#1. illegal trafficking-翻译为中文-例句英语
... drug trafficking, illegal arms trafficking, trafficking and illegal migration, against illegal trafficking,在英语-中文情境中翻译"illegal trafficking"
#2. human trafficking中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
International organized crime includes human trafficking, drug running and money laundering. 國際間有組織犯罪包括販賣人口,走私毒品和洗錢。
#3. illegal trading - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"illegal trading" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... the shipment as illegal trade under the terms of Decision XIV/7, paragraph 7, ...
#4. illicit trafficking 中文 - 查查在線詞典
illicit trafficking中文 :非法販運…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋illicit trafficking的中文翻譯,illicit trafficking的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#5. illegal drug trafficking的意思- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
illegal drug trafficking中文的意思、翻譯及用法:毒品販運。英漢詞典提供【illegal drug trafficking】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#6. Trafficking in Persons & Smuggling of Migrants - UNODC
近年来,贩运人口和偷运移民是最受广泛关注的问题之一。这两个问题已引起各国政府、非政府组织、国际组织、媒体和学术界的关注。尽管各界对于上述问题的关注往往会引发政界 ...
#7. Illegal Wildlife Trade Certificate - ACAMS
ACAMS Illegal Wildlife Trade Course - Learn how to identify, report, and remedy the risks associated with ... This content is not available in 繁體中文 ...
COMBATING WILDLIFE TRAFFICKING”的语境翻译在英语-中文。 ... advanced efforts to combat illegal wildlife trafficking across the planet.".
illegal trade 的解释是:非法贸易… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:illegal trade的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#10. 性贩卖- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
性贩卖又称性贩运,是指以性剥削为目标的人口贩卖,包括性奴隸。受害者被迫以多种方式中的一种依赖其贩运者,然后被贩运者用于向顾客提供性服务。被定义为性贩运犯罪的 ...
#11. 找illegal trade中文相關社群貼文資訊
提供illegal trade中文相關文章,想要了解更多Stapler 中文、illicit中文、human trafficking中文相關家庭資訊或書籍,就來家庭貼文懶人包.
#12. Traffic 释义| 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Dictionary
Traffic in something such as drugs or stolen goods is an illegal trade in them. ... 简体中文: 交通; 克罗地亚语: promet; 捷克语: doprava dopravní ruch ...
#13. Illegal drug trafficking: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音
查看«Illegal drug trafficking»的翻译、定义、含义、转录和例句,学习«Illegal drug trafficking»的同义词、反义词和发音。
#14. 輔仁法學第43 期(2012.06)-跨域人口販運犯罪之探討與防制 ...
論著名稱:, 跨域人口販運犯罪之探討與防制(Transnational Human Trafficking and ... 中文摘要:, 隨著文明的發展,以「人」為標的的買賣、質押、剝削、凌虐、販賣之 ...
#15. 7遏止販毒及製毒活動
The Government regularly reviews the ordinance taking into account the ever-changing drug abuse and illicit trafficking trends. Where there is evidence of ...
#16. drug trafficking - 英汉词典
主要翻译. 英语, 中文. drug trafficking nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (smuggling illegal drugs), 毒品走私 dú pǐn zǒu sī.
#17. The FARC and Colombia's illegal drug trade
This report explores the FARC's involvement in Colombia's illegal drug ... We don't currently have a translation for this page in 简体中文.
#18. Robbery in the Illegal Drugs Trade: Violence and Vengeance
書名:Robbery in the Illegal Drugs Trade: Violence and Vengeance,語言:英文,ISBN:9781529223910,頁數:128,作者:McLean, Robert,Densley, James, ...
#19. 中華民國外交部全球資訊網-雙語辭彙對照表
中文 辭彙 :. 英文辭彙 :. 開頭字母: ... 非法販運, illegal trafficking. 移民, immigration. 損害, impairment. 僵局, impasse. 默示同意, implied consent.
#20. 打击非法野生动植物贸易:捕猎者在前,正义在后 - ACAMS ...
简体中文, 精选文章 ... Combating Illegal Wildlife Trade: Turning Predators Into Prey. 全球野生动植物种群面临气候变化、森林砍伐、污染等多种 ...
#21. Decisive action agreed on illegal wildlife trade - GOV.UK
Decisive action agreed on illegal wildlife trade. English; 中文. The Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference, held today in London, has agreed key ...
#22. Philippines: Facebook used as platform for illegal trade of ...
Philippines: Facebook used as platform for illegal trade of human organs; ... whether for sex or labour trafficking, are now being committed through the use ...
#23. Draft elements for an international legal instrument against ...
Draft elements for an international legal instrument against illegal trafficking and transport of ... A_AC.254_4_Add.1-ZH.pdf, 201.7 kB, Public, 中文, - ...
