森林植物散發出的揮發性物質芬多精 具有抑制空氣中細菌與霉菌生長的功用
事不宜遲 五月一起戶外聽音樂曬曬陽光 吸收大自然和44拍節奏裡的芬多精吧🌿
▍2021 5.22.23 HOOMAN FESTIVAL 倫類戶外音樂節 ▍
I will play on first day 05.22(Sat.)
Code Wu 20:00pm-21:30pm
֍ 飛碟+倫類監牢雙舞台
֍ 手工打造動物主題舞台
֍ 奇幻光雕投影前衛電音之旅
֍ 百萬無敵夜景
֍ 動物行為學交流講座
֍ 瘋狂接力 After Party
֍ 多達 30 個素食、手作、芳療、刺青、飲料攤位
Code Wu
DJ Code Wu
About author
On the leading edge of Asia’s electronic music scene, DJ Code began making a name for himself even before releasing an album, creating music for films such as Golden Horse Award- winning “Eternal Summer” and luxury brands like Sobranie. He displayed equal prowess at
spinning for a party crowd, coming in as the 2nd runner-up at the Summer Aquarian Rave in 2007, and the 1st runner-up in a remix competition for Sandy Lam. His talent for remixing recently
received a nod from Love Da Records, who released his official remix of the single “Almost Home”
from Moby’s album “Innocents”.
In 2009, he debuted his first EP on Beatport.com, the world’s largest DJ music store with
a catalogue of over a million tracks, where his song “Buddha” rose to the top 50 downloads in the site. The following year, DJ Code signed with High Note Records and released “Asia River”, which was nominated for Best Electronic Song at the Golden Indie Music Awards and later used in Golden Bell Award-winning travel show “Fun Taiwan”.
DJ Code has played alongside Japan’s number one disco queen, Ouyang Feifei. He also performed at the Zebra Music Festival, one of mainland China’s largest festivals, in 2012. Over 150,000 were in attendance. And he also was the first successful DJ in Taiwan to be invited to the worlds largest music festival 「GLASTONBURY」at main stage 「The Blues」in 2015.
No stranger to high-profile clients, he has spun at launch parties for major brands like Armani Exchange, Aston Martin, BMW, Hennessy and Louis Vuitton, and produced music for prominent companies like ASUS, Lexus, Mercedes-Benz, Samsung, and Uniqlo. 2013 earned yet another nomination at the Golden Bell Awards for his work in an indigenous TV ad series.
His credits as a producer, recording and mixing engineer, and composer who specializes in fusing traditional and modern Chinese instruments with progressive and tech house beats, makes
DJ Code an artistic force to be reckoned with. His appeal as a cross-cultural artist who can appeal
to a diverse audience, from music enthusiasts to trendy consumers, positions him as one of Taiwan’s top DJs.
身為引領全球時尚的亞洲電子音樂潮流的先驅領導者,DJ Code在發行自己個人專輯前,曾經為金馬獎獲獎影片『盛夏光年』做過電影配樂,也幫知名品牌 “Sobranie” 製作品牌音樂 。
他同時展現令人讚嘆的實力,在獲得了2007年Summer AquarianRave夏至音樂節季軍的席 次,同年在香港歌手林憶蓮所舉辦的混音競賽當中獲得第二名的榮譽。Code的混音天份近 期也被亞洲活躍的音樂品牌 ”LoveDa Records” 挖掘,於2013年公開發行Code為Moby的專 輯『Innocents』中的單曲『Almost Home』的Remix版本。
2009年,Code首次發表個人EP『The Gate EP』在Beatport.com線上音樂商店,這是全球最 大數位電子音樂平台,裡頭販賣著超過百萬首的歌曲,而Code的音『Buddha』晉升到前 50名下載的排行榜中。隔年2010年,Code與 “High Note Records” 音樂品牌簽約並發行 『Asia River』(江水)專輯,此張專輯獲得台灣金音獎最佳電音專輯提名,也被金鐘獎最 佳旅遊節目『瘋台灣』選為片頭音樂。
DJ Code曾與在台灣及日本皆極具知名度的迪斯可女王 - 歐陽菲菲同台演出。 他也參加了 2012年在中國大陸數一數二的大型音樂季 - Zebra Music Festival四川熱波音樂節,當時有超 過10萬人次參與這場盛會。
Code豐富又原創的音樂特色也讓他受邀2014年台北燈節活動,超過40組知名的樂團. 創作歌手.以及DJ。2013年更是受邀國際舞台,參加了馬來西亞 「We love Asia」國際音樂節以及俄羅斯「RASIA」國際音樂節。2014年也登陸北美加拿大 「CMW」國際大型音樂節,及印尼雅加達「Sounds Fair」國際大型音樂節。
2015年6月份DJ Code代表台灣前往英國 Glastonbury 全世界最大票房最高的國際音樂節演出,此音樂節在今年2015演出名單尚未公佈,隨即創下25分鐘售出十三萬五千張門票的紀錄, DJ Code將成為台灣第一位受邀演出的傑出才華DJ,音樂節共計60多個舞台,DJ Code更是登上其中主舞台之一的The Blues舞台,帶著台灣原創音樂征服世界各地更多的樂迷。
除了陸續與歌手共演,進軍國際舞台之外,在知名時尚品牌圈,他已是眾多廠商所指明合作的 DJ。他獨特的音樂創作風格融合了東方傳統與現代的樂器以及西方電音的元素,大膽無比前衛的創意引人不可思議的冥想,是完美東西方精神的結合,獨具格調質感的細膩度,對廣大聽眾呈現有別以往的聽覺體驗,DJ Code 足已號稱是台灣最知名不可思議的DJ了。
DJ | Producer
DJ | Producer
知名地下電子音樂廳b1團隊與劇光燈共同操刀策劃 在 Hooman Festival 倫類戶外音樂節, profile picture - Facebook 的推薦與評價
《Hooman Festival 倫類戶外音樂節》 場地舞台大露出✨ #離台北市區最近的音樂祭 飛碟+倫類監牢雙舞台 手工 ... 知名地下電子音樂廳B1團隊與劇光燈共同操刀策劃 ... <看更多>