kinetochore 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

#1. 動粒- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
著絲點或著點(英語:Kinetochore)是真核細胞染色體中位於著絲粒兩側的3層盤狀特化結構,其化學本質蛋白質,是非染色體性質特質附加物。 著絲點與染色體的移動有關。
#2. kinetochore - 著絲點 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
kinetochore. 以kinetochore 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文 ...
The kinetochore is a fascinating molecular machine that plays a central role in the fundamental processes that are required for the recognition, connections, ...
#4. Kinetochore Definition and Examples - Biology Online Dictionary
The kinetochore is a protein structure. It forms at the centromere of every chromosome. Its main function is to bind microtubules of the spindle ...
#5. Kinetochore - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Kinetochores are multifunctional supercomplexes that link chromosomes to dynamic microtubule tips. Groups of proteins from the kinetochore are arranged into ...
#6. Kinetochore composition and its function: lessons from yeasts
Proteins that form the inner kinetochore interact with centromeric chromatin while the outer kinetochore proteins contribute to a microtubule-binding interface.
#7. Molecular architecture of the kinetochore–microtubule interface
The kinetochore is a large proteinaceous structure that mediates interactions between chromosomal DNA and spindle-microtubule polymers.
#8. Evolutionary dynamics of the kinetochore network in ...
The kinetochore is a multiprotein structure that links centromeres to microtubules, and that emits molecular signals in order to safeguard the equal ...
#9. The Kinetochore - Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology
A critical requirement for mitosis is the distribution of genetic material to the two daughter cells. The central player in this process is the macromolecular ...
#10. Mosaic origin of the eukaryotic kinetochore | PNAS
We show that LECA's kinetochore proteins share deep evolutionary histories with proteins involved in a few prokaryotic systems and a multitude ...
#11. Kinetochore Orientation in Mitosis and Meiosis - Cell Press
Proper kinetochore “geometry” is not sufficient for correct chromosome attachment, since, for example, transient malorientation of chromosomes on the mitotic ...
#12. Kinetochore Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of kinetochore is centromere.
#13. Dynamic Kinetochore | Frontiers Research Topic
The kinetochore is a dynamic proteinaceous structure that forms on centromeric chromatin, which is in turn epigenetically labelled with histone H3 variant, ...
#14. Kinetochore - UniProt
The kinetochore is a protein complex assembled on the centromeric region of DNA. It provides the major attachement point for the spindle microtubules during ...
#15. The dynamic kinetochore-microtubule interface - The ...
The inner kinetochore normally forms on highly repetitive DNA sequences and assembles into a specialized form of chromatin that persists ...
#16. The Kinetochore and Chromosome Segregation - iBiology
Microtubules emanating from the spindle poles pull on sister chromatids to move one chromosome to each pole. The kinetochore, a protein complex on the ...
#17. Identification of four unconventional kinetoplastid kinetochore ...
The kinetochore is a multi-protein complex that drives chromosome segregation in eukaryotes. It assembles onto centromere DNA and interacts ...
#18. Kinetochore Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Kinetochore definition, the place on either side of the centromere to which the spindle fibers are attached during cell division. See more.
#19. The kinetochore–microtubule interface at a glance - JCS The ...
If even a single kinetochore lacks microtubule attachments, the spindle assembly checkpoint will prevent anaphase onset (Rieder et al., 1995).
#20. Kinetochore-independent mechanisms of sister chromosome ...
In Drosophila neuroblasts, acentric chromosomes undergo delayed, but otherwise normal sister separation, revealing the existence of kinetochore- ...
#21. kinetochore | biology | Britannica
Other articles where kinetochore is discussed: cell: Mitosis and cytokinesis: …specialized chromosomal region called the kinetochore.
#22. QuickGO::Term GO:0000776
kinetochore. Cellular Component. Definition (GO:0000776 GONUTS page). A multisubunit complex that is located at the centromeric region of DNA and ...