#24. 翻译'illicit trafficking' – 字典中文-英文| Glosbe
检查“ illicit trafficking”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中illicit trafficking的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
#25. 环境调查署的工作- EIA
Climate change and cooling · The EU HFC phase-down · Illegal trade in refrigerants · Ozone and the Montreal Protocol · Sustainable cooling technologies ...
#26. The Smuggling Penalty Act - Article Content - Laws ... - 法務部
Offenders of illegal smuggling who resisted arrest or investigation with arms that ... Trafficking contraband from Mainland China into the Taiwan area, ...
#27. human trafficking 中文 - Ronia
International organized crime includes human trafficking, drug running and money laundering. 國際間有組織犯罪包括販賣人口,走私毒品和洗錢。. “human”中文翻譯adj.
#28. Illegal Trade Rescue - Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden
Juvenile Madagascan Radiated Tortoises in their temporary home at the KFBG Wild Animal Rescue Centre. Many animals residing at the Wild Animal Rescue Centre ...
#29. Combating Illegal Wildlife Trade: How a Collaborative ...
Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT) is a lesser-understood problem with big consequences for Asia and the Pacific, and for Southeast Asia in ...
#30. Global Wildlife Program - World Bank Group
The project on reducing maritime trafficking of wildlife between Africa and Asia is working on combatting illegal wildlife trade. Image. feature story Jul 30, ...
#31. Taipei Customs reminds the public the importation of illegal ...
From January to July this year, Customs officers at the Postal Affairs Section in Songshan Branch have busted 45 cases of drug trafficking ...
#32. WildAid | LinkedIn
John Bocco joins WildAid to speak out against illegal wildlife trafficking - WildAid ... to protect wildlife from illegal trade and other imminent threats.
#33. ****路透中文新闻代码指南**** | Reuters
国际贸易TRD (International Trade Issues). 采购经理人指数PMI (Purchasing Managers Index). 日本央行BOJ (Bank of Japan).
#34. Illegal Wildlife Trafficking: A GIJN Guide
Illegal Wildlife Trafficking: A GIJN Guide. Introduction / Table of Contents. Chapter 1: Getting Started. Chapter 2: Using Social Media to Investigate.
#35. Carrying Or Using Drugs | Smartraveller
Never buy, use or travel with illegal drugs when overseas. ... carry out the death penalty for using, dealing or trafficking drugs.
#36. 1988 Convention - INCB
United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988. 1971_Convention. The framework for the international ...
#37. How to Report Human Trafficking - Florida Department of ...
(1-800-962-2873). If you have information regarding suspected Human Trafficking of an adult anywhere in the United States or of a child outside of Florida ...
#38. China-linked wildlife poaching and trafficking in Mexico
Conversely, as in illegal logging, the interest of Chinese traders in an animal or plant species and efforts to source them in Mexico on a ...
#39. China renews efforts to crack down on smuggling of totoaba ...
Can cooperation between China, the US and Mexico stem the illegal trade in totoaba fish maw? en; 中文.
#40. 中文
翻译办公室地点及联系资料– Office locations and contact details [PDF] [MS WORD]联邦检控程序中的步骤– Steps in the Prosecution Process.
#41. About the Coalition
Shutting down global online illegal wildlife trade requires an integrated, international solution. WWF, TRAFFIC and IFAW are collaborating with companies ...
#42. PINGTUNG County Government-Say no to drugs
You must never try nor possess illegal drugs, and must refrain from third grade drugs such as Ketamine. Long-term smoking Ketamine, chronic inflammation of the ...
#43. Prohibited and Restricted Content - Maps User Contributed ...
Content on dangerous or illegal acts such as: rape, organ sale, human trafficking.. Illegal products and services: endangered animal products, illegal drugs ...
#44. Coronavirus outbreak may spur Southeast Asian action on ...
Illegal wildlife trafficking remains a perennial problem in Southeast Asia, but with the ongoing spread of the new coronavirus, ...
#45. To Prevent Next Coronavirus, Stop the Wildlife Trade ...
To Prevent Next Coronavirus, Stop the Wildlife Trade, ... 阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版 ... China is a linchpin in the illegal trade.
#46. UNCTAD Illicit Trade Forum
Due to the overwhelmingly positive response by member States and stakeholders to the Dialogue on Illicit Trade and the Sustainable Development Goals, ...
#47. Resolutions adopted by the UN Environment Assembly at its ...
... 2/14 Illegal trade in wildlife and wildlife products عربي 中文版 English ... of Environment Law (Montevideo Programme IV) عربي 中文版 English Français ...
#48. Fighting Illicit Trade | SGS
Ensure an efficient trade facilitation policy and protect consumer health and safety. Learn how governments can prevent illicit trade.
