
... <看更多>
造句 與例句 手機版 · The reason why he failed was his laziness . · When one is about to act, one must reason first . · For this reason new valves were developed .
reason 造句 / 例句 ; 1. I had no reason to doubt him. 我没有理由不相信他。 ; 2. He had every reason to be angry. 他完全有理由感到愤怒。 ; 3. The reason is ...
#3. reason造句 | the reason why例句 - 旅遊日本住宿評價
用reason造句和"reason"的例句: 1. The reason why he failed was his laziness .他失敗的原因就是他懶惰。 2. When one is about to act, one must reason first .
She was furious, and with reason (= with good cause). 她很生氣,這也有情可原。 For some reason/For reasons best known to ...
#5. reason - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
Strong reasons make strong actions . 强有力的理由产生强有力的行动。 It's difficult to find reason in a sentence. 用reason造句挺难的; Their seat ...
#7. 表達某事的「原因」英文句型:「the reason why」
* Jeff's gentle manner is one of the reasons why Mary fell in love with him. (reason為複數時通常不會以that替代why). 傑夫溫柔的 ...
#8. the reason for···怎么造句_百度知道
the reason for···怎么造句. 我来答 ... The reason for my being late is the heavy traffic. 意思就是: 我迟到的原因是拥挤的交通。
reason - 搜狗翻译 ... High entertainment value is one good reason to visit the site's ultra-cool homepage. 极高的娱乐价值是登录该网站的超酷首页的一个充足理由。
for this reason中文有以此的意思,那么,以下是小编给大家整理收集的for this reason造句,供大家阅读参考。 for this reason造句: 1.
#11. for the reason造句-六车网 - 词语造句
用For this reason造句:. for this reason 以此;为此. It is for this reason that television proves such a boon to so many people.
#12. For this reason, A.(A为完整句子;上文还应该阐述具体的 ... - 朗播
模仿造句. 句型结构. 因果For this reason, A.(A为完整句子;上文还应该阐述具体的reason是什么,下文才用这个). 问题. 1. 这个句型结构是什么意思?
#13. cogent reason的用法_学习英语网
学习英语网为大家提供cogent reason的例句,cogent reason造句,cogent reason的用法等英语单词的在线查询服务。
#14. 用have.in common和for this reason造句,_作业帮
用have.in common和for this reason造句,. 限时免费领取内部精选学习资料. 作业帮APP 海量题库免费学. 搜索答疑. 多种解答. 视频讲解. 打开APP. 答案解析.
#15. 學一次用一輩子的英文溝通技巧(附1MP3) | 誠品線上
200個學一次就能用一輩子的關鍵句型先學會最基礎的關鍵句型,再開始照樣造句。書中列舉大量例句,能讓你透過例句漸漸 ... It certainly was not the reason why… 12.
#16. 英文造句的藝術:寫作的五堂必修課 - Momo 購物
That is all the more reason why this favorite reference book for students, writers, and educators requires periodic updating.
#17. 表達「造成、導致」的英文句型- 廖柏森:英語與翻譯教學
與上一節同樣是表達因果關係的句型,此節強調的焦點是「結果」,寫作時常把因為某種原因而導致的後果寫在cause, result in, be the reason for, ...
#18. the reason why is that造句5个 - 雨露学习互助
The reason why Mary didn't come to school is the she is ill today. The reaon why the match was put off is that it was raining hard. 1年前.
#19. 用for the reason造句-笨笨熊做题网
For the reason , we has an interesting proverb . 基于此种理由,咱们有一句有趣的谚语。 After noting the pattern the therapist points it out the patient and asks ...
#20. 【英文文法】關係副詞這樣理解就對了!Where - Engoo
why= for + which. 表原因的關係子句中,先行詞是reason。 John is an aggressive person, and that is the reason why ...
#21. 关于我们 - 英语培训
这个句型表示“……的原因是……”的意思。这个句型结构比较复杂:句子的主语是the reason,后面有两个复合句。一个是关系副词why所引导的从句,修饰句子的主语是the reason。
#22. 口說小俚語:There's no reason to get nasty. - 登峰美語
There's no reason to get nasty, just because you want her shoes. (山姆:泰瑞。 ... 比方:"There is no reason to scream. ... 照樣造句→.
