[道指3萬點,3千字感想]本人有冇點你?就算一個唔該我估錯(成日錯架啦),我都係真心膠,in good faith的。下星期跌10000點咪兩份。至怕你唔敢坐。
1. 大量粗口,不喜勿入(我發現呢句嘢好似「成人內容」咁,啲人係專揀呢啲嚟睇)。
2. 首先介紹返,你話本人係仆街冇乜所謂,好多人都咁話。不過財演啦喎,你對上一次見到我上電視係幾時?咁冇工開嘅財演都係財演,隨你。但我肯定畢菲特先係最大嘅財演。
3. 至於叫人買股票害你啦喎,咁當然,我「唔止」3月叫你買。我見有個唔太友善嘅網友講:「屌,條仆街年頭到年尾都叫人買股票架啦」。拿,我欣賞佢嘅評語喎!首先佢省略咗財演,很好。仆街我冇反對。而我真係「年尾都叫人買股票」。咁又有錯?阿扁錯了嗎?係呀,你而家問我都叫你買股票架!唔係買乜?唔通買債?買美債1厘息都冇,必然輸死。「有冇話你知早排中國在歐洲發債係負息率?」(已FC).
4. 拿,講乜都假,唔使鳩威。但,第一樣嘢,知行合一。之前貼啲咩Tesla ASML Black Rock,當然係cherry pick,唔中嘅唔講。但天地良心,你睇晒所有,個命中率都高,你鍾意自己慢慢check。咁亦天地良心,今年3月之後命中唔難,易玩。
5. 但,不如我地都係睇返3月(https://fbook.cc/3Irq)。我好撚柒記得(要兩個粗口),呢度啲塘邊鶴點撚樣攻擊我。我只係講一句:「真係大鑊得過金融海嘯?」。當時係3月13日,道指21400點,嗰時買,你而家執四成起碼。我都費撚事睇標普或納指升幾多,豪畀你。咁區區四成回報你啲網友梗係唔放在眼內啦。買場波都幾倍啦(事實係喎)
6. 咁你話,咁撚準,咁你發達未?未。但,至少我退得休。是的,我聽日就退得休。傳說中的有火,FIRE,Financial Independence,Retire Early.「我而家就真係為與趣咋」。咁同埋,更好嘅生活咯,慾望永無止境。咁但,打唔到高流灣方榮記,咪打大家樂咯。應該十份一價錢(!!!)。食唔到大班樓同Tai Pan(唔同的,兩間都同埃汾太食,呼),咪食大班西餅,十份一唔使!
7. 記得史兄(係,嗰個史兄),之前寫文講「搵夠」,佢話係迷思。我唔完全同意。固然德國股神科斯托蘭尼(*)講(其實係叔本華講),金錢嘅嘢,好似飲海水咁,好多時越飲越渴。但,你列下你自己開支,咪大約知道。
8. 實不相瞞,我早排計過,我同埃汾太,一個月大約用4萬蚊左右,已經連埋供樓。咁亦唔怕話你知,我層樓一個月供12000蚊。即係齋洗費28000。已經係相當不錯嘅生活(請睇對上兩段),當然你要比嘅永遠有得比,你可以話去到大劉都唔係有錢,要Elon Musk先話有錢,隨你。但總之我嘅洗費就係4皮嘢,計埋我今年冇去旅行,計埋可能咪5皮?就係咁。咁你知自己嘅開支,咪有個譜。當然你話計「必要」,好多都不必要添。但冇得咁計啦,咪你計一個你自己舒服嘅生活水平。
9. 然後就要引科斯托蘭尼講嘅嘢(留意本書係佢遺作,2000年):
10. 根據我的定義,百萬富翁是指不依賴任何人,以自己的資本,就能滿足自我需求的人。百萬富翁不用工作,既不用在上司面前,也無須對客戶卑躬屈膝。這樣生活的人是真正的百萬富翁。要達到這個境界,有的人需要50萬美元,有的人則需要100萬美元,依個人的需求和義務而定。對音樂情有獨鍾的人,他們需要的錢比收藏名貴骨董汽車的人少。是單身一人,還是有個大家庭要供養?他妻子有多講究?她喜歡簡樸的衣服,還是皮衣和珠寶?或者,她也許愛上自己的銀行帳號,那麼,根據我的定義,她的丈夫永遠不會是百萬富翁。皮衣、汽車和珠寶是有界限的,總有一天會飽和,但銀行帳號不同,這是個漏水的桶子。