#23. Kinetochore protein depletion underlies cytokinesis failure ...
Kinetochore malfunction causes checkpoint-dependent mitotic arrest, apoptosis, and/or aneuploidy-inducing chromosome missegregation (Potapova ...
#24. Role of a Kinetochore During Cell Division - ThoughtCo
The kinetochore connects chromosomes to spindle fibers. This protein complex is essential to the movement of chromosomes during mitosis and ...
#25. Structural plasticity of the living kinetochore - Rockefeller ...
To investigate the kinetochore structure during the cell cycle, we used endogenously expressed kinetochore proteins tagged with EGFP at the C ...
#26. Dynamics of kinetochore structure and its regulations during ...
Faithful chromosome segregation during mitosis in eukaryotes requires attachment of the kinetochore, a large protein complex assembled on ...
#27. Kinetochore Architecture and Assembly - Fred Hutchinson ...
Kinetochore Architecture and Assembly. All kinetochores are megadalton protein structures that assembled on centromeric chromatin to form a single ...
#28. Types of kinetochore – microtubule attachments. (A) Bioriented...
Download scientific diagram | Types of kinetochore – microtubule attachments. (A) Bioriented (amphitelic) attachments occur when sister kinetochores bind to ...
#29. Ordered Kinetochore Assembly in the Human-Pathogenic ...
Ordered Kinetochore Assembly in the Human-Pathogenic Basidiomycetous Yeast Cryptococcus neoformans. Authors: Lukasz Kozubowski, Vikas Yadav, ...
#30. Metaphase kinetochore movements are regulated by kinesin ...
Laser ablation of the spindle resulted in kinetochore movement toward the intact spindle pole in wild-type and klp5Δ cells, suggesting that ...
#31. Kinetochore: Definition & Structure - Video & Lesson Transcript
A kinetochore is a protein structure that forms on a chromatid during cell division and allows it to attach to a spindle fiber on a ...
#32. Molecular Pathways: Regulation and Targeting of Kinetochore ...
Deregulation of kinetochore–microtubule (KT–MT) attachments has been implicated in driving chromosome instability and cancer evolution; ...
#33. Kinetochore: Structure, Function and Evolution - Liu
The dynamic kinetochore structures connect chromosomes with spindle microtubules, power chromosome movement, and signal the activation and ...
#34. In Vitro Kinetochore Assembly | Springer Nature Experiments
The kinetochore is the primary site of interaction between chromosomes and microtubules of the mitotic spindle during chromosome segregation.
#35. File:Kinetochore.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
Kinetochore.jpg (400 × 317 pixels, file size: 136 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg). File information ... English. kinetochore assembly during cell division ...
#36. Kinetochore definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Kinetochore definition: a centromere , a protein structure found in chromosomes | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.
#37. Kinetochore–microtubule interactions in chromosome ...
Kinetochore –microtubule interactions in chromosome segregation: lessons from yeast and mammalian cells. Geethu Emily Thomas;.
#38. Structures and Functions of Yeast Kinetochore Complexes
AbstractThe kinetochore is a key cell division organelle that enables high-fidelity transmission of genetic information by coupling ...
#39. kinetochore microtubule | SGD - Saccharomyces Genome ...
... chromosomes by their plus ends, and maneuver the chromosomes during mitotic or meiotic chromosome segregation. Synonyms: pole-to-kinetochore microtubule.
#40. Kinetochore Structure Reveals How It Takes Hold | HHMI
With the first-ever three-dimensional image of an isolated kinetochore—the bulky molecular machine that connects a chromosome to the long, ...
#41. Kinetochore-Biology - Leibniz-Institut (IPK)
The kinetochore is a large protein complex (up to 100 proteins) that assembles at specialised chromosomal domains, the centromeres, during cell divisions. The ...
DYNAMIC KINETOCHORE WORKSHOP . Kinetochores are highly specialized protein structures assembled on centromeric chromatin during mitotic and meiotic cell ...
