tomography字根 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文
構詞學、字源學、聲韻學等語言學書籍(有興趣的朋友,請參考附錄),進而創出從拉丁、希臘單字找字根的三大原則,並提出單字拆解的SOP,最終以印歐語詞根和心智圖來延伸 ... ... <看更多>
好消息!! 從這第43單元開始,Ruby會製作每個單元的精美課程講義供會員同學下載,請同學點選下方連結了解講義內容及索取辦法,希望Ruby的 字根 單字庫和 ... ... <看更多>
#1. tomography-薛習英文單字記憶法創意字根分解生動圖像聯想 ...
tomography. tomography [tə`mɑgrəfɪ; tə'mɔgrəfi] (發音來源) X射線斷層攝影術 ... 新字地圖 ... 字根(511). ⇢ 實 (511). - 單字分類(11312).
#2. (音) 字源速記單字表7|貝塔語測 - 貝塔語言出版
(音) 字源速記單字表7,【表動作或移動的字根篇tom】這樣背單字最快! ... Because some forms of tomography require the patient to be exposed to a ...
#3. 英文相關字根字首考試Flashcards - Quizlet
computerized tomography scan. 電腦斷層攝影 ; abd.CT = Abdominal computed tomography scan. 腹部電腦斷層攝影掃描 ; angiography. 血管造影 ; anoscopy. 肛門鏡檢查.
#4. 第十四課(三):Tissues and Organs (6)
... 以及對生醫領域有興趣的社會人士一個學習專業字首與字根的法門。 生醫領域剛進入時常遇到的問題就是:生物、醫學乃至化學領域的專業字彙極多。
#5. 何謂「辨音識字」學英文特殊學習法易背牢記英文單字妙法
簡單大家都能聽音辨字之單字:小孩開始學英文,一 ... 之發音,還有簡單拼音,就可以教小孩看字念音出來,也 ... 根基;根源;字根. 使生根;根除.
#6. 格林法則英語單字記憶- 蘇秦老師構詞音韻分享 - Facebook
構詞學、字源學、聲韻學等語言學書籍(有興趣的朋友,請參考附錄),進而創出從拉丁、希臘單字找字根的三大原則,並提出單字拆解的SOP,最終以印歐語詞根和心智圖來延伸 ...
#7. Geometric Tomography - 博客來
書名:Geometric Tomography,語言:英文,ISBN:9780521684934,頁數:492,作者:Gardner, Richard J.,出版日期:2006/06/19,類別:自然科普.
醫學生的幸福在於背專業學科的名稱時,就能學到大量的字根字首, ... and PET (positron emission tomography) --reveals the inner workings : of ...
#9. 高解析度電腦斷層掃描影像 - 政府研究資訊系統GRB
關鍵字:矯正迷你骨釘;微米級電腦斷層掃描;穩定度;鎖入扭力;牙周測試儀 ... 轉換數值(periotest value),接著進行微米級電腦斷層掃描(micro-computed tomography.
#10. 台灣癌症登記長表摘錄手冊民國107 年
MRI)或正子造影攝影術(positron emission tomography, PET)報告所描述之腫瘤分級予以編碼。 ... 的字根/字首(prefix/suffix descriptor)應編碼為4。
#11. 利用非侵入性方法研究精油對大腦認知功能的影響
精油(Essential oil)是植物抵抗蟲害或抗病毒等釋放出的化學物質,可從植物的根、莖、葉或花等部位萃取。文獻指出薰衣草香精油(Lavender essential oil)是最常用的一種 ...
#12. 醫護英文詞彙 - Scribd
abdomin 腹部abdomen (字根) abdominal 腹部的;腹腔的 ... acous 聽力hearing (字根);聲音sound ... brain computerized tomography scan 腦部電腦斷層掃描
#13. 台灣癌症登記長表摘錄手冊民國107年
MRI)或正子造影攝影術(positron emission tomography, PET)報告所描述之腫瘤分級予以編碼。 ... 的字根/字首(prefix/suffix descriptor)應編碼為4。
#14. 光學同調斷層掃描牙結石偵測系統建立
論文名稱(外文):, Development of Optical Coherence Tomography for Dental Calculus Detection. 指導教授: 李士元、楊淑芬.
#15. 台灣癌症登記摘錄手冊
病理分期(字根/字首) . ... imaging, MRI)或正子造影攝影術(positron emission tomography, PET)報告所描述之腫瘤. 分級予以編碼。
#16. 電子斷層掃描Electron Tomography - 最新的百科全書
在這裡,我們對小鼠背根神經節(DRG) 和黑腹果蠅(Dm) 神經元進行了冷凍電子斷層掃描,並原位檢查了它們的微管超微結構。 Here, we performed cryo-electron tomography of ...
#17. 數位及進階影像在牙髓病學之應用- 臺北榮民總醫院 - Yumpu
腦斷層掃描造影系統(micro computed tomography imaging system)在現代牙隨病學. 方面的應用及臨床上的優缺點。 關鍵字: 數位影像,數位根尖影像, ...