#49. China's Bride Trafficking Problem | Human Rights Watch
English; 简体中文 ... China has a bride trafficking problem. ... Human Rights Watch investigated bride trafficking from northern Myanmar ...
#50. 《危險藥物條例》 Dangerous Drugs Ordinance
告,1995 年第(C)29 號法律公告( 中文真確本),1995 年第164 號法 ... (g) the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in.
#51. Treasury Targets Chinese Persons Involved with Drug ...
OFAC previously identified Fujing Zheng and the Zheng DTO as significant foreign narcotics traffickers pursuant to the Kingpin Act in August ...
#52. 非法行為- 信報網站
有些地方把僭建叫做illegal building works;legal是合法的、法律允許 ... 現在除了用來指法律禁止的行為模式,例如illicit trade非法貿易、illicit ...
#53. What is Poaching? The Illegal Wildlife Trade Explained - WWF
Stopping the illegal wildlife trade—including poaching and animal trafficking—involves conservation organizations, local communities and international ...
#54. Google Terms of Service – Privacy & Terms
... including export control, sanctions, and human trafficking laws ... for spam, malware, and illegal content; to recognize patterns in ...
#55. illegal trade 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
illegal trade 例句. Execute floating rate to make the wave motion that is helpful for carrying exchange rate adjust economy, also be helpful for promoting ...
#56. Russians and Ukrainians receive long sentences for drug ...
All were convicted for illegal production, transportation and trafficking of drugs took place in Phnom Penh from 2017 until September 15, ...
#57. COVID-19 in Austin |
Translated COVID-19 General Information ASL | Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文 (简体) | 中文 (繁體) | 한국어 | ဗမာ (မြန်မာ) | اُردُو | العربية ...
#58. One step closer to a real right to international solidarity in a ...
Related. Press releases. Human Rights Council holds interactive dialogue on international solidarity and on trafficking in persons.
#59. Pirate gold: Is illegal trade booming in Russia-Ukraine war?
Other major players in the illegal gold trade include Brazil and large parts of Latin America, as well as parts of Africa. Read more…
#60. COVID-19 Immunization Plan - Province of British Columbia
All COVID-19 vaccines in Canada are effective and safe. The best vaccine is the one available to you. English | 繁體中文 | 简体中文 | Français | ...
#61. CNN - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
View the latest news and breaking news today for U.S., world, weather, entertainment, politics and health at
#62. My Family's Slave - The Atlantic
点击这里阅读中文版本 (Chinese) | Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Tagalog ... of 1986 made millions of illegal immigrants eligible for amnesty.
#63. FAQ Regarding COVID-19 EIDL - SBA
中文 简体 | Chinese (simplified). 您必须以英文提交申请。 以下提供的所有文件仅供参考。 关于 COVID-19 EIDL 的常见问题解答.
#64. supplemental nutrition assistance program (snap) application ...
The first SNAP-IPV based on a court conviction for trafficking SNAP benefits for a combined amount of $500 or more (Trafficking includes the illegal use, ...
#65. Breaking News, HK & World News, Editorial | The Standard ...
... Restaurant director imprisoned for illegal employment of foreign domestic helper26 Apr 2022 ... Helper wins landmark sex-trafficking ruling26 Apr 2022.
#66. 主頁| 證監會 - SFC
证监会允许本网站的使用者利用该软件将本网站内容由繁体中文版转换成为简体中文版。证监会不会就该软件欠妥之处承担任何法律责任,亦不会就其品质及性能作出任何担保; ...
#67. Males Charged in Weapons Offence - Regina Police Service
... a second male in the basement of the house who appeared to be in possession of illegal drugs and paraphernalia used in drug trafficking.
#68. China and Cryptocurrency News by Cointelegraph
WeChat removed several accounts for digital collectible platforms for violating the policy of illegal trade, while Ant Group and Tencent-owned NFT platforms ...
#69. Human Trafficking vs Human Smuggling - ICE
Human smuggling involves the provision of a service—typically, transportation or fraudulent documents—to an individual who voluntarily seeks to gain illegal ...
#70. Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's ...
... People's Congress on a Complete Ban of Illegal Wildlife Trade and the ... Meat Consumption For the Protection of Human Life and Health.
#71. What is Human Trafficking? | State of California
Human smuggling is the facilitation, transportation, attempted transportation, or illegal entry of a person(s) across an international border, in violation of ...
#72. Daily Graphic: Issue 12864 April 4 1992 - 第 2 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... UN Deploys Troops COMMENT NEWS OF THE WORLD 中文 UN Vote On Libya Binding ... and power vested illegal gatherings , boycott of lectures and destruction ...
illegal trafficking中文 在 Philippines: Facebook used as platform for illegal trade of ... 的推薦與評價
Philippines: Facebook used as platform for illegal trade of human organs; ... whether for sex or labour trafficking, are now being committed through the use ... ... <看更多>