#43. Kinetochore assembly | The Kaplan Lab
The kinetochore is a protein-DNA machine that links chromosomes to the mitotic spindle. The large number of proteins required for kinetochore function ...
#44. kinetochore - Wiktionary
kinetochore (plural kinetochores). (biology) The protein structure in eukaryotes which assembles on the centromere and links the chromosome to microtubule ...
#45. Assembly principles and stoichiometry of a complete ... - Science
Centromeres are epigenetically determined chromosomal loci that seed kinetochore assembly to promote chromosome segregation during cell division.
#46. Phylogenetic and structural analysis of centromeric DNA and ...
cerevisiae kinetochore proteins can be assigned to DNA-binding, linker, MT-binding and regulatory functions. While 'linker protein' is used ...
#47. Kinetochore Function from the Bottom Up - Stephen C Harrison
Kinetochore : a protein assembly that connects centromeric DNA to spindle microtubules and enables chromosome segregation. Microtubule lattice: the side of a.
#48. kinetochore Gene Ontology Term (GO:0000776) - Mouse ...
The Gene Ontology (GO) project is a collaborative effort to address the need for consistent descriptions of gene products across databases.
#49. What is kinetochore? Mention its function. - Toppr
The function of the kinetochore is to provide a site for attachment of spindle fibers to pull apart the sister chromatids at the time of cell division.
#50. The Kinetochore Moves Ahead - jstor
The kinetochore is a multiprotein chromatin complex at which the forces of mitosis work to congress, and later to separate, chromosomes into daughter cells. We ...
#51. Investigate the structure and function of the meiotic ...
We have identified several activities that depend on SPC105R, kinetochore assembly (NDC80 recruitment), lateral microtubule attachments, and sister centromere ...
#52. Dictionary - Cell: Kinetochore - The Human Protein Atlas
Kinetochore. Kinetochores are large protein structures that form over the specialized centromeric chromatin regions of chromosomes and to which microtubules ...
#53. The Composition, Functions, and Regulation of the Budding ...
The kinetochore also serves as a regulatory hub for the spindle checkpoint, ensuring that cell cycle progression is coupled to the achievement ...
#54. Kinetochore - The School of Biomedical Sciences Wiki
Kinetochores are giant multilayer protein structures that have an ability to attach microtubule at a protein collar on the kinetochore. As the ...
#55. Kinetochore - Wikiwand
A kinetochore (/kɪˈnɛtəkɔːr/, /-ˈniːtəkɔːr/) is a disc-shaped protein structure associated with duplicated chromatids in eukaryotic cells where the spindle ...
#56. kinetochore_百度百科
kinetochore ,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“[遗] 动粒,[遗] 着丝粒”。
#57. Kinetochore在細胞分裂過程中的作用
每個拖拽方都是一個正在準備脫離並成為新細胞一部分的染色單體。 ad. 移動染色體. 單詞“kinetochore”告訴你它做了什麼。 前綴“kineto ...
#58. The Kinetochore:: From Molecular Discoveries to Cancer Therapy
Of note, most inner and middle kinetochore complexes are highly elongated with frictional coefficients around 2.0 and axial ratios of 20:1.
#59. Kinetochore and Non-Kinetochore - BYU-Idaho Video
Kinetochore, Non-Kinetochore, Chromosome, Microtubules, Spindle Apparatus, Cohesin. Question: What is a kinetochore? Tags. kinetochore and non-kinetochore ...
#60. The Differences Between Kinetochore & Nonkinetochore
Cell division, or mitosis, requires careful recognition and separation of DNA between daughter cells. A protein complex called a kinetochore ...
#61. Miller Lab Research
Chromosome segregation is mediated by a highly conserved protein complex, the kinetochore, which physically attaches chromosomes to spindle microtubules to ...
