造句 與例句 手機版 · I am not getting on very fast with this job . · He had good eyes and a pair of fast hands . · Fast neutrons are also captured by nitrogen .
fast 造句 / 例句. 1. His son learns fast and well. 他的儿子学得又快又好。 《21世纪大英汉词典》. 2. John pitched a fast ball to him and he stroke it out.
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fast 的意思、 解釋及翻譯:1. moving, happening, or doing something quickly: 2. If a clock or watch is fast, it shows a time…。了解更多。
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Children grow up so fast these days. ... There are no hard and fast rules about this. ... fast英文例句大全,fast的英语造句- 英文例句大全- 小娃子.
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#8. 用quick造句
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#11. Fast、quick 還是quickly 呢? - 英語之家- The Home of English
The police car was going so fast; it must have been chasing someone. (警車開得很快,一定是在追人) - fast 當形容詞用。 Allen walks very fast. ( ...
#12. fast造句_fast什么意思中文翻译
fast造句 ,fast什么意思中文翻译. 级富豪买得起此外他们,身体检查和训练才能成,高托蒂不仅是个富商还,叫欧春的人很聪明盖竹,在古代阿拉伯工匠也设,房密室等地方 ...
#13. quick例句_用quick造句 - 乐学英语
用quick造句挺难的; She penned a quick note to her mother . 她迅速地给母亲写了张便条。 I have not by any means a quick understanding .
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fast. 例句他說話說得很快,我常常聽不懂。 154. 快樂ㄎㄨㄞˋ. ㄌㄜˋ kuàilè. Vs happy. 搭配詞快樂的人,快樂的事. 例句學中文是一件很快樂的事。
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quick 造句 · Everyone is trying to get rich quick nowadays. · He gave a quick answer to the teacher's question. · They are pressing us to make a ...
#18. 每週一句
照字面的意思是: 壞消息,傳得快。 =>You should be careful of what you say, because bad news travels fast. 你說話 ...
#19. fast (【形容詞】快的, 迅速的, 敏捷的)意思、用法及發音 - Engoo
"fast" 例句. He was the fastest runner in the race. 他是比賽中跑得最快的選手。 The train is the fastest way to get there. 搭火車去那裡是最快的方法。
#20. Even的四種用法:「even if」和「even though」意思一樣嗎?
加強式比較級/intensifying comparative, even older, even faster, even more recent, even more recently. 最高級/superlative, the oldest, ...
#21. Book 4 L 2 片語與句型造句.docx
Book 4 L 2 片語與句型造句. pose a threat to someone/something ... ‧Everyone should keep off too much fast food to stay healthy. 9. 孩童應該避免吃太多糖果。
#22. 3.Mark / run / fast / on the team (依字序造句..-阿摩線上測驗
3. Mark / run / fast / on the team (依字序造句。) 編輯私有筆記及自訂標籤.
#23. 比較級和最高級| EF | 台灣
Your dog runs faster than Jim's dog. The rock flew higher than the roof. Jim and Jack are both my friends, but I like Jack better.(要講出「than Jim」也 ...
#24. slowly造句,用fast造句 - 会计知识网
Tom went to school quickly.Alice left home quickly for school.用slowly造三个句子:The snail moves very slowly.The boy. 4、用slowly的比较级级造句. 两个人.
#25. 快速英文- 英文單字筆記:: Branbibi Blog
快速英文造句練習. High-speed rail is a very fast mass transit tool. 高鐵是非常快速的大眾運輸工具。 The city is changing very ...
#26. 巨匠美語嘉義分校- 【#多益文法來造句】 英文有一種句型乍看 ...
多益文法來造句】 英文有一種句型乍看之下是一個直述句,但其實仔細看你會發現在句尾會出現一個 ... 2⃣當主句是否定句時: You weren't driving too fast, were you?
#27. How 的三大句型用法,你都學會了嗎? - 希平方
這些句子都是用how 開頭,今天我們就一起來學學如何用how 造句,教你如何在搜尋引擎 ... How far / How much / How many / How fast / How long + be 動詞+ 主詞+ 過去 ...
#28. 形容詞與副詞同型 - 台灣測驗中心
hard (勤奮;艱難), early (早), fast (快). high (高), low (低), deep (深). near (近), late(晚;遲), long (長久) ...
#29. 習作 - 康軒文教集團
1. fast. 3. dirty. 5. important. 7. much. 2. big. 4. bad. 6. little ... 依提示造句。 ... Some world-famous fast food restaurants are joining them, too.
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最佳答案: 答案是:fast 本身既是形容词也是副词,比如:this is a fast race car 这是一辆速度很快的赛车tom runs the fastest in his class 汤姆在 ...
