本週三,AIT副處長柯傑民(Jeremy Cornforth)於全球合作暨訓練架構 (#GCTF)「以科技力建構韌性及加速落實永續發展目標」線上國際研討會開幕致詞中強調:「儘管台灣被拒於門外,無法有意義地參與世衛大會及許多其他國際組織,今天的活動將能凸顯台灣仍以許許多多方式分享專長、並運用其科技長才,幫助國際社會解決你我共同面對的種種挑戰。美國會持續致力協助擴大台灣的國際參與空間。」
AIT副處長柯傑民、外交部長吳釗燮、日本台灣交流協會台北事務所代表泉裕泰、美國駐聯合國副大使蒲杰夫(Jeffrey Prescott)及駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處處長李光章於週三一同參加了全球合作暨訓練架構 (GCTF)「以科技力建構韌性及加速落實永續發展目標」線上國際研討會。自2015年全球合作暨訓練架構啟動以來,這是第一次聚焦探討科技如何能增強韌性並加快實現可持續發展目標的進程。
On Wednesday, AIT Deputy Director Jeremy Cornforth, Foreign Minister Joseph Wu, Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Chief Representative Hiroyasu Izumi, Deputy to the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Jeff Prescot and Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York Director-General James Lee participated in a virtual Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF) workshop titled “Building Resilience and Accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Through Technology.” Since the GCTF’s 2015 program launch, this is the first event to focus on how technology can bolster resilience and accelerate progress towards meeting the SDGs.
In his opening remarks, Deputy Director Cornforth said, “Although Taiwan is prevented from participating meaningfully in the World Health Assembly and many other international organizations, today’s event will highlight the many ways that Taiwan is sharing its expertise and using its technological prowess to help the international community solve shared challenges. The United States remains committed to expanding Taiwan’s international space.”
✅Deputy Director's remarks: https://bit.ly/3CTcqAs
✅Press release: https://bit.ly/2Y42KEp
同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6,670的網紅侯友宜 houyuih,也在其Youtube影片中提到,因為疫情,讓我們看見真朋友;我們相信,幫助別人就是幫助自己。 日前 #新北市政府 與 #舊金山灣區 19個城市官員和民間團體辦理「新北.新常態:後疫情時代重啟之路」#線上論壇,這也是在疫情爆發後,台灣第一場與美國城市的大型視訊研討會。 非常感謝美國聯邦眾議員潔姬.斯貝爾(Jackie Speie...
線上國際研討會 在 Rti 中央廣播電臺 Facebook 的精選貼文
線上國際研討會 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
AIT處長孫曉雅於開幕致詞中強調:「在救災與災害應變的議題上,美國會致力與我們的夥伴攜手合作。在英國康瓦爾舉行的七國峰會(G7)中,拜登總統與合作夥伴一同宣布了他們對全球基礎建設發展的一致願景,並共同推出了『重建更好世界』(Build Back Better World)倡議。『重建更好世界』是一項價值導向、高標準、透明的基礎建設夥伴關係,目的在動員基礎建設投資,將其導入中低收入國家,以支持這些地方各項基礎建設的永續發展,包括氣候、衛生與衛生安全、科技、及兩性公平與性別平等等領域。這些都是缺一不可的關鍵要素,能夠大大增進各社會與經濟體的防災韌性。」
Today, AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk, Minister of Science and Technology Wu Tsung-Tsong, Deputy Foreign Minister Tseng Ho-jen, Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Chief Representative Hiroyasu Izumi, British Office Representative John Dennis, and Australia Office Representative Jennifer Bloomfield participated in a virtual Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF) workshop titled “Building Disaster Resilience at Global and National Levels.” In her opening remarks, Director Oudkirk highlighted, “The United States is committed to working with partners on disaster relief and response. At the G7 meeting in Cornwall, President Biden and partners announced a unified vision for global infrastructure development and introduced the Build Back Better World initiative. Build Back Better World is a value-driven, high-standard, and transparent infrastructure partnership aimed at mobilizing infrastructure investments in low- and middle-income countries to support sustainable infrastructure development in the areas of climate, health and health security, technology, and gender equity and equality.”
線上國際研討會 在 侯友宜 houyuih Youtube 的最佳貼文
日前 #新北市政府 與 #舊金山灣區 19個城市官員和民間團體辦理「新北.新常態:後疫情時代重啟之路」#線上論壇,這也是在疫情爆發後,台灣第一場與美國城市的大型視訊研討會。
非常感謝美國聯邦眾議員潔姬.斯貝爾(Jackie Speier)與 美國在台協會 AIT 處長酈英傑(William Brent Christensen)參與致詞以及對於新北的肯定。病毒是我們共同的敵人,只要是新北市能幫上忙之處,我們絕對義不容辭,與各位並肩作戰。
除了感謝美國朋友的參與, #侯Sir 與副秘書長 #劉和然 、教育局長 #張明文 、社會局長 #張錦麗 、經發局長 #何怡明 、秘書處處長 #饒慶鈺 及衛生局長#陳潤秋共同參與會議,說明新北市在防疫解禁新生活中的各個面向。
新北市幅員遼闊、人口數全國最多,因此在防疫期間侯Sir不斷強調務必 #超前部署,繃緊神經做好萬全準備。藉著這次機會,新北的經驗也提供參考,與大家攜手度過難過。
防疫期間,市府不斷與國際間一些城市分享物資和防疫資訊,除了捐助物資給 #紐約市 外,在接獲PPE需求時,市府也立即盤點新北市廠商生產物資寄往 #舊金山,間接促成這場會議,更堅固彼城市間的 #厚友誼。
#國際厚友誼 #安居樂業 #侯友宜 #NewTaipeiNewNormal

