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Furthermore , the acquisition of this bottle cured him of a bad habit he had been developing for years . 而且,這個瓶子的獲得治好了他多年養成的壞習慣。 And , ...
furthermore 的例句. furthermore. Furthermore, some types of communication disturbance may be more reactive than others and this may reflect different ...
LINE it! ... 例句與用法:. Furthermore, the computer is the most obedient and diligent "house-keeper" or "servant" of housewives; It is also a game expert admired ...
#4. furthermore (【副詞】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
"furthermore" 例句. You show up late for work, you never wear a tie, and furthermore, you haven't submitted anything for three weeks.
furthermore 造句/ 例句. 1. Furthermore, something had to be done for the people as well as for the chimps. 而且不光是黑猩猩,我们也必须得为那些可怜的人们做 ...
以下的例句,使用和and, but, because, so 意思相近的連接詞或連接性副詞 ... 和and 意思相近:also, besides, likewise, furthermore ,moreover, ...
#7. 在中文中翻译"furthermore" - 例句英语
使用Reverso Context: the committee furthermore, the committee is furthermore concerned,在英语-中文情境中翻译"furthermore"
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#10. 英文Moreover 用法與中文意思,「此外,而且」英文說法!看 ...
英文Moreover 用法與中文意思,你都知道了嗎? Moreover 在英文 ... 跟Moreover 很相近的用法還有furthermore,用法上幾乎大同小異。 ... 看例句搞懂.
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用furthermore造句和"furthermore"的例句: 1. They are a long way off from here, and furthermore they're making good soldiers .他們離開這里遠得很呢,而且他們 ...
#12. Furthermore definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Furthermore definition: Furthermore is used to introduce a piece of information or opinion that adds to or... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and ...
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furthermore. 级别, 第5级. 音标, [ ˌfɜ:ðəˈmɔ:(r) ]. 解释, adv.而且,此外. 英英释义, in addition ; more importantly. 发音, play.gif. 例句, 1.
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並且;此外; 3. additionally (adv.) 除此之外; 4. in addition/in ... 我們來看看Cobuild 字典的例句。 ... 所以回到上面的例句,代換之後就變成:.
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1. in addition;. computer chess games are getting cheaper all the time; furthermore, their quality is improving; the cellar was dark; moreover, mice nested ...
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Furthermore, our country will become more powerful. 国家的力量大了。 The book is well recieved,furthermore,everybody love it.
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moreover 的用法和例句moreover 是副詞,意思是「 而且,再者,此外」,用來引導出一段補充和支持前面提到的論述的資訊,也能進一步強調重要性,用法和意思 ...
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then 然後 · afterwards 之後、後來 · after that 在那之後 · furthermore 此外、而且 · also 此外 · moreover 此外、而且 · in addition 此外 · besides 此外.
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in addition 此外; additionally 另外; on top of that 除此之外、更重要的是 ... 反而更容易幫助記憶喔~ 請先將下面的例句讀完,判斷下底線部分的字詞的意義,然後再 ...
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例句 :她每個月捐款給慈善機構,也鼓勵大家如此做。 ... likewise 意指「而且;也」,和in addition、moreover、furthermore、also及too的意思相同。
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例句 :In addition to its amazing functions, the product's appearance seized everyone's attention on the day it was released. 除了令人讚嘆的功能外,這項產品的外 ...
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furthermore例句 ,大家都在找解答第1頁。furthermore例句.Youshowuplateforwork,youneverwearatie,andfurthermore,youhaven'tsubmittedanythingforthreeweeks.,furth.
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[例句]OSGi enables version to be assigned to packages as well as whole bundles, and furthermore these versions are entirely independent.
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furthermore例句,furthermore是什么意思_furthermore的翻译_音标_读音_用,雅思常考例句Furthermore the high divorce rates in North America are creating a poverty ...
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汉语中"furthermore" 的上下文示例. 这些例句有来自外部资源,因此可能并非完全准确。bab.la对内容免责。 Furthermore…
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furthermore 造句/ 例句1. Furthermore, something had to be done for the people as well as for the chimps. 而且不光是黑猩猩,我们也必须得为那些可怜 ...
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The house is too small, and furthermore, it's too far from the office. ... furthermore; furthermore是什么意思雅思词汇furthermore用法例句读音 ...
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高中英文- furthermore. furthermore(adv). 音標: [ˋfɝðɚˋmor]; 解釋: 況且; 例句: I had no time for the film. Furthermore, it had dreadful reviews.
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#36. 008 What's more In addition Moreover 此外再者@ 台北新竹 ...
008 What's more In addition Moreover 此外再者副詞: In addition, additionall. ... [例句]. 1) In summer, except durians and guavas, my dad likes to eat ...
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... 本篇文章是易学啦精心整理的关于furthermore的用法总结大全,主要包含意思解释,常见用法小结,易混淆词组辨析区别,常见用法例句以及furthermore ...
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用moreover造句,moreover例句 · There will moreover be a stipend of fifty pounds a year . · Moreover pathos is a tide . · It is moreover a book of ...
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Moreover, it was highly successful. ... Furthermore, he got a flat tire and didn't even tell me. ... 例句/多取自Lingvist課程魔法師.
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moreover :例句:The new software is cheap and easy to use; moreover, ... furthermore:例句:Candidates caught cheating will be asked to leave ...
