[Keywords / #法式甜點關鍵詞] #甜點作為藝術品、#甜點作品是否應該有版權 / Pastries as art (for English, please click "see more")
📌 #甜點可以是藝術品嗎?
你知道擺盤可能影響味覺體驗、甚至讓我們更願意用高價消費嗎?來看牛津大學的研究 👉👉 https://tinyurl.com/y4rxvdoz
📌 #甜點創作可以有版權嗎?
藍瓶咖啡甜點主廚 Caitlin Freeman 的現代藝術蛋糕被抄襲了,她能控告舊金山現代美術館嗎?如果法律還不足以跟上時代的腳步、保護職人的創意,我們又該如何是好?身為職人應該怎麼做才符合職業倫理?👉👉 https://tinyurl.com/y4rxvdoz
🔖 延伸閱讀:
After talking about the history, key concepts, basic elements of French pastries, the industry, the development of pâtissiers as well as the importance of "tasting" when having French pastries, this week we're covering a topic that I consider crucial, that is "pastries as art".
📌 Can pastry & dessert creations be artworks?
Do you know that plating can actually affect our perceptions of taste and willingness to pay? Find out more on the Oxford research "A taste of Kandinsky" 👉👉 https://tinyurl.com/y4rxvdoz
📌 Can pastries & desserts be copyrighted?
SFMOMA was accused of cake plagiarism in 2014 by Caitlin Freeman, pastry chef of Blue Bottle Coffee in San Francisco. Freeman's modern art desserts were copied by a rival after SFMOMA decided not to renew Blue Bottle's contract. Is there any room for legal redress in food industry with regard to plagiarism? When laws do come as a remedy, what should we do and what can we do? 👉👉 https://tinyurl.com/y4rxvdoz
Click on the following link to find out more!
🔖 To read more on this topic:
Don't think pastries could be a piece of art? Have a look on the 2019 Christmas cake creations by Parisian pastry chefs: https://tinyurl.com/y6bxr4ne
Why "tasting" is important when having French pastries: https://tinyurl.com/yycf9whv
A real case study on how to taste and appreciate French pastries: https://tinyurl.com/y3ht8tt2
#yingspastryguide #frenchpastrykeywords #pastries #art #artworks #copyright #plagiarism
甜點作品是否應該有版權 在 發放或販賣以知名動畫電影公司正版授權之造型模具製成食品 的相關結果
若於園遊會擺攤時,販賣以知名動畫電影公司「正版授權」之造型模具製成餅乾、吐司、蛋糕等甜點,是否涉及著作權與商標權侵害? ... <看更多>
甜點作品是否應該有版權 在 [Keywords / 法式甜點關鍵詞] 甜點作為藝術品 - ying c. 的相關結果
在我訪問過的主廚中,每一位都對「作品是否應該有著作權」的議題有不同看法。Yann Couvreur 主廚認為不需要,他舉了經典法式甜點巴黎・布列斯特泡 ... ... <看更多>
甜點作品是否應該有版權 在 甜點有智慧財產權嗎? - Oona - Medium 的相關結果
對於此,芙芙法式甜點一開始表示對於此因為沒有申請專利,故應該沒辦法獲得保障,甜點是否有智慧財產權這個問題,法律上,料理是難以獲得保障的。就著作權而言,法律僅保護 ... ... <看更多>