#18. (PDF) 3D Modeling of Digital Core Based on X-ray Computed ...
In order to study the micropore structure of petroleum reservoir and develop 3D micro percolation model, CT(computed tomography)scanning and ...
#19. 運用錐狀射束電腦斷層輔助牙髓疾病的診治
經過多年的摸索與修正,錐狀射束電腦斷層(cone-beam computed tomography, CBCT)在 ... 型態(canal morphology)、根尖周圍炎(apical periodontitis)、根尖手術.
#20. 全民健康保險醫療服務給付項目及支付標準 - 醫聖診療系統
第二節根管治療. 第三部第三章第二節-1 ... 附表3.3.1 根管治療充填達根尖2mm 申請給付原則第三部第三章附表3.3.1 -1 ... 正子造影Positron emission tomography (PET).
#21. 下背痛有時不在起源處 - 台中榮總
三個字根合併而成:sacro. (sacrum骶骨/薦椎)+ ilii ... 經學檢查,排除神經病變(neuropathy)、神經根 ... photon emitting computed tomography SPECT/.
#22. 醫學名詞 - 國家教育研究院
頸之字根 cervicobasilar ligament 頸基底韌帶 cervicobrachial. 頸與臂的 cervicobrachial neuralgia. 頸與臂神經痛 cervicobrachial syndrome. 頸臂症候群.
#23. Airiti Library華藝線上圖書館
關鍵字. 根尖囊腫; 根尖手術; 根尖肉芽腫; 根尖病變; Periapical Granuloma ; Radicular Cyst ... Endodontic applications of cone-beam volumetric tomography.
#24. 診所設備 - 聯強牙醫診所
3D DENTAL COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY ... 數位3D電腦斷層掃描能輔助醫師在術前更精準地判斷患者的牙齒及口內狀況,彌補傳統X光平面呈像、組織重疊等問題。讓醫師在植牙、全口重建 ...
#25. 錐狀射束電腦斷層之金屬假影修正 - 臺灣聯合大學博碩士論文系統
帳號:guest( 離開系統. 字體大小: 字級放大 字級縮小 預設字形 ... 論文名稱(外文):, Metal Artifact Reduction in Cone-beam Computed Tomography.
#26. 期刊論文/Journal Paper - 中國醫藥大學
... micro-computed tomography,Journal of Dental Sciences,2023 Mar,():,SCI ... Ming-Gene)*,上下顎恆牙第一與第二小臼齒牙根管形態的文獻回顧與病例分享,中 ...
#27. computed axial tomography是什么意思 - 英语单词
Noun: a method of examining body organs by scanning them with X rays and using a computer to construct a series of cross-sectional scans along a single axis.
#28. BC25360200 | 西藥資訊| 就醫指南 - 耕莘醫院
台灣愛力根藥品股份有限公司 ... 署藥輸字第025360號 ... 眼底彩色照片、FAG (fluorescein angiography)、OCT (optical coherence tomography)及相關病歷紀錄資料。
#29. A Systematic Review,Journal of Clinical Medicine - X-MOL
本系统评价的目的是使用先进的微型计算机断层扫描对有关根管形态的文献进行完整分析。在电子网络数据库PubMed、Scopus 和Cochrane 中检查了有关所选关键字 ...
#30. 單元七(1) 【拉】 - tract - / 字根輕鬆背單字/ 多益, 托福, 學測, 指 ...
好消息!! 從這第43單元開始,Ruby會製作每個單元的精美課程講義供會員同學下載,請同學點選下方連結了解講義內容及索取辦法,希望Ruby的 字根 單字庫和 ...
#31. 國立臺灣師範大學資訊工程研究所碩士論文
其中,除了輸入法的字根鍵外,另外加入了輸入法需使用到的按鍵,例 ... for Emission Computed Tomography”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,.
#32. 輻射醫療曝露品質保證標準 - 植根法律網
中華民國93年12月8日行政院原子能委員會會輻字第0930036753號、行政院衛生署衛署醫 ... 附表八-診斷用電腦斷層掃描儀(Computed tomography)應實施之校驗項目、頻次及 ...
#33. 臺中醫林 - 高雄榮民總醫院
三個字根合併而成:sacro. (sacrum骶骨/薦椎)+ ilii ... 經學檢查,排除神經病變(neuropathy)、神經根 ... photon emitting computed tomography SPECT/.
#34. 太可怕!男頭痛了2天就醫驚見超長釘子頭頂插入腦... - 自由時報
一名男子莫名頭痛2天,直到痛到受不了才去就醫,沒想到照完電腦斷層攝影(computed tomography)後發現,竟然有一根超長的釘子從他的頭頂插入腦袋中,照片 ...