線上國際研討會 在 工程師媽咪的斜槓實驗室 Youtube 的最讚貼文
1. 被直銷人遺忘的一個線上商務模型(領導人不想讓你知道的方法)
2. 關於建立下線、系統複製的一個醜陋真相
3. 我如何用銷售漏斗完成自動進人系統

線上國際研討會 在 Vivi Lin Youtube 的最佳解答
【An open letter to Dr Tedros 一封致予譚德塞博士的公開信】
This is an open letter to Dr Tedros, the Director General of the WHO, in response to the accusations against Taiwan during the 8th of April WHO press conference.
Dear Dr Tedros,
I am Vivi Lin from Taiwan, a current undergraduate student studying Infectious Diseases in the UK.
我是Vivi Lin,一位目前正在英國念傳染病的臺灣大學生。
Upon hearing your response in the press conference today, I was utterly shocked and saddened that such misleading allegations could come from a supposedly respected health professional and the head of the world’s most influential international health organisation.
As a student who has been working closely with Taiwanese and British Medical and Health-related NGOs, I can affirm that there has never been any disrespectful comments from our government and our diplomats towards you and the African continent due to race, culture or skin colour.
I am aware that there are various petitions online urging for your resignation from the WHO. However, none of the requests or criticisms were based on discriminations against your race or skin colour, nor people from the African continent.
Taiwan has been striving to contribute as much as possible to the international community and to be a part of the global team in combating this pandemic. Although we have been excluded from the WHO, we have never given up. Our government has done an exemplary job in containing the virus, a feat that has been praised by officials and health professionals from all around the world. And now, as we have some spare capacity, we are sending aid to our allies and other countries, including those in America, Europe and in Africa who have been harshly impacted by the outbreak.
According to our health professionals who used to work closely with various countries in Africa, a temporary hospital has been built by Taiwan in Eswatini at the moment, and some important medical supplies sent by Taiwan are finding their way to Africa as well.
With all the aforementioned in mind, how can you, in a few sentences, attempt to smear Taiwan’s reputation with such irresponsible and false accusations?
In the past two days, WHO hosted webinars in regards to how we, as individuals or as health professionals and officials, should confront the current info-demic. Ironically, just right after the webinar, Dr Tedros, as the DG of the WHO, was accusing Taiwan with misinformation.
I firmly believe that health is a fundamental human right that should not be denied despite differences of any kind. Health for all, leave no one behind is also the core value that the WHO stands for. Please do not forget your dedication as a public health professional and the vows that you made when you ascended to the honorable position you are sitting at right now - health of people in the world comes first, not politics.
We are now facing the most challenging health crisis of our time. Taiwan cares about people’s health. We are willing to help, and we are helping now. Taiwan is a country that stands for progressive values, and we, as the Taiwanese people, are also known for our appreciation for diversity. We have never criticised you nor your actions based on your race, culture or skin colour.
I, on behalf of my beloved country and people, am now asking for an apology from you under the current circumstance.
Thank you for your time.
Vivi Lin
#WHO #COVID19 #Coronavirus
*Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this video are those of the authors. 影片內容僅代表作者本身之觀點。*

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2021課程與教學領導 線上國際研討會. 1,381 views1.3K views. Streamed live on Oct 28, 2021. 25. Dislike. Share. Save. 教育部校長課程與教學領導 ... ... <看更多>