400ml milk
40g Granulated sugar
30g boiling water
3g Gelatin powder
4 tbsp Instant coffee
4 tbsp Granulated sugar
4 tbsp boiling water
牛乳 400ml
グラニュー糖 40g
熱湯 30g
ゼラチンパウダー 3g
インスタントコーヒー 大さじ4杯
グラニュー糖 大さじ4杯
熱湯 大さじ4杯
◆クイジナート ハンドミキサー 「スマートパワーハンドミキサープラス」 HM-060SJ
▼HiroMaru CooK TV 注目動画▼
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◆メルペール ネコ ペティナイフ(果物ナイフ) 770-304
We will have delicious rain all over the world ♪ Sweets maker HiroMaru ♪
how to make dalgona cake 在 Andy Dark Youtube 的最讚貼文
【麻糬朱古力曲奇 Mochi Chocolate Chip Cookies】
跟著Eat At Home (Karen)的麻糬曲奇食譜,發現原來看着別人的影片,然後跟着去製作食物出來是有另一番感受的~ 過程中原來會遇到很多的問題!的確蠻有趣!
This time I am not sharing my recipe, but following my friend's video and recipe to make the yummy and chewy mochi cookies!
Following the recipe of Karen (Eat At Home) is an interesting experience. Lots of questions and situations came up when I was making the cookies! It's fun to do video like this :)
食譜來源連結 Link to original recipe @EAT AT HOME 食・家 : https://youtu.be/tISoPykVxjM
材料 Ingredients:
— 朱古力曲奇餅 Chocolate Chips Cookies—
無鹽牛油Unsalted Butter | 180 g
黃糖 Brown Sugar | 145 g
雞蛋 Eggs | 1.5 pc
雲呢拿精油 Vanilla Extract | 2 tsp
中筋麵粉 All-purpose Four | 180 g
可可粉 Cocoa Powder | 36 g
泡打粉 Baking Powder | 1/4 tsp
粟粉 Cornstarch | 3/4 tsp
朱古力碎 Chocolate Chip | 3 tbsp
— 鐵觀音麻糬 Iron Goddess Mochi —
糯米粉 Glutinous Rice Flour | 120 g
鐵觀音茶粉 Iron Goddess Tea Powder | 1-2 tbsp
砂糖 Sugar | 3 tbsp
水Water | 120 ml
鹽 Salt | 1/2 tsp
做法 Method:
1. 先把焗爐預熱至攝氏170度。首先,把放軟的牛油和黃糖用電動打蛋器或廚師機打起。
2. 逐少放入蛋液,一邊開機攪拌,再放入雲呢拿油拌勻。
3. 將中筋麵粉、可可粉、泡打粉和粟粉過隔篩,再加入鹽。分三至四會將乾材料倒入牛油蛋液中混合,直至放入所有乾材料為止。再加入一半份量的朱古力碎拌勻。
4. 把曲奇麵團分成30克一顆備用。放入雪櫃約20分鐘令它們略為挺身,方便操作。
5. 製作年糕。把糯米粉、砂糖、鐵觀音茶粉和水拌勻成為麵糰。放入掃了油的碗中,隔水以中大火蒸10分鐘。
6. 在砧板上塗油,戴上手套後,把蒸熟的年糕反覆搓捶,令其更彈牙。再用塗上油的刀把年糕切成10克一棵。
7. 拿起一顆曲奇麵團,輕輕按扁,放上一顆年糕後,包好搓圓,準備入爐。
8. 再焗盤上放上焗爐紙,把已包年糕的曲奇放上去,曲奇之間至少預留三吋空間。先焗8分鐘,再取出,然後在表面輕輕按入剩下的朱古力碎後,再焗8分鐘。完成!
-- Cooking Videos --
▶ 舒芙蕾歐姆蛋 Omelette Souffle | https://bit.ly/3c4djbB
▶ 韓式嫩豆腐鍋 Korean Soft Tofu Stew | https://bit.ly/3c3Mep3
▶ 日式蝦仁焗通粉 Ebi Gratin | https://bit.ly/2XP61oN
▶楊枝甘露桃膠奶凍 Mango Pomelo Peach Gum Panna Cotta | https://bit.ly/2ZIqOvc
-- VLOG --
▶ 2020年我用甚麼新器材拍Vlog + 拍煮食教學片? My new gear in 2020 | https://bit.ly/2XzSlMD
▶ 挑戰魔鬼魚刺身 Eating FERMENTED SKATE!!! | https://bit.ly/2XzSxLR
▶ 唔做大嘥鬼!蕉皮都可以煮成美食!!! | BANANA PEEL CHUTNEY | https://bit.ly/2X6txwU
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how to make dalgona cake 在 Andy Dark Youtube 的最佳貼文
【Super Fluffy Souffle Omelette】
〚CHI VIDEO 中文版〛 舒芙蕾歐姆蛋/ 梳乎厘奄列 ▶▶▶ https://youtu.be/gZj0kpolXiI
After the craze for Dalgona Coffee, these two weeks are all about super fluffy souffle omelette! There are many videos on how to make it perfectly, but let me share a few more insider tips with all of you!
⭐ Things you need to know about whipping egg white! ⭐
1. Fat is the biggest enemy of foaming egg white.
2. Egg whites at room temperature can create bigger volume of foam.
3. Salt weakens the stability of the structure of foam. Don't put salt with the whites.
4. Adding sugar too early retards the foaming.
5. Slightly lower the pH of egg white can fasten foaming. Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice or a pinch of cream of tartare would help.
6. Sugar slows down air bubbles from bursting.
Eggs | 4 pcs
Butter | 2 tsp
Salt | 1/4 tsp
Sugar | 1 tbsp
1. First, seperate the egg yolks and the egg whites. Add the salt to the yolks and beat them for a minute until it becomes pale-yellow colour.
2. Whip the egg whites with the sugar until soft-peak stage. Then mix with the yolks thoroughly.
3. Turn on the stove, place the butter in and coat the surface of the pan. Place the egg mixture into the pan and cover with a lid. Cook it over low heat for 4 - 7 minutes.
4. After 4 -7 minutes, take off the lid. Tilt the pan, roll the souffle omelette down and fold in half! Done!
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