張媽媽【羅漢齋】,有益健康。大年初一必吃開年菜!記得like我的Video同訂閱我的頻道呀! 如喜歡的話,請分享給朋友家人。謝謝。
MamaCheung's Buddha's delight, stir fry vegetables, a very popular dish served on Lunar New Year! I hope you like it. Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you.
張媽媽新年菜式 Chinese New Year Recipes from MamaCheung's Kitchen: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcehf33Gkzy-Qwgo9vUlBUWhd7_zMrMF9
南乳粗齋食譜 Braised Veg with fermented red beancurd https://youtu.be/paERmr3cdUY
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材料 Ingredients:
一斤紹菜,切件 600g Chinese leaves
十六條荷蘭豆或蜜糖豆 16 sugar snap peas or snow peas
半條紅蘿蔔,切片 1/2 carrot, sliced
十五克雪耳 15g Snow fungus
十五克雲耳 15g Black fungus
二十條金針菜 20 daylily
八粒紅棗 8 red dates
八條粟米仔,切半 8 baby corns, cut into halves
三十粒蓮子 30 lotus seeds
三十粒百合 30 lily root
四隻冬菇 4 shiitake mushrooms
十八粒白果 18 gingko
四十克粉絲 40g bean vermicelli
素雞或硬豆干切件 Steam bean curd roll, sliced
六個豆卜,切半 6 deep fried bean curd, cut into halves
五十克南乳 50g fermented bean curd
一湯匙素蠔油 1tbsp vegetarian oyster suace
半茶匙糖 1/2tsp sugar
半茶匙鹽 1/2tsp salt
兩茶匙麻油 2tsp sesame oil
水 water
食譜: http://mamacheungcooks.blogspot.com/2017/01/buddhas-delight-easy-recipe.html