#35. 電阻抗斷層掃描系統-新式醫學成像技術
16 位元的並列資料匯流排,最大傳輸率為12 M 字. 元/秒。 2. 振盪電路設計 ... 均方根值-直流值轉換法(4)、乘法器法(13) 和平衡式. 解調法(6) 等四種。
#36. 探測台灣莫荷面 - 中央氣象局
關鍵字:TAIGER,ATSEE,台灣莫荷面. 前言. 台灣地下地殼的厚度(即莫荷面深度)及其變化 ... 以地震波到時進行速度構造反演(tomography)來推. 測,但因震源及測站分佈不均, ...
#37. 應用FDK重建法於BGA檢測之研究 - 台灣聯合大學博碩士論文系統
因此本研究冀望以X射線電腦斷層掃瞄法(X-Ray Computer Tomography)來進行物件三維結構的影像重建,最後以所得到的立體影像來判斷生產線上的各類製程缺.
#38. 醫學術語潘德樑高雄榮總97.06.08.
4 醫學術語的組合字根法(Word Root) 字尾法(Suffix) 字首法(Prefix) ... 性攜帶式腹膜透析 peritoneal dialysis Computed(axial) tomography CAT scan 電腦斷層攝影.
#39. 「電腦斷層」年燒健保檢查項目冠軍!7大危險群做這要謹慎
電腦斷層攝影(computed tomography),簡稱CT。 ... 檢查五折等法,刺激民眾多買多做幾項影像檢查,但大量顯影劑可能就會成為壓垮腎功能最後一根稻草。
#40. 臺北榮民總醫院移植外科- 簡介
Association between asymmetric dimethylarginine and in-stent restenosis tissue characteristics assessed by optical coherence tomography. Int J Cardiol .
#41. 國內醫院調製正子掃描造影藥物管理法規回顧與展望
氟-18氟化鈉全身骨骼掃描正子造影(3)。 國內核子醫學引進PET造影成長迅速。根 ... tomography, PET) 為全球成長最為迅速的醫學. 影像技術之一。因應PET造影與正子放射 ...
#42. 3D錐束電腦斷層e目瞭然 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
若是需要植牙或口腔顎骨腫瘤切除等手術時,以往多利用電腦斷層攝影(computed tomography,CT),透過影像重組以提供三度空間的影像,但患者相對受到的幅 ...
#43. 陰部神經- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Computed tomography-guided pudendal nerve block. A new diagnostic approach to long-term anoperineal pain: a report of two cases. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2000, 25 ( ...
#44. Cyborg 宣言與Cyborg 研究 - 南華大學
植根於高技術 ... organism」為cyborg 的原始字根,然而過往甚少有研究嘗試藉由 ... tomography) scans are subtly--and sometimes not so.
#45. 應用超音波斷面影像技術評估古蹟大木構件之內部材質 - 內政部
Tomography 這個字是由希臘文 τομοσ 演變而來,在希臘文上原始意義就是指『斷面』(Section)或切出的『薄. 片』(Slice)的意思。如今我們即可明白地定義斷層攝影為「利用 ...
#46. 2022生技產業白皮書
產業發展藍圖,期能加速生技產業的深根與發展,打造成為帶動國家經濟成 ... Coherence Tomography, OCT)影像系統,可用於輔助判別冠狀動脈鈣化狀況並.
#47. 應力波斷面顯像技術在漂流木應用之研究
應力波斷面顯像技術在漂流木應用之研究. Investigation on drift wood quality using stress-wave tomography techniques. 委託機關:行政院農業委員會林務局.
#48. 人類的性費洛蒙 - 科技大觀園
松露一般會在以松樹、橡樹等主樹根為中心的圓形外圍土壤裡成長,並發出 ... 正子放射斷層攝影術(positron emission tomography,簡稱PET)是一種非 ...
#49. 科學家發現山羊吃土卻又不傷牙的主要機制
... Free State)與德國哥廷根大學(University of Goettingen)的聯合研究團隊,經電腦斷層(Computed Tomography,簡稱CT)掃描山羊的消化系統及解剖方面 ...
#50. 博碩士論文105327021 詳細資訊
Osterberg, and K. D. Paulsen, “Instrumentation and design of a frequency domain diffuse optical tomography imager for breast cancer detection,” ...
#51. Reciproc Blue 和M3-L 在樹脂模擬根管中的修形能力比較
研究目的: 通過樹脂模擬根管比較3 種單支銼WaveOne Gold(WOG)、Reciproc ... Micro-computed tomography evaluation of the preparation.
#52. 闲话态层析(state tomography) - 知乎专栏
屏幕上是花体字,写着:「祝小公主永远开心,永远快乐。」署名就是梁霆。我和梁珍珍的生日是同一天。她生日的那天,我失去了最爱的妈妈。我再也 ...
#53. 頸椎椎間盤突出症 - 中正脊椎骨科醫院脊椎外科
頸部神經根病變:若壓迫了神經根,會造成沿著神經分部的範圍疼痛、感覺或運動功能障礙,如肌肉張力減弱、肢體感覺異常及 ... 電腦斷層攝影檢查(Computed Tomography)
#54. 國防醫學院建校第121年校慶大會暨第49屆國軍軍醫學術研討會 ...