#23. Log In - Facebook
Facebook · 【VT造句練功房】『找出』你只知道用『find』!? 《Today's Sentence》 · 中:我會在上班途中停下來喝杯。 英:I'll stop on the way to work for a latte.
#24. 實用的過渡詞| EF English Live 部落格
例子: Jenny has to run an errand in the morning. Next, she is going for a haircut. 早上珍妮必須出去辦一件瑣事。接下來,她要去修剪頭髮。 There are many reasons ...
#25. 「確認」有兩種!confirm 和make sure 哪裡不一樣?
造句 - 每天15分鐘. 但商業英文這樣多,要學到幾時?其實這15個商業情境就能涵蓋了80%,從這15個開始就對了。 Episode15線上聽力課(一年期)送1堂商業英文線上一對一
#26. 就醬造句第三章句子的擴張
Do you know the reason? (why). 11. 將下列的句子分別加兩種不同的副詞子句予以擴張。 Ex. She is always poor. (她總是很窮). Though she works hard, she is always ...
#27. For Some Reason的意思 - 希平方
And an extra tip: They take away your water bottles for some reason, and that always kind of pisses me off, so I bring with me a water ...
#28. 英文單字Because用法:如何作為句子的開頭? - 華樂絲
只要說:「I care for you because you're sweet」。某些人可能偏好「the reason is that」,其實這也是非常冗長多餘的。 相關文章推薦:如何 ...
#29. 不要理由的英文翻譯 - 三度漢語網
No reason造句. 1. You've no reason to reproach yourself, no reason to feel shame. 你沒有理由自責,也沒有理由感到慚愧。 2. Petter saw no reason to hurry the ...
#30. cry for no reason造句- 城发网
2021-01-28 17:06:56 来源:互联网 Tag:cry for no reason造句. 1、People may cry for acceptance, holler, for tolerance, and that's all well and good.
#31. reason造句简单 - 句子大全网
reason造句 简单 ... Give me reason!! 给我一个理由!! She had reason to be angry. 她有理由生气. ... The reason for my being late is the heavy traffic. 意思就是: 我迟到 ...
#32. You are the reason 翻譯- apache druid metrics
Know 的受詞)我不知道他們. You are the reason"造句. 您是原因2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名. You are the reason"造句. 词泰科技有限公司(京ICP备 ...
#33. 擺脫讓全場尷尬的四句中式英文 - Curious - 英語島
很痛你也可以說It causes a lot of pain. ... What's more, sitting can “cause anything from lower back pain to high ... 既然現在是夏天,就請大家照樣造句。
#34. 360问答,总有你的答案all along with reason是什么意思?请 ...
请造句并翻译. all along自始至终,一直with reason有理由,合乎情理I believe, all along with reason, May is my cup of tea.我一直以来有理由相信May就是我喜欢的人.
#35. that's the reason why-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: That's the reason why ARBs combine with diuretics works so well.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"that's the reason why"
#36. 英文病歷書寫用語及常見錯誤 - 台中榮總
trigger, cause, precipitate, induce, bring about, incite, provoke, influence, affect. ▫ 前因. ▫ precede, antecedent. ▫ 傾向. ▫ tend to, be apt to, ...
#37. [閒聊] 推特熱議:檢討Selfmade環節- LoL板- Disp BBS
現在推特很多LOL相關人士都在用Selfmade is the reason...造句他是做了什麼事情嗎,怎麼突然有這股風潮啊-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), ...
#38. the reason for用法- 怎么造句??? - 作业九九网
用'the reason for 动词+ing '造句. 回答作者:山水间-山水间. 采纳时间:2020-07-21 17:26. The reason for being late for school is that I have missed the bus.
#39. 一個「除了」5種英文用法,你搞懂了嗎? - 風傳媒
團隊剛完成一個大型project終於能卸下重擔,好好放鬆一下,興奮期待的氣氛頓時蔓延開來,John跳出來提議下班要去聚餐,大聲說道:[啟動LINE推播]每日重大新聞 ...
#40. 英文測驗題庫彙編04~107-new年
The reason why the tour guide was hired was that she could speak[ ]languages, including English, Korean, German, and Russian.
