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Appetite boosting tea
“My 5-year-old child have always had a poor appetite. The elders advised me to let him drink the appetite stimulating tea that can be commonly found in the market. Do they really help?”
CheckCheckCin: If a child is experiencing prolonged loss of appetite, reduced food intake, or having lesser appetite when compared to other normal children of the same age, without the symptoms of abdominal distension and foul-smelling stool etc., the child is said to be showing signs of anorexia. One can prepare millet sprout and malt tea as remedy to condition the body and improve appetite. Millet sprout and malt are effective in promoting digestion, strengthening the spleen and stimulating appetite.
In conjunction with the tea therapy, it is advisable to have smaller but more frequent meals, and proceed to stimulate the appetite using the child’s favorite food. An increase in the variety of food or dishes can help to stimulate the child’s appetite. Be careful not to snack before meals as that may affect the child’s appetite for the actual meal itself. But remember not to force the child into eating, otherwise all the efforts might backfire.
Besides, do take note that the recent muggy weather may affect appetite as well, so it is alright for the child to have one to two meals less than usual. Before taking any ready-made appetite stimulating tea, please check the ingredients. If parents are unsure whether the child is suitable to take the tea, please consult a registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner.
Malt and Rice Sprout Tea
Effects: Suitable for indigestion and poor appetite, stomach bloating and discomfort.
Ingredients: 1 ear of corn with corn silk, 1 carrot, 15g rice sprout, 15g malt, rock sugar to taste
Preparation: Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Peel carrot and cut into pieces. Peel corn, keeping silk and cut into pieces. Combine all ingredients with 1000ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Add rock sugar to taste.
Note: For best results, drink consecutively for 3-4 days. Malt reduces milk supply, and is not recommended for breastfeeding mothers.
✔Recommendation: Oats rice water
Effects: Improves excessive sweating, reduces water retention and relieves constipation
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茶療tea therapy 在 Lammjoycec Facebook 的最讚貼文
『 鐵皮石斛薏米花茶』是水腫人士必備的袪濕提神茶 🍵古法炒製的熟薏米配上珍貴的石斛花,健脾益胃,利水滲濕
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茶療tea therapy 在 Pinkpinkyanyoga Facebook 的最佳解答
生完bb 之後成個坐月期日日彎腰 餵bb 攪到腰骨痛,餵母乳又成日漲奶攪到乳腺塞!唔夠休息又攪到個人好疲累!經朋友推介下黎左位於尖沙咀山林道嘅「康和樂」中醫身心療會所, 體驗茶療.中醫觀診.中式推拿,仲助你深層減壓, 真係養生嘅好去處!👍 成間診所環境好舒適寛敞, 有好多中式茶葉,一入去已經好relax!
之後就體驗左量子共振檢測!呢個量子共振儀器全港只有兩部, 帶住個偵測儀就可以30分鐘內完整檢測身體十大系統,檢測出各種疾病及潛在發病傾向。佢可以檢測到全身由頭到腳,身體每一個器官甚至每一個細胞嘅問題所在! 呢個儀器連我身體上嘅隱藏痛症都檢測到! 我腰骨第5節軟組織傷左都知!😱 好amazing!👍佢仲會即時發放能量幫助你輕輕治療身體內在嘅傷患!
檢測完成後, 就去另一間好有中式風味嘅房做十四紅始手法調理!
而家你都可以以優惠價體驗呢個療程架!整個體驗約2小時左右,原價 $3,430,本月特別體驗價$1,499!👍 新一代整全養生體驗
New Holistic Wellness Experience
1. 量子共振全身體檢體驗 (30分鐘)
Quantum Bio-resonance Health Check Trial (30 minutes)
2. 十四經絡手法調理 (45分鐘)
Fourteen Meridian Tui-na (45 minutes)
3. 茶療體驗 (15分鐘)
Chinese Tea Therapy Experience (15min)
體驗優惠 $1,499 (原價 $3,430)
Exclusive Offer One $1,499 (Original Price $3,430)
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茶療tea therapy 在 Eatortrip - Tea Therapy 隱世樓上茶室... | Facebook 的推薦與評價
Eatortrip, हांगकांग में है. ... 呢間位於荃灣德士古道嘅Tea Therapy〰️一間新開隱世樓上茶室, 設有日式榻榻米、中式茶具及字畫, 更有落地玻璃大窗 ... ... <看更多>