【敲碗的 #土耳其地震 後續來囉!!】
小編就收到❄雪花般❄的私訊詢問 📨
是否有 #捐款資訊 (到今天還一直收到~
好多人都想要為土耳其盡一份心力 (臺灣人有情有義💪
其實呢 Taiwan in Turkey 駐土耳其代表處
在地震之後 都有及時發布消息
也有提供 #捐款方式 喔 👉https://reurl.cc/72Garl
20年前921地震 第一時間來臺協助搜救的
#土耳其救難協會 AKUT Arama Kurtarma Derneği
所以日前 駐土耳其的 #鄭泰祥代表
邀請AKUT協會人員 參加 #臺灣日 音樂會時
AKUT會長 #RecepŞalcı 還特地
來感謝臺灣人民的友誼呢! 🤜🤛
💕 來自土耳其政府的回應
#臺土互助 #臺土友好
Ever since the earthquake in #Turkey's Elazig province last month, Taiwanese have been expressing their support for the country's
#AKUT Search and Rescue Association working tirelessly to help those caught up in the disaster. Many still remember how AKUT helped Taiwan following the 921 Earthquake in 1999. As well as leaving messages of support on the group's Facebook, donations have been pouring in, with Taiwan-based contributions totaling 60% of those received!
To thank AKUT for all it has done, Taiwan's Representative Office in Turkey invited team members to special Taiwan Day celebrations. In return, AKUT team leader Recep Şalcı presented the office with a commemorative plate in gratitude to the Taiwanese people for their kindness, sentiments echoed by the Turkish Government.