行政會議成員當啲決定無佢份咁⋯⋯ 哈哈。
【政府全面禁堂食 促盡快召開立法會特別財委會「攞錢救人」】
#張宇人 #盡快召開立法會特別財委會攞錢救飲食業 #懇請各大業主減租及免減租及免租
Urge urgent extraordinary Finance Committee Meeting to find ways to rescue the catering industry paralyzed by the Government’s all day ban on dine-ins
Although the catering industry has always been extremely careful with our epidemic prevention, and totally law-abiding to the Government’s requirements, it is regrettable that a total ban on all dine-ins is still imposed for us. And without any assistance measures on hand has caused us more frustrations.
I have thus urged the Government to convene a Special Finance Committee meeting to study any possible rescue plans, and our Financial Secretary to compute a budget soonest, otherwise the catering industry would have collapsed if it had to wait until October for the LegCo session to resume.
At the same time, I have explored another avenue through the FEHD as a possible source of funding, similar to what I did with the Education Bureau for the emergency subsidies for my school lunchbox vendors. The most important thing now is "fast, effective" !
And time and time again, I have been urging landlords to reduce or even waive rents to help our catering industry at this very difficult time. For landlords to keep their tenants is mutually beneficial in the long term, I request for their mercy not to seize shops, cut-off utilities, and let our catering industry a way out to survive.
懇請各大業主減租及免減租及免租 在 Shiu Ka Fai 邵家輝- 同心救港保就業懇請減租本港零售業現正處於 ... 的推薦與評價
1. 今年二月份免租;及 2. 今年三月至六月只按租戶營業額收取分成租金(turnover rent)。 懇請各業主能回應零售業界訴求,協商減租,共度時艱! ... <看更多>