關鍵字:醫療在地化、全民健康保險資料庫、門診處方及治療明細檔 ... However, computed tomography imaging revealed a protruding mass that, upon excision, was.
#55. 下颌前磨牙C形根管的锥形束CT研究
口腔疾病防治, 2020, 28(2): 88⁃. 92. Cone⁃beam computed tomography study of C⁃shaped root canal of mandibular premolars. KONG Qianying1,. LIANG Lizhong2. 1.
#56. Cis 手冊
蒐集和研討數位x 光dr/cr 和ct 等推dental:數位根尖片是傳統1/8~10這個我 ... CBCT〈Cone Beam Computerized Tomography〉,所以應該要翻譯成「錐狀束 ...
#57. The Optimal Post-therapeutic Surveillance Schedule for Head ...
關鍵字: 頭頸癌、追蹤、治療 ... 的考量,使得治療的多樣性複雜,主要治療包括根. 治性切除手術、根治性放射治療或 ... computed tomography in head and neck cancer.
#58. 電腦斷層掃描儀輻射醫療曝露品質輔導計畫
會輻字第1000010067 號. 衛署醫字第1000263544 號. 中華民國100 年7 月29 日. 修正「輻射醫療曝露品質保證標準」 ... tomography dose index, CTDI vol )量測結果,成.
#59. 醫療器材許可證資料集 - SheetHub.com
許可證字號 有效日期 發證日期 許可證種類 醫療器材級數 通... 1447208 衛部醫器輸字第025994號 2019‑04‑16 2014‑04‑16 醫器 2 DH... 1447209 衛部醫器輸字第025995號 2019‑04‑17 2014‑04‑17 醫器 3 DH... 1447210 衛部醫器輸字第025996號 2019‑04‑18 2014‑04‑18 醫器 2 DH...
#60. 超普通心理学/記憶- 维基教科书,自由的教学读本
... 研究法驅使,運用正子斷層掃描(Positron emission tomography)以及功能性核磁 ... 記了許多次,有固化記憶的效果,舉凡市面上有許多以字根、字首、字尾分類的英文 ...
#61. 行政院國家科學委員會補助專題研究計畫期中報告 - CNU IR
practitioners in brain tomography. Keywords: Characteristic points, fuzzy inference system, SCORM, intelligent tutoring system, SPM. 二、緣由與目的.
#62. 啟動創造力! | 哈佛商業評論・與世界一流管理接軌
當電腦斷層掃瞄(Computed Tomography Scan)出來時,大家都很興奮,終於可以一窺這個人體最後荒蠻之地(The Last Frontier)的奧秘了。 當時,我的指導教授叫我們一定 ...
#63. 醫學術語與病歷導讀高雄榮總潘德樑. - ppt download
大綱醫學術語(Medical Terminology) 字根、字首、字尾( Roots, Prefixes, ... EMG 肌電圖 Electromyogram PET 正子斷層造影 Positron emission tomography.
#64. 108 年度秓季學術大會 - 中華民國醫事放射學會
研究目的. 本研究之主要目的是藉由自製肝臟模型與線群塊規進行電腦斷層(Computed tomography, CT)掃描參數與影像. 最小可偵測差異(minimum detectable difference, MDD)的 ...
#65. ped- / 最容易懂的字根教學/ 連結圖片影像讓你輕鬆背單字/ 多益 ...
好消息!! 從這第43單元開始,Ruby會製作每個單元的精美課程講義供會員同學下載,請同學點選下方連結了解講義內容及索取辦法,希望Ruby的 字根 單字庫和 ...
#66. (簡體)牙髓病CBCT臨床應用(Cone Beam Computed ...
(簡體)牙髓病CBCT臨床應用(Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Endodontics) ... 後面的章節(5~11章)則主要講述CBCT在牙髓病、根尖周病以及牙外傷中的臨床應用。
#67. Q16P3GYYHY220E-0SB - Datasheet - 电子工程世界
电阻抗成像(Electrical Impedance Tomography,简称EIT)技术是一种新颖的图像重建技术。 ... 内核(2.6.14) + 根文件系统+Qtopia Core 4移植for S3C2410 ...
#68. Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Endodontics
Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Endodontics Conventional radiography has well-documented limitations when it comes to endodontic diagnosis and treatment.
#69. 常見字根: tain / ten 聯想表
tain / ten = hold (Latin) 聊這篇字根前想先分享一個在我眼中很溫暖的字– sustain 怎麼說溫暖呢? 因為在討論環境保育的主題中都少不了這個字, ...
#70. 英文字彙DNA(20):手動作的字根–tract | 大紀元
常用字根–tract = to draw, 拉. 1. contract, n. 契約(con-=together, 一份契約將雙方拉在一起). 2. attract, v. 吸引(重複字根首字+a, 強調造字 ...
