079. 奧地利🇦🇹聖沃夫岡
St. Wolfgang
這篇是我停電摸黑打完的,想來是我台灣價值還儲值的不夠,還沒掌握到用愛發電的訣竅,但最近阿中也說了:「不要太不滿」,所以我還是在等台電正在找不知道藏在哪裡的電的時候來推薦大家奧地利湖區的聖沃夫岡(St. Wolfgang)。
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聖沃夫岡st. wolfgang 在 開動with貓-奧地利生活札記-Kaidong With Kat Facebook 的最佳貼文
在聖沃夫岡小鎮裡貓兒超愛這間『Kronprinz Rudolf und seine Liebe』生活用品店(中文譯名:王儲魯道夫與他的摯愛)。這間店外面是淡淡薄荷綠的石牆,牆上裝飾著好多精巧的廚房用品,室內更是琳瑯滿目的小傢俱與廚房用具。不時會有打折,一進去後就被黏住了啦😂實在是很好買!
There's a lovely shop called "Kronprinz Rudolf und seine Liebe", in St. Wolfgang. It has so many kitchenware! The outside of this old building was painted in a light mint green colour, and it has many small cups and pots decorating the wall. I didn't want to leave the shop, as it was just too difficult for me to choose what I want to buy, since all of their kitchenware is so pretty! #奧地利 #聖沃夫岡 #旅遊日記 #生活日記 #開動with貓 #Austria #KaidongWithKat #trip #StWolfgang
聖沃夫岡st. wolfgang 在 開動with貓-奧地利生活札記-Kaidong With Kat Facebook 的最讚貼文
聖沃夫岡小鎮是個迷人的地方,整個鎮裡的建築色彩豐富,全都列入文化保護區不能隨意加蓋與變動。11月底開始從『白馬飯店Weisses Rössl』 到『黑馬飯店Schwarzes Rössl』中間的小廣場擺滿了聖誕市集的攤販,一直延伸到整條Markt街尾。街上是濃郁的節慶氛圍,天色暗下來後街道上點起巨型蠟燭增加氣氛,非常熱鬧!(2019年拜訪的第3個聖誕市集)
旁邊的白色教堂「朝聖教堂」是居民的信仰生活中心,裏頭漂亮的祭壇雕飾與天花板壁畫都別錯過囉,他們是名雕刻家米夏埃爾.帕赫(Michael Pacher)1480年左右就完成的巨作。
Sankt Wolfgang (Saint Wolfgang) is a colourful town, with its buildings belonging to culture protection. Recently, the little Christmas market of this town opened on the square between Weisses Rössl and Schwarzes Rössl Hotel. You can also find lovely vendors along the market street.
In the evening, when it's getting dark outside, people will light candles, which gives a great Christmas atmosphere. If you plan to visit, please don't forget to see the white church in the center of the town, which is called pilgrimage church St. Wolfgang. Inside you can see the famous altar carvings from Michael Pacher which were made around 1480! #奧地利 #聖沃夫岡 #旅遊日記 #生活日記 #開動with貓 #Austria #KaidongWithKat #trip #StWolfgang