中文 | English ... In an age when the media and the Internet crackle with stories of conspiracies and cover-ups, New York taxi driver Jerry Fletcher (Mel ...
#87. Fall Night Long | Fragrances | Glade® | SC Johnson
... with notes of Crisp Air, Embers and Cedar, this limited-edition fragrance is masterfully designed for the feeling of a crackling fall night fire.
#88. Modular Ceramics that Reproduce the Beauty of Stone ...
... 45x120 version has a pleasant tactile sensation in relief; a tile with an intense green color and a crackle finish with golden veins.
#89. Amid the vinyl record resurgence, Neil sold his house to ... - ABC
... to be listened to from start to finish, listening to the crackle and hiss beneath the music is part of the romance of vinyl.
#90. Five Best: Books on Women at War - WSJ
In her diary entries we see that compassion for the suffering of war overwhelms her. Anger at its sheer wastefulness crackles on almost every ...
#91. Troubleshoot audio issues in Google Meet
... български, русский, српски, українська, עברית, العربية, فارسی, हिन्दी, ไทย, 中文(简体), 中文(繁體), 日本語, 한국어, English.
#92. crackle - 维基词典,自由的多语言词典
IPA:/ˈkɹækəl/. 音頻(美式). (文檔). 韻部:-ækəl. crackle. 爆裂声 · 裂纹 · 爆裂声响 · 正體: 爆音[自由軟體]; 简体: 爆音[自由软体]; 正體: 爆音[電子計算機].
#93. WoodWick Candle | Candles, Air Fresheners & Home Fragrance
Hear the Crackle. Enjoy the multi-sensory experience of a WoodWick® Candle. Experience it Now. Embark on a Fragrance Journey.
#94. Wheezing - Mayo Clinic
Español · Português · العربية · 中文 · mayo-mobile-logo-image. Menu; Search. Search. All Mayo Clinic Topics. Care at Mayo Clinic.
#95. Sesame Mochi Cake Recipe | Bon Appétit
Toast black sesame seeds in a dry large skillet over medium heat, stirring frequently, until fragrant and just starting to crackle, ...
#96. QuietComfort 45 Noise Cancelling Smart Headphones | Bose
中文 (HK) flag icon. 繁體中文 (TW) flag icon. Tiếng Việt (VN) flag icon. Close and back to demo. Close and back to demo ...
#97. 戀愛中的女人(中文導讀英文版): 英語學習專家 克萊兒老師專業推薦
She listened, watching, hoping no one would hear the starched linen crackle. It seemed to snap like pistol shots. He had come for vindication.
#98. 白衣女人(中文導讀英文版): 英語學習專家 克萊兒老師專業推薦
I heard nothing but the quickening crackle of the flames, and the sharp snap of the glass in the skylight above. I looked round at my two companions.
crackle中文 在 【呼吸音】爆裂音/囉音(crackles/rales) 的推薦與評價
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