11. 即係,好簡單,我可以好豪咁講句:「阿叔我就搵夠架啦」。
12. 但我係咪好多錢?又唔係。點解「搵夠」?因為我洗費相對唔大(當然同差不多人工嘅人比啦),亦因為冇小朋友,我仲要住層268萬嘅屯門樓(2013買嗰時啦,而家400頭),然後我賣埋佢搬過台灣都仲得。
13. 講返,除咗現水(當年搞投資移民,有600萬台幣在台灣嘛,咁減咗租呀人工呀都仲剩返唔少,而我過唔到去搞,所以只能現水),同埋樓上講層樓(當然扣埋爭銀行嘅先係你嘅錢),剩返就係股票exposure啦。礙於我工作關係只能買基金(**)
14. 咁我嘅持倉價值呢,由3月嘅低位,已經升咗超過一個開。咁當然唔等於我啲嘢double咗,基本數學啦,我有新錢放入去嘛。咁你鍾意可以當我原本個倉1萬蚊,然後跟標普指數咁升5成,確診肺炎拎多5千,咪1萬變2萬,你鍾意啦。但即係,我就只計根標普指數咁升5成,你估易?
15. 我再講一次,3月時啲友屌埋我老母咁滯,「好多人死呀你仲叫人買股票你有冇撚良心架仆街死財演」「屌你識唔識架好大鑊呀大鑊過2008」「而家仲叫人買股票真係笑撚咗」。咁我肯定嗰啲網友而家個個發晒達勁過我啦,真喎。
16. 不過,至少我知行合一,冇自己唱好但暗中沽,我一個仙倉都冇減過,只有加冇減。滿意未?
17. 即係唔係話有乜巴撚閉,但,讀者請我食飯都馬會山光會所啦。我請公司助手食餐便飯都米芝蓮一星啦。唔係炫富(咁都好炫?咁我飛去新加坡食江振誠點計?六千幾銀喎),而係:你話你畫畫,寫文嘅,好有才華但好窮,我可以同意,藝術嘅嘢好主觀。你教書嘅,你係好出色嘅老師,但人工低過保險佬,我理解,公務員嘛,況且教書真係不能用錢去量度。
18. 但,喂,金融嘅,一撚二撚個話自己準嘅,你未必好有錢,但唔係窮撚到咁嘅地步下話?金融業係現實嘅,你咁巴閉,但窮到餐餐食過期面包嘅,點信你?你話你好撚好波,但冇球會請你,咁你有幾撚好波?咁我唔係話咩點有錢,但,多得各方識貨之人,又多得投資還算可以(真係勉強可以咋,但已經好過好多人),叫做衣食無憂啦。
19. 好,正經,「好啦好啦巴撚閉啦打足千幾字飛機啦,咁而家點先?」。喂,咁升咗咁多先問先買,梗係危險好多啦。當然我唔會叫你清楚,甚至唔會叫你沽貨,幾時都係stay invested。但又不如諗下,如果下星期即跌3000點(10%,好多咩?)。你心理上開支上係咪受得起?
20. 又或者諗下,你當我老人家哦你都好,「一早叫咗你 XXX」。咁點解冇聽?當時你驚乜?而家又唔驚?而家又唔係好多人死?20000點就驚 30000點就驚?冇邏輯?你畀個指數控制咗你嘅情緒同思維啦。所以是真的,我靠呢行開飯冇解,但唔係做金融嘅人,我係叫佢地唔好睇咁多股票的。
21. 呢排同咗唔少讀者食飯,都唔少人係仲有舊大錢(香港人真有錢,或者我啲讀者真有錢)。有舊大錢固然好,但你知我個人比較正,呢一刻仲拎住舊大錢,即係個倉位太細。正如冇跌親過證明你玩得未夠盡,冇畀人傷害過證明你愛得唔夠深(!)。
22. 咁但,已成定局啦,而家痛改前非,可以點?都冇乜嘢,準備好噓聲。係呀,跌又唔敢買,升咗又唔敢買,人之常情。接受呢樣嘢係人性,冇乜值得羞愧—但,你係可以克服自己嘅人性的(否則你應該坐咗監)。好簡單,分段咯,月供咯。有幾他媽的難?咪美股指數ETF一半,中港嘅四份一,剩返買領展呀黃金呀或者買層樓(!?!)咁咯。真的。有幾難?