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#45. furthermore - 词典解释_翻译_相关例句 - 查汉字
furthermore 相关例句. 副词. 2. He is inefficient, and furthermore he is innocent of any sense of responsibility. 他办事效率很低,而且没有丝毫责任感。
#46. furthermore翻译为:此外;而且;与此同时
furthermore 的中文意思:此外;而且;与此同时,点击查看详细解释:furthermore的中文翻译、furthermore的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握furthermore这个 ...
#47. 【英文文法】2022 英文作文必備實用連接詞大全,寫作從此沒 ...
連接詞, 意思, 用法, 例句 ... Moreover, I can feel romance now. ... 而且、此外、再者, 句子開首或中段, Furthermore, he is no longer hungry now ...
#48. 【英文詞彙】英文同義詞(Synonyms) 「Also」以外三個表示 ...
1. Moreover. Moreover是副詞(Adverb),有「而且」、「再者」、「此外」的意思,可放在句子的開首或句中,例句如下: · 2. Besides · 3. Furthermore.
#49. The best 472 furthermore sentence examples
How to use furthermore in a sentence. Example sentences with the word furthermore. The most voted sentence example for furthermore is Furthermore, in North ...
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Furthermore, he got a flat tire, and didn't even tell me.(山姆未經過我的同意就騎 ... Moreover, it is no doubt the cornerstone of our lives.
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Furthermore, the wear behavior of those layers was investigated. 此外,研究了這些層的磨損行為。 Dry Sheet Metal Forming Through Selective Oxidized Tool Surfaces ...
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61. Furthermore, the settlement of claim and dispute should also be strengthen in the cotract clause, which in the case of any kind of unexpected circumstances, ...
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字典有“The dollar has gone down against the yen, therefore Japanese goods are more expensive for Americans.” 這樣一個例句。但這句對嗎? 在「文法 ...
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第一個例句沒有使用therefore,讀者較不易察覺兩個句子的因果關係,而第二個句子隱含的意思是, ... 此外,furthermore 經常與in addition 交替使用。
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furthermore 造句简单 ... …… Furthermore, our country will become more powerful.国家的力量大了. furthermore的造句- …… Furthermore, I will argue, ...
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#66. Q:however, nevertheless 和moreover 之間有何不同呢?
字典有“The dollar has gone down against the yen, therefore Japanese goods are more expensive for Americans.” 這樣一個例句。但這句對嗎? 在「文法 ...
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In addition 是副詞「而且」,可以等於additionally、besides。舉個例子: ... 像上述例句中的動詞就用了過去式could、過去完成式had taken。
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furthermore : ad. 而且,此外例句与用法: ... In addition / moreover / furthermore / what's more.用法一样吗?谢 ... moreover的用法例句. adv.此外
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為什麼第九題不能選(c)?Furthermore和In addition to 不是均指「此外」嗎? ... Furthermore = In addition ... 這個例句的alone為什麼不是副詞- 1.
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参考例句. 1. Furthermore I do not know its absolute meaning. 再者,我不知道它绝对性的含意。 2. Furthermore, he found he had the faculty to learn languages ...
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例句. Furthermore, as Gervaise was quick to point out, Mr Scully was not a detective. 而且,正如热尔韦斯毫不犹豫地指出来的那样,斯库利先生并不是一名侦探。
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[例句]OSGi enables version to be assigned to packages as well as whole bundles, and furthermore these versions are entirely independent.
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你们知道moreover的用法吗?我们一起来学习学习吧,下面小编就和 ... ☆moreover双语例句 ... I don't like skating,moreover,the ice is too thin.
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Furthermore, analysts said the market expects the Fed to lower rates for the fifth time this year when it meets in mid May.
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副词/副词性词组. besides also in addition additionally moreover furthermore. 例句. 1) I'm too tired to go for a walk. Besides, it's raining.
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表递进moreover, in addition, what is more,furthermore, also, then, besides, etc. 表转折however, nevertheless, on the other hand, ...
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最佳答案: 3. I don't like skating, moreover, the ice is too thin.我不喜欢滑冰,而且冰又太薄。4. He was, moreover, a poet of promise.
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furthermore adv.此外;而且双语例句原声例句权威例句1.Furthermore,something had to be done for the people as well as for the chimps. 而且不光是黑猩猩.
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moreover 的用法例句- ____ 1.furthermore是而且,此外的意思,如:the house is too small,and furthermore,it is too far from the office.这房子太小,而且离办公地点也 ...
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accustom,familiarize,initiate,introduce,acquaint, orientate 例句•Furthermore,the birds orient themselves carefully with regard to the Sun and gently flap ...
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Furthermore there is no sound index system of insurance statistics. 第三章提出建立市场经济体制下保险统计模式总体框架的思路. 2.Insurance ...
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#93. Furthermore Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of FURTHERMORE is in addition to what precedes : besides. How to use furthermore in a sentence.
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Translation for 'furthermore' in the free English-Japanese dictionary and many other Japanese translations.
#96. Use Furthermore in a Sentence Example
Furthermore, it will not break the rules again. 6. 19. I have Furthermore vehicles but this is my favorite car.
#97. Furthermore: In a Sentence
Definition of Furthermore. additionally; besides. Examples of Furthermore in a sentence. 1. Texting while driving is dangerous, and furthermore, ...
#98. 4911 pronunciations of Furthermore in English - YouGlish
When you begin to speak English, it's essential to get used to the common sounds of the language, and the best way to do this is to check out the phonetics.
furthermore例句 在 FURTHERMORE, MOREOVER, BESIDES, INDEED, IN ... 的推薦與評價
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