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“Who knows Johnny, sometimes they come out quickly but it could take some time. You're just going to have to sit tight and wait.” ...
#32. 用fast造句简单三年级_fast形容词造句 - 爱在网
怎么用fast形容词造句. I am not getting on very fast with this job . 我这份工作进展不太快。 He had good eyes and a pair of fast hands .
#33. 【as 用法】as long as? as soon as?一次破解「as」的6種常見 ...
She works as a waitress. (她的工作是作為一個服務生。) 2. 用於比較;指稱程度(adv.) I can't run as fast as you. (我不能跑得 ...
#34. 请教我使用"as fast as cheetah?"的例句。 | HiNative
he runs as fast as cheetah|you ran as fast as cheetah|As soon as June saw the police,she ran away as fast as a cheetah.
#35. 用fast造句 - 欧宝知识网
by fast怎么造句三年级 at 2021-12-07 10:20:38. 日常生活中,几乎人人都会出现咽喉吞咽疼痛的症抵抗状,但是对于咽喉吞咽疼痛的症状很多人都是认为是感冒所致, ...
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fast造句 简单. It's far away from here. 离这很远.The school is 20 meters far from here.这所学校离这儿20米. David's school is far from ...
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X. 本次搜索暂无结果,意见反馈请联系[email protected]. 回顶部 ...
#39. Fast food 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
James works as assistant chef at a fast food restaurant. Most of the time we just ate snacks and fast food. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary ...
#40. 正解
(我兄弟跑得快—指能力). 錯誤: My brother is running fast.( 我兄弟跑正得快—指現在正在進行中). My brother run fast.(沒注意主詞是三單). 2.依例造句。 Example.
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fast造句 简单最新消息,还有老师办公室英语读法,老师办公室英语怎么说,教师办公室翻译成英语等内容,(殷老师不知道肖先成住办公室所以肖先成不能给 ...
#42. 求用英语单词fast造句,这里的fast等于禁食,不是快的意思,
取消. 问问. 求用英语单词fast造句,这里的fast等于禁食,不是快的意思,. 外语学习. 最佳答案. I fasted for a day and a half and asked God to help me.
#43. Proxy example sentence - Jetmed
Proxy by Alex London is a smart, fast-paced dystopian thrill ride that doesn't ... health care proxy造句, health care proxy造句, 用health care proxy造句, ...
#44. race造句并翻译_fast造句带翻译 - 酷闪游戏网
race造句并翻译. fast造句带翻译. “混血儿”不要说half-blood,超级不礼貌! 请用这个词:mixed-race 根据牛津词典的释义,mixed-. 相关热点. fast造句带翻译 · 用back造句 ...
#45. 快思慢想- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《快思慢想》(英语:Thinking, Fast and Slow)為2002年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主丹尼爾·卡尼曼於2011年出版的暢銷書。本書因為向公眾普及了有關行為經濟學、工程學和醫學的 ...
#46. Chinese through Song, Second Edition - 第 183 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Since the tempo is relatively fast, pronounce the words quickly and crisply, but still remember ... 造句: a.自在b.痛快 c.动人 d.让 e.忍不住 f.边 V 边 V 2.
#47. Beacon light synonyms
... a beacon of light造句, a beacon of light造句, 用a beacon of light造句, ... Jan 09, 2010 · The Fast for Beacon Light, 40 Days and Night from January 10 ...
#48. 文法補充- 台南二中英文科教學網站- 國立台南第二高級中學數位 ...
The food that the child eats is half the amount of that his brother eats. 2 The high-speed trains travel three times as fast as cars.
#49. "Fasting"中文意思是甚麼? 跟"Fast"「快」有啥關係?
大家可能都認識"Fast"這個英文單字,知道它是「快」的意思,比如"Fast food"就是「快餐」囉,那你們知道"Fasting"中文又是甚麼意思嗎?
#50. “We have a lot of people that die quickly” of COVID-19 in Yemen
MSF teams have been running the COVID-19 treatment centre in Aden, Yemen, where the rates of people dying from the coronavirus - and quickly ...
#51. 107學年度指考非選擇題評分標準說明-英文 - 大考中心
大考中心英文科研究員/游春琪撰. 107學年度指定科目考試英文考科的非選擇題題型,共分兩大題,第一大題是中譯英,試題內容與「快速時尚」(fast fashion)有關。
fast造句 在 巨匠美語嘉義分校- 【#多益文法來造句】 英文有一種句型乍看 ... 的推薦與評價
多益文法來造句】 英文有一種句型乍看之下是一個直述句,但其實仔細看你會發現在句尾會出現一個 ... 2⃣當主句是否定句時: You weren't driving too fast, were you? ... <看更多>