23. 係呀,好悶的。屌,二千字就係講啲咁嘅嘢?係喎。畢菲特畀人挑機問,你講到咁簡單,點解我仲係咁窮?點解唔係人人好似你咁有錢,甚至百份一咁有錢?畢菲特嘅答案:Because nobody wants to get rich slow
24. 以上種種,節錄(!)兼改編自Patreon嘅文。好多人以為係畀冧把,真係唔係,首先我反對,二來我唔識(否則發咗達)。但即係,想慢慢地改善生活呢,幫到你嘅(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)
25. 最重要係,你有乜可以損失?睇完覺得呃錢嘅,咪月尾cut咗佢。一舊水都唔使。呢個年代一舊水做得乜?「一舊水」而家都唔止「一舊水」啦。
26. 就當我地唔講錢唔講股票(其實我真係一個文青),喂,我寫段廣告文案都寫到咁大個棚,呢個都係實力之一啦,對不?唔係就咁貼個圖話中!中!又中!係呀,自認寫得好—呢個係我當年在twitter同人互屌老母嘅事件之一—啲友話我自大,但我話呢啲係文自慢—你煮嗰個都唔覺得自己煮得好過普通人嘅,開乜撚餐廳?同樣道理,自己寫啲文都覺得唔好睇嘅,咁開乜撚Patreon?憑乜收人錢?可以執笠啦。
27. 唔信好食嘅,咪食下咯(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。一舊水,真係食個拉麵都未撚得。冰水自助。
Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100蚊唔使,3個月已700人訂!(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅MEeeep More,也在其Youtube影片中提到,新加坡近期開咗兩個全新景點 - 星耀樟宜同埋濱海灣花園嘅奇幻花園。今日就同大家一齊去玩下! 今日我就嚟到新加坡機場旁邊,新落成嘅商場 Jewel「星耀樟宜」喇!呢度本來係樟宜機場一號客運大樓嘅停車場,幾年前開始改建成為呢個集娛樂、購物、飲食於一身嘅商場。 呢度以新加坡出名嘅熱帶樹林為佈置嘅主題,而...
新加坡 early check in 在 李心潔 Sinje Lee Facebook 的精選貼文
Let’s talk about….. Parents
Just recently, I participated in a spiritual class. There was a man, in his thirties who did a sharing session. He works in Singapore and last year, he learned that his mother’s cancer had recurred and it had begun to spread. He felt a wave of sad and complicated emotions overcome him.
He asked an elderly friend for advice, if he should choose to stay in Singapore to pursue his career or resign to accompany his mother?
This elderly friend of his then shared his own experience with him. When he was young, his own mother had cancer and he brought his mother around to seek for medical treatment, hoping to be able to cure her. Alas, one doctor gave him one news he would not want to hear, mentioning that his mother only had a month left to live.
He has a brother who had received a medical scholarship to study in a prestigious University a few years back and was all alone studying abroad. He gave his brother a call and delivered the unfortunate news. He was only four months away from graduation before he could be formally known as a professional doctor.
He applied for a month leave from his professor, hoping to accompany his mother through her final days. However, his application was rejected with the reason given that if he was to stop his courses, he would not be able to graduate.
He then thanked his professor for his care, guidance and advices throughout the many years but he chose and decided to take his leave and return to his homeland to care for his mother as there is only one mother in the world to him.
When his brother returned, with the special, attentive care and companionship given to his bed-ridden mother; feeding, bathing her, cleaning up her excrement, she managed to live through for another three months.
After listening to his friend’s story, he made a firm decision to resign from his job, returned to the place he grew up, returned to be with the woman who gave him life. His mother did not want to go through the sufferings of chemotherapy and chose holistic treatment instead.
He accompanied his mother to learn Qigong and practiced it together with her. He would be next to her, teaching her patiently whenever she encountered obstacles in her learnings and practice with her continuously.
