也是難得一年一次的香港EX FAMILY見面機會!!
我們現在誠意邀請各位HK EX FAMILY一同參與這次的ムチュー (Muchu)活動!!
此外,因為今年將會是MATSU、ÜSA、MAKIDAI的最後一年當EXILE的performer,雖然我們沒有什麼特別的活動策劃,但希望大家能夠當日一起拍攝短片,跟三位作為第一章的Original Member說聲「十四年間お疲れ様でした!」,然後大家合力一同上載至不同SNS(社交網絡平台)!希望能夠將我們香港的心意傳達到日本的他們!
今年的轉播影院有兩個,我們今次的提案人都會集中在MCL德福的影院,所以會在那邊場地拍攝。當然The Sky的朋友如果有自發拍了相片或者影片的,歡迎inbox給我們一起投稿~當然任何參加者事後想取回相片或者短片留為紀念或者親自上載SNS也非常歡迎~(但當然記得要tag #HK_EXFAMILY )
還有不到一個月的時間!大家要加緊練習ATSUSHI提案的Get Dance!!
活動內容:①拍攝muchu短片及大合照 ②拍攝向MATSU、USA、MAKIDAI致敬短片
聯絡人:@HaSu芙 @Bzi Kwok
#kiminimuchu #キミにムチュー
【Urgent call!!】
Dear Hong Kong EXILE fans
We should all be looking forward to the fifth live viewing event of EXILE live tour in our hometown and excited about our annual HONG KONG EX FAMILY gathering, right?
To go in line with the official EXILE campaign to celebrate the release of the new single “Ki・mi・ni・mu・chu”, we would like to invite all of you to take part in our Special “mu・chu” (ムチュー) Get Dance Video-shooting Activity on the day of live viewing.
What’s more, as the AW tour is the final tour for MATSU, ÜSA and MAKIDAI, who will retire from the performers team by the end of this year, we would also like to call for your participation in the shooting of a short video to convey our gratitude for the three original members who have brought us so many superb performances and wonderful memories since Chapter 1 of EXILE. Let’s give a big cheer of “十四年間お疲れ様でした!” (jyuu-yon-nen-kan-o-tsu-ka-re-sa-ma-de-shi-ta) to pay tribute to our three dear performers!
We hope all of you could then help upload the videos to various social networking sites to express our love for EXILE in Japan!
There are two cinemas for live viewing this year. The organizers of the special activity would gather at MCL Telford, where the videos would be recorded. Fans who choose to see the show in The Sky cinema are also welcome to take pictures and videos and send them to us. Your contributions would also be put together and uploaded. All participants of our special activity may retrieve all the pictures and videos taken for your own retention or uploading to SNS. (Don’t forget to tag #HK_EXFAMILY !)
You may bring along any cheering materials you’ve prepared!
Now that we have less than a month to get ready for the event, let’s practise hard the GET DANCE, an idea that ATSUSHI came up with. We plan to do 2 to 3 takes that day. Bloopers (i.e. NG shots) would also be documented as the “making-of”. ;)
In case you still do not know the dance well enough, don’t worry. We have TETSUYA sensei to demonstrate the moves to us!
Dance tutorial video: http://1drv.ms/1Tenprl
Details of the special activity:
Gathering time: 3:15 p.m.
Gathering venue: Lobby of MCL Telford
Schedule: ①shooting of “mu・chu” video and group photo ②shooting of short video to pay tribute to MATSU, ÜSA and MAKIDAI
Contact persons: @HaSu芙 @Bzi Kwok
Thank you for your support. We hope to see you on 27 Dec, 2015!
#kiminimuchu #キミニムチュー