#71. titular - EZABC 簡單背單字
【記】tit=title ( n.頭銜) ,ular ---> 頭銜的---> 名義上的. 來源: 英文兵器寶典. 友善連結. 哈哈英單7000:諧音,圖像記憶單字書 破解字根字首,7000單字不必背!
#72. 你還在背單字嗎?字首.字根.字尾記憶法 - 第 209 頁 - Google 圖書結果
gest 擴帶 + ure 名詞字尾 The kidnapperraised both hands in agesture ofsurrender 綁匪舉 ... 醫生建議病患接受電腦斷層掃描。 physician醫師/tomography斷層/scan ...
#73. CNN 互動英語 2021 年 3 月號 No.246【有聲版】: Entering the Matrix ...
Jaw Patrol · Environment , Vocabulary 字根字首字尾小辭典用來測量、觀察或記錄的科學 ... 攝譜儀 spectro + -graph 照光譜圍繪圖= + 同字尾的字 tomography [ to ...
#74. 神経疾患の評価と理学療法 - 第 574 頁 - Google 圖書結果
根性錯感覚 radicular para ( dys ) sthesia 脊椎神経根の硬膜内部分の障害 ... コンピュータ断層撮影 computed tomography : CT サイトカイン cytokine リンパ球の ...
tomography字根 在 Re: [字彙] 不同醫生職業的叫法- 看板GRE 的推薦與評價
1. adolescent (青少年) vs. adult (成人)
ad + ol + esc + ent => 青少年是逐漸成長的人
^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^
to grow become 名尾
ad + ul + t => 成人已經成長的人 (grown-up 裡用完成式)
^^ ^^ ^
to grow 表人 (如詩人 poet)
複習一下 acronym (頭字語)。
AIDS = Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (後天免疫不全症候群)
^ ^ ^ ^
HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus (人類免疫不全病毒)
^ ^ ^
還記得 SARS 嗎?那段蒐集台大乖寶寶章的日子:)
SARS = Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (嚴重急性呼吸道症候群)
^ ^ ^ ^
3. anesthesiology (麻醉學)
an + esthes + i + o + log + y => not feel 失去知覺 => 麻醉
^^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^
not feel SE SE study 名尾
看到 -logy 就知道「...學」,這很容易。
更常見要記的字是 anethetics (n) 麻醉藥。-ics 結尾在醫學上就是「藥
劑」,另外也可以當作「學問」(同 -logy),如電子學 electronics。
觸類旁通,esthes 表 feel 可記美學 esthetics。美是從感覺來的,不是
嗎?(我們又再次複習了 -ics 的用法,對吧)
另外 esthes 的開頭 e 也可拼成 ae,因為以前的 ae 是一個字母,拼字上
4. asthma (氣喘) / allergy (過敏) / immunology (免疫學)
asthma 在希臘文就是喘 (pant, 不是褲子XD) 的意思。
all + erg + y => 過敏是一種「奇怪的反應」
^^^ ^^^ ^
other, strange work, activity 名尾
al 作 other 解 => altruism (n) 利他主義。和自己不一樣的是陌生的、
奇怪的,所以外國人、外星人叫 alien。
erg 用「耳格」來記,耳格是功 (work) 的單位,一耳格 = 10 的 -7 次方
im + mun + o + logy => 不給你,所以你沒有 => 免疫
^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^
not give SE 學問
mun 作 give 在記一個 GRE 單字 => munificent (a) 慷慨的。其中 fic
從 fac (make) 來的,常常去做 (make) 給 (give) 這個動作不就是「慷慨
※ 先寫到這,我媽逼我去睡覺了 = = (待補,這篇應該要寫很久XD)
※ 引述《cedileon (新華書店)》之銘言:
: Asthma, Allergy & Immunology: The study and treatment of the body's reaction
: to foreign substances. The ailments treated by immunologists include hay
: fever, asthma, hives and other abnormal responses to allergens that range
: from dust and food to animals and chemicals.過敏治療學
: Breast-Cancer Surgery: Surgeons specializing in cancer of the breast are
: skilled in a number of surgical options, ranging from mastectomies to sentinel
: -node biopsies. They also work with a multidisciplinary team that may include
: oncologists, radiologists, pharmacists and others to determine the best
: strategy for follow-up treatment and care. 乳腺癌手術
: Cardiac Surgery: Highly trained and certified cardiac surgeons correct and
: repair multiple heart conditions, including coronary artery disease and
: congenital heart disease. Many cardiac surgeons specialize in minimally invasive
: surgeries that are performed through a small incision and require less recovery
: time and improve patient safety and comfort.心臟病手術
: Cardiology: The study of the heart. Cardiologists often specialize in a particular
: area, but collectively they diagnose and treat patients suffering from diseases
: of the heart, lungs and blood vessels; perform heart surgeries; and educate
: patients on preventing heart problems and living a heart-healthy lifestyle
: .心臟病學
: Colorectal Surgery: The treatment of diseases of the intestinal tract, anus
: and rectum through surgery. Colorectal surgeons not only operate to remove
: malignancies, they strongly encourage the testing that can lead to early
: detection. If caught early, colorectal cancer can be cured. Colorectal surgeons
: also deal with hemorrhoids, polyps and other ailments.結直腸手術
: Critical Care: Emergency departments and special-care units offer the services
: of highly trained physicians and nurses to provide minute-to-minute care
: to critically ill patients and patients whose lives are in danger.重症護理
: Dermatology: The medical field devoted to the study and treatment of disorders
: and diseases of the skin. Dermatologists help patients deal with a range
: of concerns, from warts to acne to skin cancers.皮膚病學
: Diabetes: Specialists in this field of medicine provide education in diabetes
: management, along with other tools to help patients take control of their
: diabetes and prevent it from interfering with active, healthy lives.糖尿病醫師
: Emergency Medicine: Emergency medicine specialists provide urgently needed
: treatment for injured and ill patients to prevent a worsening of the condition
: , disability or death. This treatment and care usually takes place in a hospital
: emergency room.搶救醫師
: Endocrinology: This branch of medicine focuses on the body’s “ductless”
: glands and how they function. Endocrinologists are concerned with the thyroid
: , pituitary and adrenal glands, among others, as well as nutritional disorders
: , sexual disorders, and problems such as diabetes and hypertension.內分泌病學
: Epilepsy: Neurologists specializing in this field of care help patients living
