「大西洋高空之北極光」- Aurora Borealis above Atlantic Ocean
坐上從波士頓飛返倫敦的飛機,這晚的機艙很寧靜,旁邊的坐位亦剛好沒有乘客,難得的舒適好好聽聽音樂靜看夜空,上機前都有幻想晚上會否看到海洋上的星空,依然一直隨心在航程途中不時看看外面的天空,直到機艙關燈讓乘客睡覺後,不願睡的我再看看外面,發現原來北極光就在窗外飄動著~~~ 頓時…把僅有的睡意都一掃而空,眼睛只有窗外在舞動的極光~沒想到,去年中秋節在北歐瑞典看到極光後,今年的中秋再次讓我收到這份大自然的禮物 ^_^
During the flight from Boston to London last night, I was so blessed to sit in a nice and quiet seat with nobody next to me..Time to chill and relax on the flight and I did kind of imagine if there was any stars outside the window~ so I kept on peeking and until the cabin crew turned off the lights, I looked out again and soon I realised there was a beautiful aurora flowing upon the ocean ~! and I got entirely awakened and no more sleeping just to keep watching this magnificent gift from the nature... thx god for letting me see this incredible phenomenon once again ^_^
#是的_我回到英國了 ^____^
#Aurora #NorthernLight #AtlanticOcean Delta