This time around, he brought his mother and father for class. As days passed by, it can be seen that the interaction among them 3 was all about warmth, delving deeper into their inner world.
One could see a 30 years old man, choking as he shared his deepest feelings but yet his face shining radiantly as his filial attitude nourishes his life, enriching his soul, touching everyone’s heart.
You could see his mother who has cancer beaming broadly because of his love.
You could see how each step he took soften his father’s pride and ego, allowing the aged couple to mesmerize the sweetness of love again.
This sharing has nourished my inner soul, flowing through my system, like a quiet, clear river.
This year, just before the Lunar New Year, my 90 years old grandfather had a stroke and broke his leg. It was also found that his oesophagus was narrowed and a nasogastric feeding tube had to be inserted.
Grandpa has always enjoyed living alone. Nobody could convince him to stay with any of his children. So mum moved him to a house which she got nearby so that he can be taken care of easily. The location of the house is very strategic and lively as my younger brother, uncle and cousin sisters and brothers live in that area. The best part, my second brother and sister-in-law live just across the street.
When Grandpa was discharged from the hospital, my parents, three aunts and uncles took turns, rotating shifts to take care of my bed-ridden grandfather 24 hours a day.
There was a professional nurse who would come over to care, made necessary treatments and check up on Grandpa. She told my parents and relatives that from her experiences as a nurse, granddad would not survive till the Chinese New Year. My mum called me up to deliver this piece of news and told me to prepare for the worst.
We went back to our hometown for the Chinese New Year celebration and initially, my mum and aunts have made a restaurant reservation of 6 tables to have a feast for my grandfather and I as we share the same birth date and it was very close to Chinese New Year. We have had such celebrations for many years however, due to Grandpa’s condition, we were not able to celebrate together this year. We were all reminded numerous times that we are not to even talk about it by our elders because according to Malaysia’s Chinese Custom, it is best to forgo celebrating birthdays when our older relatives are gravely ill.
Therefore, all of us, the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren went to Grandpa’s house every day to gather and have meals during the Chinese New Year celebration. It was bustling with noise and excitement. Although Grandpa was bed-ridden, listening to the gleeful voices from his grand and great-grandchildren has made him feeling happy. It was as though these companionships were the best medicine where one could see the corner of his mouth rising up faintly.
He kept reminding my aunt to prepare the Red Packets (Ang Pows) for him and that he would hand it out to us each, himself.
“Dad, Happy New Year. May you be blessed with good health”.. “Grandpa, Gong Xi Fai Cai, to good health”.. “Azu, Happy Chinese New Year..” There were about 70 of us, we could see an extremely long line forming from the living room up to the kitchen! We would hold Grandpa’s hand tenderly as we take the precious Red Packets from him.
After the Chinese New Year holidays, we all returned to our own home and I called up my mother every day to check up on Grandpa’s condition. With the sincere care and accompaniment of his children and grandchildren, not only did Grandpa spent the entire Lunar New Year with us but pull out the nasogastric tube all by himself (as it was making him feeling uncomfortable) and surprised us all as he began to eat by himself!
A few days ago, my sister-in-law sent us a short video. When I played the video, Grandpa could stand and began to walk slowly!
This time around, there is an outbreak of a new pneumonia (COVID-19) pandemic. There are many elderly people living alone or nursing homes in Europe. Due to them not being able to receive the proper treatment at the right time, many of them passed away feeling lonely.
Little Yellow Flower Education Foundation did a part by supplying free food baskets for some of the poor elderly folks who lives alone during the Malaysia Movement Control Order.
I visited a nursing home with my aunt once and the administrator told us that there were more nursing homes mushrooming and it was so disheartening for him.
It is something that is not understandable as in this modern metropolis world, where we can be proud of our achievements, where the world is more advanced, civilized, technologies are more developed, goods are more refined, education levels are standing tall, why is it that we are not able to accommodate and tolerate these elderly people who have once devoted their early days to the society and sacrificed for their family?
They were also once young and energetic laborers. Why are they now forgotten and abandoned during their last years when they are the ones who needs to be cared for, and loved most?
Feeling more superiority does not bring us more happiness. The more private space we strive for, will only distance ourselves from others…..
