In a first, Taiwanese journalists were permitted to follow Ms. Tsai and report from the sites of events she attended. She visited Taiwan’s de facto consulate in Los Angeles — another first — and she addressed American media at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library near Los Angeles. Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen toured NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, on Sunday, becoming the island's first sitting leader to set foot in an American government facility in the U.S.
“There were pictures of her meeting crowds of local Taiwanese, accompanied by police escort, and giving a speech at the Reagan library,” 、“All of that significantly raised her public profile and made her seem more like a normal leader making a normal visit to a foreign country.”
買票進去nasa是去遊客動線跟蔡英文去的nasamissioncontrolcneter裡面等美國聯邦設施是完全不同層次的 在 蔡英文參觀NASA他酸「買票就可入」 卻慘遭網友打臉 的相關結果
陳偉杰更狠酸「希望NASA有給我們台灣總統與院長們免門票的優待,不至於花到台灣人的血汗錢」,最後他痛批蔡英文,將一般百姓就能進入的太空博物館當成美國 ... ... <看更多>
買票進去nasa是去遊客動線跟蔡英文去的nasamissioncontrolcneter裡面等美國聯邦設施是完全不同層次的 在 蔡英文訪NASA「買票就可去」?美「排華禁令」被舊事重提 的相關結果
蔡英文 總統19日參訪位於休士頓的NASA詹森太空中心,成為第一位參訪美國官方機構的我國國家元首。消息一出,中國官媒《環球時報》立刻消遣「只要買票誰 ... ... <看更多>
買票進去nasa是去遊客動線跟蔡英文去的nasamissioncontrolcneter裡面等美國聯邦設施是完全不同層次的 在 買票就可進入NASA?鄉民打臉:只要是中國人就進不去 的相關結果
鄉民們又指出,就算外國遊客能夠買票進入,最多可能只能在詹森太空中心主控室外參觀,而無法進到裡面與研究人員接觸,但總統蔡英文不僅進入了主控室,還由 ... ... <看更多>