前幾天妹妹吃完早餐後,迅速包好我做好的午餐三明治後,背起書包,如往常般的跟我說:Love you 媽咪,下午見!
此時 姐姐仍老神在在地吃早餐,直到8點20了,我忍不住說妳再不走就要遲到了!她抬起頭有點不耐煩的回我:
"Today is late start Wednesday!!"(一副你怎麼又忘了!該吃銀杏的表情)
中學每周三都是9點半上課(平常是8點半)下課時間正常(下午三點),她跟她爸一樣,可以一秒內惹怒我讓我變成消查某,每週三早晨,大家離開後(也只有先生跟妹妹而已 哈哈哈),我們兩個坐在餐桌上隨隨便便都可以吵一架,在她跟我說是星期三late start後,我告訴我自己互相傷害日來了,我催眠自己這一切都是青春期賀爾蒙,這一切都是青春期賀爾蒙阿.....哀,催眠沒有用,於是我們又為了一些小事情吵起來,我又九品芝麻官上身,她說不過我竟摀起耳朵,於是我使出大絕招:
"手機沒收!拿給我!" (關於我家青少年手機使用原則 我改天寫一篇跟你們分享嘿)
她竟安靜交給我,默默收午餐到書包,然後跟我說"馬麻 我去上學了,love you,byebye"
放學後,她如往常般開門大聲喊"媽咪 我回來了" 我以為下一句是"可以還我手機嗎?" 她竟說" 我要去練鋼琴..."我早餐又沒下符水,我也沒夢見媽祖,到底她怎麼了?忍到晚餐我問她,她跟我說第一次沒收手機後,一開始很生氣,但後來她覺得她做事變得有效率,看了很多書,彈琴也彈得很好,鼓也練的很專心,沒有手機反而覺得輕鬆.所以我說沒收手機,她覺得很fine(不是那種翻白眼的fine是真心的fine)
今天去了趟Costco花了加幣10元(台幣約莫240)買了三盆花,再去Dollar Store(類似大創)買了可重複使用吊盆(稅後5元 約莫台幣120),回家後種在吊盆裡,掛在餐桌旁的窗外,做了盛夏水果蔬菜沙拉(今天好熱 根本夏天)煎了鮭魚,看著窗外,心裡煞是感激又感動(希望下周三早晨我不要又變成九品芝麻官),還好,我這個母親做的還行!
先生們 孩子們,母親節不要再送蛋糕跟花束了, 很outdated!更不要送吸塵器(是母親節 不是母清潔好嗎!?)請吃飯是一定要的,周末有兩天,一天給媽媽放假出去玩啦!去跟朋友吃個飯 喝個下午茶 去KTV唱唱歌也可啊!!! 放下你的擠奶器,放下你的圍裙,放下小孩,母親節選個時間跟朋友或很久沒聯絡朋友聚聚吧!!
神 桌上 小 盆花 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳貼文
《花木寶典》(English version below)
About 20 years ago, I got to know the boss of a floral shop, Mr Lim. It was because of him, I had the rare opportunity to appreciate the beauty of flowers and plants. I, Master Dai Hu, do not deny that I am fond of flowers. In fact, it is not just flowers. I take a shine to trees and grass as well. Although we are unable to move the greenery from the countryside into our homes, we can decorate our place to give out the vibe of greenery in nature. For example, you can hang a picture of flowers, grass and trees in your living room facing the entrance. You can also place a pot of flowers, such as tulips, lilies, sun flowers, orchids, etc, on your dining table. Just these four types of flowers alone are already very wonderful, because they symbolize elegance, a long and harmonious life, vigour, prosperity and dignity, etc. However, they must be be real flowers! Unless you don't mind hypocrisy and false affections in your relationship. (laughs)
What is Feng Shui? It is a very deep body of knowledge about our environment. This superior knowledge can bring immense benefits to all sentient beings. For those of you aspiring to bring joy and relief to sentient beings, you ought to delve deep into this subject. That will be a very virtuous act! Even if you do not have big aspirations, knowing a little about Feng Shui can also bring huge benefits to your own life. In the city landscape of HDB flats that we are in today, the nobility and importance of flowers and plants become more prominent.
