gmt time now 在 V.K克 - Supernova我的房間就是我的小行星💫 #4 宅在家做什麼? 的影片資訊
探險者們請注意!防疫在家的這段期間,大家都在家裡做什麼呢? 一起來分享聊聊天吧! ⏰5/28 星期五20:00鎖定V.K克Youtube頻道: V.K克 - Supernova我的房間就是我的小行星...
探險者們請注意!防疫在家的這段期間,大家都在家裡做什麼呢? 一起來分享聊聊天吧! ⏰5/28 星期五20:00鎖定V.K克Youtube頻道: V.K克 - Supernova我的房間就是我的小行星...
ARCHIDEX Online is now Live for you to Discover . Source . Connect . 24/7 Join this webinar Sessio...
Kumusuta ka? it’s Mana? I’m so glad finally I can tell you about Xmas party and greet and meet event...
被禁了九年,我終於在吉隆坡完成了第一場萬人演唱會,我答應過,要把演唱會賺到的錢都拿來做慈善。 這一次的我們跑遍了東西馬的大小鄉鎮,把物資和錢送給了二十多個慈善團體。在旅途上,我親眼看到,接觸到,很多...
GIVEAWAY!! Have been home for almost 3 weeks now so here’s a vlog to show you guys what I’ve been up...
Giratina has been talked about a lot in the Ultra and Master league. Maybe now it’s time for me to g...
Giratina has been talked about a lot in the Ultra and Master league. Maybe now it’s time for me to g...
With the start of Hoenn region event, Kyogre and Groudon are back as raid bosses. However, I will be...
With the start of Hoenn region event, Kyogre and Groudon are back as raid bosses. However, I will be...
❖ Learning watercolor techniques, calming the soul, mediated the mind, learning and motivating to pa...