大園101景觀餐廳-飛機起降景觀 咖啡廳 夜景餐廳 網美,地址:337桃園市大園區中正東路97-2號8樓
1. 賞鳥時,遇鳥類進行築巢或育雛時,要使用望遠鏡保持適當觀賞距離,以免干擾親鳥的行為,至親鳥因而棄巢、幼雛死亡。
2. 拍攝鳥類,應採自然光,不可使用閃光燈,以免驚嚇牠們。
3. 不可使用不當方法引誘其現身,如餵食或放鳥音、棄擲石頭等粗暴行為。
4. 不可追逐鳥類,追逐行為可能導致其步向死亡之途。
5. 發現特別鳥種在育雛時,請" 守口如瓶" 且謹記不干擾原則,勿告訴第二人,不論他是否為野鳥保育者。
6. 賞鳥活動時,請遵守領隊的指導,以不影響鳥類的安全為準則。
7. 不可為了便於觀察或攝影,隨意攀折花木,破壞鳥禽棲地及附近植被生態。
8. 請尊重鳥類的生存權,不要採集鳥蛋,捕捉野。
註三:蒼鷺蒼鷺體長 84-102 厘米,翼展 155-195 厘米,高約 100 厘米,體重 1.02-2.08 公斤。其上半身主要為灰色,腹部為白色。成鳥的過眼紋及冠羽黑色,飛羽、翼角及兩道胸斑黑色,頭、頸、胸及背白色,頸具黑色縱紋,餘部灰色。幼鳥的頭及頸灰色較重,但無黑色。虹膜-黃色;喙-黃綠色;腳-偏黑。叫聲:深沉的喉音呱呱聲及似鵝的叫聲。
池鷺幼鳥 在 姚松炎 Edward Yiu Facebook 的最佳解答
Blatant destruction of Tai Po Egretry during tree pruning works
As a result of the serious damage to the protected Tai Po Market Egretry during tree pruning works undertaken by LCSD staff yesterday (6 June 2017), the Wild Animal Rescue Centre of Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden (KFBG) has received a total of 15 birds for rescue and rehabilitation. Among the birds, 5 were dead on arrival, 1 was euthanized due to its serious condition, and 9 remain alive and under intensive care. The rescued species include Chinese Pond Heron, Black-capped Night Heron, Little Egret and Great Egret.
Conservation staff at KFBG are shocked and outraged that the tree pruning work was planned and allowed to go ahead at a known (to the Authorities) protected breeding site for the birds in the breeding season. All birds are protected under Cap 170 of Wild Animals Protection Ordinance in Hong Kong and it is illegal to disturb or injure wild birds or destroy their nests and eggs. We hope that a full investigation will be undertaken and responsible persons held to account for what was clearly criminal and negligent behaviour. We expect to see those responsible disciplined and prosecuted under Cap 170.
It is very important that a similar event does not happen again so KFBG urges that the present procedures for such roadside pruning are reviewed to make sure that there is a mechanism that prevents LCSD staff and contractors from carrying out such criminal acts and that there is adequate supervision from LCSD management to make sure wildlife is not harmed by the tree pruning and activities.
Nine hatchling birds in are now being cared for at the KFBG Wildlife Rescue Centre. They are delicate and care can be tricky. The additional stresses they have suffered (fall from height, dehydration, heat stress and possible temporary food deprivation) may mean birds remain in a critical state for some time and not all may be strong enough to survive. However, the Rescue Team will do its best to rehabilitate the young birds and return as many as possible back to the wild.
Photo: Birds under intensive care in the Rescue Centre of KFBG
池鷺幼鳥 在 Tommy Cheung 張秀賢 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Blatant destruction of Tai Po Egretry during tree pruning works
As a result of the serious damage to the protected Tai Po Market Egretry during tree pruning works undertaken by LCSD staff yesterday (6 June 2017), the Wild Animal Rescue Centre of Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden (KFBG) has received a total of 15 birds for rescue and rehabilitation. Among the birds, 5 were dead on arrival, 1 was euthanized due to its serious condition, and 9 remain alive and under intensive care. The rescued species include Chinese Pond Heron, Black-capped Night Heron, Little Egret and Great Egret.
Conservation staff at KFBG are shocked and outraged that the tree pruning work was planned and allowed to go ahead at a known (to the Authorities) protected breeding site for the birds in the breeding season. All birds are protected under Cap 170 of Wild Animals Protection Ordinance in Hong Kong and it is illegal to disturb or injure wild birds or destroy their nests and eggs. We hope that a full investigation will be undertaken and responsible persons held to account for what was clearly criminal and negligent behaviour. We expect to see those responsible disciplined and prosecuted under Cap 170.
It is very important that a similar event does not happen again so KFBG urges that the present procedures for such roadside pruning are reviewed to make sure that there is a mechanism that prevents LCSD staff and contractors from carrying out such criminal acts and that there is adequate supervision from LCSD management to make sure wildlife is not harmed by the tree pruning and activities.
Nine hatchling birds in are now being cared for at the KFBG Wildlife Rescue Centre. They are delicate and care can be tricky. The additional stresses they have suffered (fall from height, dehydration, heat stress and possible temporary food deprivation) may mean birds remain in a critical state for some time and not all may be strong enough to survive. However, the Rescue Team will do its best to rehabilitate the young birds and return as many as possible back to the wild.
Photo: Birds under intensive care in the Rescue Centre of KFBG