: with epilepsy and other seizure disorders live full and active lives. Treatment
: can involve surgery or medications, or can be a combination of both.癲癇科醫師
: Family Practice: Family practice physicians provide comprehensive medical
: care with an emphasis on caring for all members of the family. Family practice
: builds upon a core of knowledge derived from other disciplines, primarily
: pediatrics, internal medicine, OB/GYN, geriatrics, surgery and psychiatry
: . The family practitioner plays the role of personal physician.家庭醫師
: Gastroenterology: The study and treatment of conditions of the digestive
: system. A gastroenterologist diagnoses and treats disorders of the stomach
: , intestines, bowels and other structures, such as the liver, gall bladder
: , pancreas and esophagus. Gastroenterologists focus on maladies that include
: ulcers, jaundice, hepatitis and cancer.胃腸病學
: General Surgery: The study and practice of all types of surgical operations
: . General surgeons perform a number of procedures aimed at treating a range
: of diseases and conditions, including cancer, appendicitis, tonsillitis
: and hernia.常見病學
: Geriatrics: The study of aging and the treatment of problems in the elderly
: . Geriatric-care specialists consider a range of illnesses and conditions
: as they specifically affect the aged. These physicians frequently address
: the psychological and social aspects of aging, in addition to the physical
: aspects.老年病學
: Gynecologic Oncology: The study, diagnosis and treatment of tumors and cancers
: in the female reproductive system, including breast care.婦科腫瘤學
: Gynecology: The study and care of the female reproductive system, including
: breast care. Gynecologists provide routine care for women and treat a full
: spectrum of illnesses that particularly affect women.婦產科
: Hand Surgery: Surgeons in this specialty are trained to diagnose and repair
: damaged and injured hands. The conditions they treat range from carpal tunnel
: syndrome to sport-related injuries and the reattachment of severed fingers
: .手外傷治療師
: Head and Neck Surgery: Surgeons who are trained in head and neck surgery
: generally have subspecialties in areas that include otology (diseases of
: the ear), rhinology (diseases of the nose) and/or laryngology (diseases of
: the throat and larynx).頭頸手術師
: Headache: Neurologists who specialize in treating victims of chronic headaches
: and migraines and offer their patients multiple treatment options, including
: the latest medications, physical therapy, biofeedback and psychological
: counseling.間歇性頭痛治療師
: Hematology: The medical specialty concerned with blood and the blood system
: . A hematologist treats blood diseases such as cancer, lymphoma, serious
: anemia and sickle cell disease.血液病學
: Infectious Diseases: Diseases, often communicable, that are caused by the
: growth of various microorganisms, including bacteria and viruses. A specialist
: in infectious diseases diagnoses and treats patients affected by illnesses
: ranging from pneumonia to salmonella to AIDS.傳染病
: Infertility Medicine: A field of treatment and research aimed at helping
: individuals and couples who want children but are having fertility problems
: or are otherwise having trouble conceiving. Procedures might include artificial
: insemination or in vitro fertilization, where an egg is removed from a woman
: ’s ovary, fertilized in a lab and then placed in the woman’s uterus.不孕症病學
: Internal Medicine: A broad-based medical field in which physicians rely on
: their knowledge of major organs to diagnose and treat patients. Internists
: treat a variety of afflictions, from colds and heart problems to infectious
: diseases. Internists often serve as a patient's primary doctor, coordinating
: all that person's health care.內科
: Midwife (CNM): A certified nurse midwife (CNM) is a registered nurse who
: has completed an advanced course of study and is certified by the American
: College of Nurse-Midwives. A midwife is trained to care for women during
: pregnancy, labor and the postnatal period; conduct normal deliveries; and
: to care for newborn babies under normal circumstances.新生兒孕婦看護
: Movement Disorders: Neurologists specializing in movement disorders are trained
: to diagnose and treat conditions of the nerves and muscles that may prevent
: such simple functions as walking across a room with ease or drinking a glass
: of water without spilling. These disorders include tremors, Parkinson’s
: disease, Huntington’s chorea and Tourrette’s syndrome.運動障礙
: Neonatology: A field of medicine devoted to the care and treatment of infants
: up to six weeks old. Neonatologists concentrate on the full spectrum of
: medical problems that can affect newborn babies.新生兒護理學
: Nephrology: The study and care of the kidneys and urinary system. Nephrologists
: treat kidney disorders, diabetes, renal failure and other illnesses. Treatments
: can range from dialysis to kidney transplants.腎病學
: Neurology: The study and treatment of diseases of the nervous system. A neurologist
: assists patients who have stroke complications, head injuries, epilepsy,
: Alzheimer's disease, and other afflictions of the brain and spinal cord.