So far… that we could not even see and remember the people or things are really matters and are worth treasuring.
Where are the family members of these aged people?
There may be many stories to it but can it be rewritten if there were less pride and a little more empathy?
The Universe creates Life and parents are the bridges that brings life into this world. Why is it that we can provide the best for our children but not for our parents?
My friend, Rene has to take care of her grandmother, her father and mother; three golden gems. She will always walk over to their house to see them, accompany them, cook delicious meals for them and take care of their daily lives. Each time I see the pictures, videos and texts she share about her grandmother and parents, I am deeply moved.
Even as an International acclaimed actress and singer, she would still try her very best to take care of the three old family members and 1 young child as any normal mother, daughter and grand-daughter will do in her everyday life.
Last year, I visited a nursing home with a friend where there were more than 60 seniors who had dementia.
They are given shelter for various reasons. There are some seniors being visited by family members occasionally whereas there are some who are being totally neglected and abandoned. Seeing some of them, fragile looking, gazing blankly into the wall, allowing loneliness to seep into their souls by the inches, waiting for death to visit them while lying on their bed in this empty, dark shed, left me feeling extremely sad.
Let us all close our eyes, recollect our childhood’s memories, picturing the silhouettes of our parents who were taking care of us. Quiet down, feel the presence of our parents now. Can we still hear their voices, sense the connection and the warmth among us?
新加坡 early check in 在 印度『趣』 Namaste India Facebook 的最佳貼文
昨天傍晚小妞就到最近舉國皆知的星耀樟宜(Jewel Changi)朝聖
重點是要去吃期待已久的Shake Shack 漢堡
好喜歡四周綠意盎然的景觀 有種走在花園的感覺
除了shake shack 以外還有寶可夢專賣店、全東南亞最大的Nike Town等
五樓還有一個花園及許多餐廳 有種在室外用餐的感覺
一到機場可以先early check in將行李都check in完畢後就可以在星耀樟宜走走
而且大家都想買的伴手禮都有商店在此唷 (買不夠還可以離境前再買)
若飛機到達新加坡是在第一航廈,拿到行李出來就可以來逛 非常方便喲
新加坡 early check in 在 MEeeep More Youtube 的最佳貼文
新加坡近期開咗兩個全新景點 - 星耀樟宜同埋濱海灣花園嘅奇幻花園。今日就同大家一齊去玩下!
今日我就嚟到新加坡機場旁邊,新落成嘅商場 Jewel「星耀樟宜」喇!呢度本來係樟宜機場一號客運大樓嘅停車場,幾年前開始改建成為呢個集娛樂、購物、飲食於一身嘅商場。
好似呢間日本地區以外第一間 Pokemon Centre,同埋我哋之前都有介紹過嘅 Eggs and Things… 慢慢行,慢慢食,隨時可以玩足大半日架!
另外,為咗方便遊客,呢度亦都設有 Early Check-in 預辦登機服務,不過留意喇呢度只有部份航空公司提供服務,如果你搭嘅航空公司無提供預辦登機,又唔想拎住啲行李周圍走,你亦都可以選擇旁邊寄存行李服務架!
另一個新開嘅景點就係喺濱海灣花園 Gardens by the Bay 入面嘅奇幻花園 Floral Fantasy喇!
你之前可能已經去過濱海灣花園 Gardens by the Bay,不過呢個新嘅主題區就以嚟自世界各地嘅唔同花卉、佈置成幾個夢幻園區作為賣點,而且好多花都係第一次喺新加坡出現架!
鮮艷嘅花配以流水,加埋新鮮植物嘅香味,真係越行就越有詩意!呢度亦都展出咗唯一嘅動物 - 「箭毒蛙」,不過唔係咁易睇到架!好好彩,我哋拍攝當日就等到呢隻黃色嘅箭毒蛙出沒,你又有無興趣嚟搵下呢?
展區最尾亦都有一個4D電影,介紹 Gardens by the bay其他嘅園區同埋景點,雖然唔算太大驚喜,不過都創意十足!
提提大家喇,Floral Fantasy買飛嘅時候係要選擇埋入場嘅時段,所以如果你選擇網上購票,記得買咗要準時喺確認嘅時段入場呀!
#FloralFantasy #JEWEL #GardensByTheBay