#62. Defining the centromere - Phys.org
Scientists from the project group "Kinetochore Biology" at the IPK in Gatersleben are shedding light on the diverse landscape of ...
#63. Difference Between Centromere and Kinetochore
Kinetochore is a disc-shaped protein complex present in the centromere region of a chromosome which is in the mitotic or meiotic division. Each ...
#64. Difference Between Centromere and Kinetochore - Pediaa.Com
A kinetochore is a protein complex, which is assembled on the centromere of chromosomes, attaching spindle microtubules to pull chromosomes or ...
#65. #kinetochore - Twitter Search / Twitter
#kinetochore. A giant molecular machine inside your cells responsible for positioning #chromosomes during #mitosis. Chemical signalling, tension sensing, ...
#66. Home - Dr. Ben Black's Laboratory - Perelman School of ...
Praveen leads cryo-EM study of core centromeric chromatin complex, developing a new model for kinetochore assembly at the onset of mitosis.
#67. Kinetochore microtubule attachment - Pinterest
The kinetochore connects chromosomes to spindle fibers. This protein complex is essential to the movement of chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis.
#68. Kinetochores - Online Biology Dictionary - Macroevolution.net
Kinetochores (/kə-NET-ə-korz/). The kinetochore is the structure where the spindle apparatus attaches to a chromatid during cell division (mitosis and meiosis) ...
#69. What is the difference between centromere and kinetochore?
Whereas the Kinetochore is the protein complex associated with the centromeric regions of mitotic and meiotic chromosomes. Microtubules attached to the ...
#70. Metaphase and Anaphase - Mitosis - SparkNotes
Movement is mediated by the kinetochore microtubles, which push and pull on the chromosomes to align them into what is called the metaphase plate.
#71. Kinetochor - DocCheck Flexikon
Kinetochoren sind halbkugelförmige Strukturen aus Proteinen und DNA, die sich um das Zentromer kondensierter Chromosomen anlagern.
#72. Kinetochores - Defending the Christian Worldview ...
Kinetochores The kinetochore is a network of protein complexes that assembles on centromere regions of chromatin and acts as the connection ...
#73. Online Onion Root Tips - The Biology Project
Anaphase. The paired chromosomes separate at the kinetochores and move to opposite sides of the cell. Motion results from a combination of kinetochore movement ...
#74. الفرق بين CENTROMERE و KINETOCHORE - strephonsays
الفرق الرئيسي بين centromere و kinetochore هو أن centromere هي منطقة الكروموسوم التي تحمل كروماتيدات شقيقين معًا بعد.
#75. Différence entre le centromère et le kinétochore - Sawakinome
Centromere et kinetochore sont deux structures situées au centre ... où kinétochore est le complexe protéique du chromosome où les fibres du fuseau sont ...
#76. The Forkhead transcription factor Hcm1 regulates ...
Kinetochore proteins are also promi- nent among the potential Hcm1 targets. To verify some of these targets, we followed their transcription profiles through ...
#77. Meiosis | Cell division | Biology (article) | Khan Academy
Microtubules from one centrosome attach to the kinetochore (protein structures at the centromeres) of one chromosome from each of the homologous pairs, ...
#78. SKP1 Connects Cell Cycle Regulators to the Ubiquitin ... - CORE
Skp1p is also associated with the kinetochore in yeast. (Connelly and Hieter, 1996), the site of sister chromatid separation, another event dependent upon ...
#79. Cell Division | Encyclopedia.com
During anaphase there are spindles, running from each opposite kinetochore, that pull each set of chromosomes to their respective cell poles, thus ensuring ...
#80. From Language Change Answer Key
... (g) decondensation of the chromosomes, (h) splitting of the centromere, and (i) attachment of micro - tubules to the kinetochore. > Upper Intermediate.
kinetochore 在 Kinetochore microtubule attachment - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
The kinetochore connects chromosomes to spindle fibers. This protein complex is essential to the movement of chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis. ... <看更多>