: 神經系統疾病學
: Neuro-ophthalmology: Specialists in this branch of medicine offer the experience
: and the resources to help people with brain-related visual problems --as
: well as eye-movement problems --find hope for improved eyesight. Therapies
: range from botulinum toxin injection to nonsurgical treatment for facial
: spasms and excessive blinking.神經性眼病學
: Neurosurgery: Neurosurgeons specialize in surgically treating diseases and
: disorders of the nervous system. The nervous system consists of the brain
: and the spinal cord (central nervous system), along with the nerves of the
: brain and spinal cord (peripheral nervous system).神經外科
: Nuclear Medicine: A specialty that uses radioactive substances and sophisticated
: diagnostic equipment to determine a variety of conditions and diseases.
: The equipment used in nuclear medicine -- including MRI (magnetic resonance
: imaging) and PET (positron emission tomography) --reveals the inner workings
: of the body and its organs.放射科學
: Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN): OB/GYN is the field of medicine devoted
: to conditions specific to women. Obstetrics is the care of a woman during
: pregnancy and during and after childbirth. Gynecology is the study and care
: of the female reproductive system. An OB/GYN specialist combines these two
: disciplines to provide comprehensive care for women.婦產科
: Oncology --Medical: Medical oncologists are specialists in using various
: medications to treat and manage patients with cancer. This includes the
: use of chemotherapy to kill cancer cells, painkillers to manage cancer pain
: , and drugs that will eliminate or reduce the side effects of cancer treatment
: .腫瘤病學
: Oncology --Radiation: Radiation oncology is the field of medicine that uses
: therapeutic applications of radiation to manage cancer and other diseases
: . Radiation oncologists determine the type of radiation that will be used
: , as well as the amount or dose, and the number and length of treatments.
: 放射腫瘤科
: Ophthalmology: The medical specialty devoted to care of the eye and the treatment
: of diseases that affect eyes and vision. An ophthalmologist diagnoses and
: treats abnormalities of the eye and performs surgery on the eye. Ophthalmologists
: are medical doctors and are different from optometrists (who test vision
: and prescribe corrective lenses) and opticians (who make or sell corrective
: eyewear).眼病科
: Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery: The branch of dentistry that focuses on the diagnosis
: and surgical treatment of diseases, injuries and deformities of the teeth
: , mouth and jaw. An oral surgeon removes wisdom teeth, repairs broken jaws
: and treats a range of other conditions. Specialists in this field are also
: called dental surgeons.口腔醫學也可做stomatological
: Orthopedic Surgery: The medical field concerned with the prevention and correction
: of muscular or skeletal injuries and abnormalities. Orthopedic surgeons
: treat complex conditions and injuries as well as broken bones, severe muscle
: sprains, and knee and other joint injuries. They also perform joint replacements
: .肌肉骨骼治療
: Otolaryngology (ENT): A division of medical science that focuses on the ears
: , nose and throat (ENT). Otolaryngologists diagnose and treat disorders from
: the shoulders up, with the exception of the eyes and brain. Conditions they
: may deal with include hearing loss, tonsillitis and nasal obstructions.
