#2021台灣生技論壇(Taiwan Biotech Forum)由我來開幕致詞,歡迎您一同在線上共襄盛舉!
摘錄:「儘管這一年多來,全世界都受到 COVID-19 的威脅,但台灣從一開始的病例數就比鄰國更低,我認為這是我們政府、醫療保健系統、學術研究機構,以及像生技中心的生物技術單位所共同努力的結果,這就是我所說的『快速專業做防疫』。」
(Although the world has been under the threat of COVID-19 more than one year, Taiwan has relatively fewer cases than the other neighboring countries from the beginning; I think this is the result of many joint collaborative efforts by our government, healthcare system, academic and research institutes, as well as our biomedical sector. This is what I called “Fast and Expert Action”.)
(2021 Taiwan Biotech Forum themed “Preparing for the Next Pandemic: Ready, Set, and Go!” gathered the leading minds in the fields of public health, AI, pharmaceuticals, therapeutics and law from Taiwan and the world. The topics will look back on what we have learned from pandemic and also looking forward to review the enhancement needed for the future.)
🔔 主題演講:
1️⃣ 陳建仁 中央研究院基因體研究中心院士 | Taiwan’s Experience and Preparations for Future Emerging Infectious Disease
2️⃣ Toru Jay Seo 輝瑞(Pfizer)亞太區負責人暨資深總監 | Life Science Industry in Post-COVID-19 Era
3️⃣ 林清詠 美商圖策智能科技有限公司(Graphen)執行長 | Advancing Full-Brain AI Technologies for Drug Development and Genome Analysis
4️⃣ Philip Tagari 安進(Amgen)全球研發副總裁 | Real-time Therapeutics Discovery
5️⃣ Shaun Grady 阿斯特捷利康(AstraZeneca)全球商務發展營運資深副總裁 | Innovation and Partnerships in Post-Covid Era
6️⃣ 劉秉彥 成大醫院臨床醫學研究中心主任校園 | A Milestone in the QurE “m.Cov-tainer” in NCKU Campus
7️⃣ 張文貞 國立陽明交通大學科技法律學院院長 | COVID-19 and Human Rights: Taiwan’s Experience
📽 完整影片快看 | https://youtu.be/sq5rrPZ8qFU