Despite us living in a civilized and prosperous country, the emotional interaction between people has deteriorated to a level that calls for emergency treatment. Why is that so? Because excessive use of cement and metal structures will cause people to become more obstinate and cold-hearted. On the other hand, flowers and plants can lead people towards warmth, joy and affection. When there is affection, there will be prosperity. Without affection, we will suffer decline. This situation can spread from a family unit, to the society and to the entire country. The impact of this is so great that it is unthinkable!
When I helped sentient beings to create good fortune, among the many plants, I have favourably recommended these to enhance prosperity and negate vile energies: Zamioculcas, Bambusa multiplex, Guilfoyle polyscias, Fiddle leaf fig, Dracaena fragrans etc. Actually, I am especially fond of one particular plant, the cypress pine. I especially like the way these plants beautify the environment, big or small. They can also aid in wealth, culture and literature, heavenly happiness, magnificence, dignity, etc. And in my years of travelling overseas and locally to benefit sentient beings, I discovered that places with the cypress pine often have wealthy families residing there.
Of course, one needs to see the height, size, verdancy, luxuriance, as well as the nobility, to determine the quality of wealth, descendants and reputation. I thank my good fortune that 18 years ago, I had the honour to be invited to help a family, hence had the affinity to see 2 pots of regal-looking cypress pine trees. Although this family lived in a HDB flat, its interior decoration was overflowing with an aura of nobility. Among all the HDB housing I have audited, theirs was a very resplendent home. Another main reason was that their home had an extraordinary guest, that is the the Yellow Jambhala, the distinguished Lord of Accumulation of Gelug school in Varjayana Buddhism. The statue of the Yellow Jambhala was the most regal-looking I had ever seen till now.
Fact is, the greenery surrounding a residence already has hidden indicators of the health, wealth, fortune, marriage, descendant, and status luck of the occupants. The more accomplished a Feng Shui master is, the more he is able to discern this in a single glance, and negate the harmful effects. That is why all these years, I have been constantly telling everybody, male and female, not to be hasty and have a herd mentality when it comes to buying your own home. Otherwise, the losses that you have to bear will not be for the short term, but for the entire lifetime.
Is it that serious?
A family which used to be a happy unit suffers the fate of one family member getting cancer. The patient suffers physically and emotionally and the family is shrouded with worry and anxiety.
Feng Shui is originally the great wisdom of the mountains and the rivers. It is a profound study of our environment. Picturesque scenery and a pleasant environment will definitely cultivate gifted scholars and beauties, and nourish the health physically and emotionally. Prior to buying a house, one must first select the right land. Buying a house requires careful scrutiny of the landform and land features. Never ever stay in an environment of a strange shape and odd features. There must not be two different fruit trees, or thorny plants on all four sides of your house. Please remember this! Be sure to keep in mind! The birth of this Treasure Book of Flowers and Plants is definitely joyous news to all sentient beings in this world!
《向善向上 2》Towards Kindness, Towards Betterment 2
30則真人真事的度眾故事 30 real-life deliverance stories of Master Dai Hu
全彩色的漫畫 Comics in lull colour illustration
中英文翻譯 In both English & Mandarin
約200頁 About 200 pages
此書將於2018年11月底抵達新加坡,目前開放預購,預計11月30日之前以Smartpac寄出 (本地郵寄),屆時也會在台灣金石堂書局同步上架。價格大眾化,包涵全球運送,無需再付郵資。
This book will reach the shores of Singapore in end-November 2018. Right now, the pre-order is open and the books are estimated to be mailed out through Smartpac, by 30 November. At the same time, it will be on the shelves of Taiwan KingStone bookshop.
The economical price includes global delivery (Smartpac mailing for Singapore addressees, registered mail for overseas mailing).
神 桌上 小 盆花 在 今生此世 Facebook 的最佳貼文
當歐吉桑報出住址後,店員抬起頭,微笑地捻著唇上的兩撇八字鬍:「原來你們就是La Brave的新主人!」
「我叫尚路易。我母親 — 香朵 — 是你們的鄰居。小時候,我常往La Brave跑呢!」他頓了頓,然後促狹地眨眨眼:「因為...那房子的前院有間桑拿小木屋,裡面總有幾個沒穿衣服的北歐女人在做芬蘭浴*。」
愛吧 — 我想 — 或許唯有愛而已吧...
備註:La Brave莊園的前屋主是經營Spa生意的瑞典人。