: 耳鼻喉科
: Otology: An otologist is a specialist in the anatomy and structure of the
: ear, and how to treat diseases of the ear.耳科
: Pain Management: Physicians and other pain experts choose from an extensive
: series of diagnostic tests to precisely identify the source of a patient
: ’s pain. Treatment and management possibilities are wide ranging and include
: physical therapy, behavioral therapy, biofeedback and pain-relieving devices
: that are implanted under the skin.傷痛管理
: Pathology: The study of the nature and causes of disease. A pathologist examines
: body tissues to diagnose of diseases, and to determine the cause of various
: conditions, including death. There are several subspecialties in pathology
: , including chemical pathology, forensic pathology, hematology pathology
: and neuropathology.病理學
: Pediatrics: The field of medicine dedicated to the care of infants, children
: and teenagers. Doctors in this field are called pediatricians. They are
: often the first doctors children see, and they concentrate on preventing
: illness and treating children for a variety of conditions, including sore
: throats, earaches and infectious diseases.兒科
: Pediatric Specialties: Usually, a family physician or pediatrician will address
: the health problems of children. However, when there is a serious illness
: or injury, a child may need care from a pediatric specialist --a physician
: with advanced training and expertise in a particular area of medicine. Board
: -certified pediatric specialists provide medical services in areas ranging
: from cardiology and infectious diseases to neurology, orthopedics and surgery
: .兒科專家
: Perinatology: A branch of medicine dealing with medical and biological issues
: that affect the birth of a child. Perinatology combines obstetrics, gynecology
: and neonatology, and includes treatment of a fetus or a newborn and the
: mother.新生兒學
: Physiatry: A physiatrist is a physician who specializes in physical medicine
: , which is the curing of injuries and disease by natural methods. Measures
: that are used include physical therapy, massage, exercise, light and heat
: .理療師注意和Phusician區別
: Physical Rehabilitation: Physicians and therapists who specialize in physical
: rehabilitation help patients who’ve had a stroke or serious injury return
: to home, work or school. The goal of therapy is to restore lost function
: through hands-on treatment, exercise and patient education.運動功能恢復師
: Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery: The repair, restoration or reconstruction
: of different parts of the body. Plastic and reconstructive surgeons not
: only perform elective cosmetic surgery to improve appearance, they also repair
: and reconstruct the facial features and bodies of patients with conditions
: caused by burns, injuries, diseases and congenital deformities.義肢手術
: Podiatry: The study, prevention and treatment of problems of the foot. A
: podiatrist may prescribe corrective devices and medication, or recommend
: physical therapy. Podiatrists attend colleges of podiatric medicine and graduates
: are doctors of podiatric medicine (DPM). Podiatrits with advanced training
: also do various types of foot surgery.腳腿病醫師
: Prostate Care: Cancer or other conditions affecting the prostate may be treated
: by surgeons, cancer specialists and/or urologists using a wide range of
: therapies. Depending on the specific problem, a course of treatment can involve
: everything from surgery and medications to high-dose radiation.前列腺護理
: Psychiatry: The diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental, emotional
: and behavioral disorders. Psychiatrists are physicians who prescribe appropriate
: medication and do therapy to treat of a variety of conditions, from depression
: to schizophrenia.心理咨詢師
: Psychology: Psychologists deal with mental processes --both normal and abnormal
: --and their effects upon human behavior. Psychologists typically have a
: doctorate degree, but are not medical doctors and do not prescribe medications
: .心理學
: Pulmonary Medicine: The field of medicine devoted to the study and treatment
: of diseases of the respiratory system. Pulmonary specialists --called pulmonologists
: --treat pneumonia, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, cancer and other disorders
: of the lungs and respiratory system.肺病醫療respiratory呼吸系統
: Radiology: The use of radioactive equipment, including X-ray machines, to
: diagnose and treat diseases and injuries. Specialists in this field are
: called radiologists.放射治療 化療chemotherapy
: Rheumatology: The study and care of the joints and the muscular and skeletal
: systems. Rheumatologists treat a range of conditions, from athletic injuries
: to arthritis, lupus and rheumatic fever.風濕病學
: Sleep Disorders: The field of medicine devoted to the study and treatment
: of disruptions in sleeping patterns. Specialists in this field work with
: patients to overcome such conditions as insomnia, narcolepsy and sleep apnea
: .睡眠學 insomnia失眠 narcolepsy嗜睡 sleep apnea睡眠呼吸障礙
: Sports Medicine: The field of medicine devoted to athletic injuries. Doctors
: specializing in sports medicine help patients prevent and recover from a
: range of injuries -- from sprained knees and back strains to broken bones
: and torn ligaments --suffered while engaging in sports activities. Many
: sports medicine doctors also help design athletic training equipment and
: training methods.運動健康學
: Thoracic Surgery: The study and practice of surgery on the chest cavity and
: rib cage, including the heart, lungs and esophagus. Thoracic surgeons treat
: patients with lung cancer, coronary diseases, aneurysms and heart diseases
: .胸外科
: Transplant: Surgeons specializing in organ transplants take a multidisciplinary
: approach to surgery and follow-up care that addresses all of patient’s
: physical and psychological needs. Patients receive an extensive orientation
: prior to transplantation, which can involved the kidneys, liver, heart and
: other organs.器官移植
: Urology: The study and treatment of the male and female urinary tracts and
: the male genital tract. Urologists diagnose and treat disorders of the urinary
: tract, prostate and bladder.泌尿科bladder 膀胱
: Vascular Surgery: The focus is on surgical solutions to diseases of the body
: ’s blood vessels, including the heart and lymph systems. Vascular surgeons
: treat patients for lymphatic diseases, strokes, aneurysms, varicose veins
: and other conditions.循環系統手術vascular 血管的
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