We made the new trendy (?) food, Eggs in Clouds. It's a simple recipe where you drop egg yolk in meringue and bake it, but you can get fancy by adding flavor to the meringue or playing around with how much you cook the egg. It would also taste good on bread or with curry and rice. Once we made it we realized that it looks like a little sheep, so that's exactly what we decided to make it into!
1.Separate the egg yolk and white
2.Whisk the egg white into firm meringue
3.Flavor the meringue if you like. We added Parmesan cheese at a ratio of 1 tbsp per egg. You can use a spatula or hand mixer to make it.
4.Spoon generously onto a baking pan lined with parchment paper
5.Make the groove for the egg yolk
6.Add the egg yolk
7.Bake for 4:30 at around 220 C. If you prefer runny egg yolk you can bake them on two separate sheets at a time so the yolk doesn't heat as fast. This is how we did it to make the sheep.
8.Plate and serve with your favorite decorations or side dishes.
話題になってる?“エッグインクラウド ”作ってみました。フワッフワのメレンゲに黄身を落として焼いただけのシンプルレシピですが、メレンゲの味付けや黄身の火の入れ具合で色々に楽しめます。パンやカレーライスにのせて食べてもいい感じでした。焼き上がったエッグインクラウドを眺めていたら、どうしてもそれにしか見えない!ということで、今回は羊さんにアレンジしてみました。(さりげなく鹿の写真も載せていますが実は羊のつもりでアレンジしてたら鹿になったNGです。。。)