#41. 「英文成語造句篇」第95集:a ray of 一點點 - YouTube
#42. for this reason造句for this reason的意思精选- 秀秀馆 - 服装搭配
for this reason造句for this reason的意思简述:1、forthisreason造句:lliketostudyforthisreasonistudyreallyhard.我成绩很好是因为我爱学习。
#43. 用for this reason造句,带翻译,初二水平英语 - 天天知识网
最佳答案: He was late for school for this reason.因为这个原因,他上学迟到了。
#44. 用forthisreason造句 - 知识池
用for this reason造句:It is for this reason that television proves such a boon to so many people.就是因为这个原因,电视才会给这么多人带来 ...
#45. 【關係副詞】where、when、why 的用法?來搞懂! - 英文庫
所以,其實你也可以直接將the reason(s) why 視為固定片語就好,這樣記最方便,繼續看例句吧。 It's one of the reasons why I decided to come. 這是我決定要來的其中一個 ...
#46. 理由英文- 英文單字筆記:: Branbibi Blog
"英文翻譯為"What is your reason for loss?",是不是很簡單呢? 理由英文造句練習. The errors for no reason. 這次的錯誤沒有任何理由。
#47. 【cause 用法】一次搞懂英文「cause」用法跟中文意思
cause 當成名詞時,中文意思是指「原因」的意思。 例:What was the cause of this accident? 造成這一事故的原因是什麼? 例:Sugar is a major cause of ...
#48. thereasonfor造句 - 心和情感心理网
用'the reason for 动词+ing '造句- 雨露学习互助. The reason for being late for school is that I have missed the bus.请及时采纳,不懂继续问( .
#49. 超級英文俚語全集!100組超實用英文俚語 - FluentU
字面上來看,"hit the books"的確是指要揍書、打書本的意思。但實際上是指要認真k書!美國大學生很常使用這類型的英文俚語,用來形容自己今天晚上得努力念書一翻了!
#50. 用forthisreason造句 - 爱扬网
用for this reason造句:l like to study for this reason i study really hard;my mother was ill for this reason I have to look after her;'I ...
#51. 增進寫作能力: 有樣學樣的造句練習 - Evon's Writing Recipe
增強英文能力,英文作文寫作學習技巧,背單字造句練習。 ... 造句: Promenade is probably the primary reason that students attend dancing class.
#52. 雅思写作造句练习实例解析_优择教育官网
我们在写作文选择句型结构时不可忽略上述细节,建议多研究例句,并且多模仿造句揣摩这个句型结构的含义。 模仿使用. The reason often given for ...
#53. 雅思大作文万用句型造句练习:A的原因通常是 B
我们在写作文选择句型结构时不可忽略上述细节,建议多研究例句,并且多模仿造句揣摩这个句型结构的含义。 模仿使用. The reason often given for ...
#54. for this reason造句简单 - 望花路东里
for this reason造句简单 ... 最佳答案: 1.It is for this reason that television proves such a boon to so many people 就是因为这个原因,电视才会给 ...
#55. 用for the reason造句-飞天作业帮
用for the reason造句. 来源:学生作业帮助网编辑:作业帮 时间:2022/02/13 20:52:05. 用for the reason造句用for the reason造句. 用for the reason造句
#56. for+this+reason意思- 中脉 - 远离传销骗局
热点图片集_中脉小编为大家收集整理TAG【for+this+reason意思】的相关数据, ... for this reason造句 ... Are You Using Reason Why Marketing For Your Practice? | …
#57. for this reason 英语造句 - 熊熊考试在线作业
for this reason 英语造句 ... Many regulators support the practice for this reason. 许多监管者也因此而支持卖空交易. l like to study for this reason ...
#58. Reason造句 - 布格伦科技网
最佳答案: He had every reason to be upset.他完全有理由生气。 单词Reason 例句大全,用单词Reason造句: So abrupt miss you, no reason.
#59. for this reason造句- 语文 - 博文网
for this reason造句:1 It is for this reason that television proves such a boon to so many people就是因为这个原因,电视才会给这么多人带来 ...
#60. for the reason造句
最佳答案: the reason for my being late is the heavy traffic. 意思就是: 我迟到的原因是拥挤的交通。更多关于for the reason造句的问题>> 专业问答 ...
#61. PTE写作|如何套用模板才能拿高分 - 知乎专栏
Support your point of view with reasons and examples from your own experience. 我们可以采用这样的模板,做一个简单的造句游戏:.
#62. for+some+reason造句 - 小倔百科网
for+some+reason造句最新消息,还有for some reason加s吗,reason for,for some reason等内容,自己写知乎居然变成了百度.
