【一天分享一首歌之第184天】〈Running to Stand Still〉/ U2
我常常說一句話:「美好的回憶是我的神」。今晚想給大家聽的這首歌就是直接的例證。在U2的1986年專輯《約書亞樹》中,流成永恆的大曲不少,但這首相對緩慢的〈Running to Stand Still〉卻在過去這十幾年裡,越來越跟我的生命腳步重合,揉入心跳,洗入脈搏。訴說著鄉愁的口琴,後半段響起的鼓,淺淺的鋼琴和弦,還有貝斯低語。
當然還有歌聲,唱著Bono家鄉都柏林的社區高塔,〈Running to Stand Still〉原先歌詞寫的是對徘徊在毒癮裡、掙扎在社會底層的人的憫惜關懷,但一如多數U2歌詞,因為指涉模糊,可以多重解讀,90年代後期,在演唱會上唱這首歌的時候,Bono開始在尾端加上一連串「Hallelujah...」,於是這和U2許多歌譜寫的對信仰,迷途,無從結束卻不停止的追尋⋯⋯再加上救贖,等等意念連結起來了。
而我只是年復一年,一遍遍地陪自己唱著:「She is raging / She is raging / And the storm blows up in her eyes…」,即使我追尋的不是神,但回憶帶來的溫暖,以及總能直接從心的反面把我托住,把我撐起,帶給我力量,甚至滿懷感激⋯⋯,這些都讓我更相信,相信美好的回憶就是我的神。
And so she woke up
Woke up from where she was lyin' still.
Said I gotta do something
About where I'm goin'
Step on a fast train
Step out of the driving rain, maybe
Run from the darkness in the night.
Singing ah, ah la la la de day
Ah la la la de day
Sweet the sin, bitter the taste in my mouth.
I see seven towers, but I only see one way out.
You gotta cry without weeping, talk without speaking, and
Scream without raising your voice.
You know I took the poison, from the poison stream
Then I floated out of here, singing
Ah la la la de day
Ah la la la de day
She walks through the streets
With her eyes painted red
Under black belly of cloud in the rain.
In through a doorway
She brings me white golden pearls
Stolen from the sea.
She is ragin'
She is ragin'
And the storm blows up in her eyes.
She will suffer the needle chill
She's running to stand still