嗯... 這禮拜運氣衰到爆表!昨晚 York 修門把...🏠 修到忘了關鐵門跟車庫門...😑 結果我們就被闖空門了(應該是被請進來...)📭
賊拿了車上的現金跟遙控器,沒進來我們家。應該是因為看到我們家門上有警報器(雖然當時沒設定)怕進來會大響🔔 所以把車庫可以拿的都拿走,雖然基本上沒東西。
早上發現的時候 York 急著上班,留我一個人在家。當時超怕有人可能躲在房子內🙄 不過討論結果應該是賊準備等我們上班後再回來拿東西👀
由於 York 是正職,變成他請假然後回來處理更換鎖的事,讓我去上班🔑 反正這個禮拜又是罰單,又是耳朵嚴重發炎,又是倒車撞到,真的是禍不單行啊!😣
#幾百塊澳幣拜拜💸💸💸 #難怪我爸以前都有睡前檢查房子門的好習慣
Ps. 賊應該把車子直接開走的(車鑰匙都在車上)因為車子比我們家所有的東西都值錢😅 我們家真的空空如也,也沒有一般華人家裡貴重的名牌包...😂 唉........🤦
Pss. 還是要幫 IG 拉流量😆 趕快來跟蹤唷!www.instagram.com/travelwithwinny 📸
So...Last night York forgot to close the gate AND the garage door😑 Someone broke into our car and took our remote & cash💵 Didn't think they came into the house cz prob think we have the alarm on🔔
Although it could be a possibility that someone is hiding in the house and just waiting for us to leave😅 Luckily nothing happened...
So yea, we had to change the locks and remote today in case they come back another time👀
Pretty shit luck this week🙄 Parking ticket, York reversed my car into a pole, ear infection...👂Bad luck comes in threes... But this is the fourth already 😭 Bye bye money 💸💸💸
幾百塊澳幣拜拜 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的最佳解答
嗯... 這禮拜運氣衰到爆表!昨晚 York 修門把...🏠 修到忘了關鐵門跟車庫門...😑 結果我們就被闖空門了(應該是被請進來...)📭
賊拿了車上的現金跟遙控器,沒進來我們家。應該是因為看到我們家門上有警報器(雖然當時沒設定)怕進來會大響🔔 所以把車庫可以拿的都拿走,雖然基本上沒東西。
早上發現的時候 York 急著上班,留我一個人在家。當時超怕有人可能躲在房子內🙄 不過討論結果應該是賊準備等我們上班後再回來拿東西👀
由於 York 是正職,變成他請假然後回來處理更換鎖的事,讓我去上班🔑 反正這個禮拜又是罰單,又是耳朵嚴重發炎,又是倒車撞到,真的是禍不單行啊!😣
#幾百塊澳幣拜拜💸💸💸 #難怪我爸以前都有睡前檢查房子門的好習慣
Ps. 賊應該把車子直接開走的(車鑰匙都在車上)因為車子比我們家所有的東西都值錢😅 我們家真的空空如也,也沒有一般華人家裡貴重的名牌包...😂 唉........🤦
Pss. 還是要幫 IG 拉流量😆 趕快來跟蹤唷!www.instagram.com/travelwithwinny 📸
So...Last night York forgot to close the gate AND the garage door😑 Someone broke into our car and took our remote & cash💵 Didn't think they came into the house cz prob think we have the alarm on🔔
Although it could be a possibility that someone is hiding in the house and just waiting for us to leave😅 Luckily nothing happened...
So yea, we had to change the locks and remote today in case they come back another time👀
Pretty shit luck this week🙄 Parking ticket, York reversed my car into a pole, ear infection...👂Bad luck comes in threes... But this is the fourth already 😭 Bye bye money 💸💸💸