#63. 用have.in common和for this reason造句 - 想考试作业网
用have.in common和for this reason造句,. 来源:学生作业帮助网编辑:作业帮 时间:2022/02/14 13:57:39. 用have.in common和for this reason造句, 用have.in common ...
#64. reason to do sth造句 - 容易答知识网
reason to do sth造句. by reason引导的表语从句 at 2022-02-15 10:52:02. 海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供to have reason to do sth的在线翻译,to have reason ...
#65. for this reason是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 恩牛网
10. Although the market value of Citibank is very low, we can't acquire it just for this reason. [for this reason造句] 相关文章推荐:.
#66. for the reason造句 - 懒人算命网
the reason for用法. the reason to还是for. the reason for doing. the reason of还是for. for the reason. the reason for which. for the reason造句.
#67. 用for+this+reason造句初二_老师办公室英语读法 - 小触知识网
用for+this+reason造句初二最新消息,还有老师办公室英语读法,老师办公室英语怎么说,教师办公室翻译成英语等内容,(殷老师不知道肖先成住办公室所以 ...
#68. critical造句
critical造句,for this reason造句,at critical造句1、Do not drop awayat criticalmoments. 2、And it spoils one's careerat criticalmoments.
#69. the reason that造句,用thereasonwhyisthat造句-造句网
the reason that造句. The reason why I was late is that I missed the early bus.The reason why I am going to Beijing is that I want to visit ...
#70. For this reason - 河智科学网
for this reason造句for this reason中文有以此的意思,那么,以下是小编给大家整理 ... 沪江词库精选for this reason是什么意思、英语单词推荐prep.
#71. 用cup造句简单 - 福华网
用reason造句简单. cup 造句/ 例句1. She pushed thecuptowards me. 她把杯子推向我这边。 《牛津词典》 2. Mind thatcup, you clumsy oaf!
#72. Google 翻譯
Google 的免費翻譯服務提供中文和其他上百種語言的互譯功能,能即時翻譯字詞、詞組和網頁內容。
#73. 白痴造句法
請模仿學生造句,並相互給出評語! 白痴造句法,例如-- ... talk to y how to know friendly You are under arrest for so and so reason you have right to remain ...
#74. give a reason for - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
外部资源(未审查的). Our discussions here in New York give reason for hope that a spirit of reconciliation will govern future relations between the [...].
#75. Unremitting synonym. Symptoms were abolished for ...
That's the reason why I surround each collection with humor or irony. ... unremitting造句, unremitting造句, 用unremitting造句, unremitting meaning, ...
#76. 《水滸傳》英譯的語言與文化 - Google 圖書結果
“You`ve reason to fear the Marshal,but I`m not scared of him,”said Zhishen. “If I run into that littleshit ... 主要表现在选词、造句、时态和谋篇四个方面。
#77. for no reason翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
for no reason中文的意思、翻譯及用法:無緣無故;無端;沒有理由的。英漢詞典提供【for no reason】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#78. 「因為…所以…」因果句英文寫法大公開! - 工商時報
Therefore 怎麼用?是連接詞嗎?Because 跟so 竟然不能擺一起?!看完本篇介紹,一秒搞懂英文因果句!
#79. whatever the reason you are 中文意思是什麼 - Dict.site 英漢/漢 ...
whatever the reason you are 解釋. 無論你有什麼原因. whatever : pron 1 〈關系代詞〉什麼都,…的都。2 [連接代詞]無論,不管。3 〈俚語〉〈強調時的疑問詞〉究竟…
#80. reason ]英文詞性- 名詞
reason. ['ri:zn]. n.原因, 理由, 理智, 理性 v.理論, 論證, 推理, 勸說. 例句與用法:. It stands to reason that nobody will work without pay.
#81. 中文歌詞翻譯Calum Scott - You Are The Reason - Mr.生活扉頁
今天版主要來跟大家分享這首很心痛的歌曲You Are The Reason ,版主自己在聽的時候,眼淚不經意地掉了幾滴,雖然是很常見的編曲跟音樂進行,但是, ...
reason造句 在 Log In - Facebook 的推薦與評價
Facebook · 【VT造句練功房】『找出』你只知道用『find』!? 《Today's Sentence》 · 中:我會在上班途中停下來喝杯。 英:I'll stop on the way to work for a latte. ... <看更多>