永真在這邊跟您報告一下 #週三晚上IG直播見 🔥💫⚡
還記得 VOGUE Taiwan 初夏推出的特別版封面嗎?經過數月籌劃、總部細節確認以及農民曆選日子,VOGUE Taiwan 的首張 2D 動態 NFT,即將登場 。
VOGUE Taiwan’s first historic NFT depicting a scene of hope amidst the pandemic.
9/22 (三) 21:00-22:00 | NFT 跨界對談 IG 直播
-前瞻科技傳教士 | 葛如鈞(寶博士)#主持
-《VOGUE》亞太區編輯總監 | 孫怡 Leslie Sun
-知名平面設計師 | 聶永真 Aaron Nieh(我🙋🏻♂️)
-秘銀、Cream Financet 創辦人 | 黃立成 Jeffrey Huang
歡迎鎖定我們的 IG 帳號,星期三晚上九點線上見:
VOGUE Taiwan —— voguetaiwan
孫怡 —— sunles
聶永真 —— aaronnnieh
黃立成 —— machibigbrother
#NFT #VOGUETAIWAN #VogueCover #寶博士 #孫怡 #聶永真 #黃立成 #LeslieSun #AaronNieh #JeffreyHuang
VOGUE Taiwan’s first historic NFT depicting a scene of hope amidst the pandemic
Since the cover received attention from many after its release, and since nothing is philosophically and aesthetically impossible to rethink in the era in which every moment is uploaded on the Internet, the plan of minting this cover as an NFT was also initiated later in July. After intense discussion with VOGUE Taiwan and process tuning with VOGUE’s international headquarters, the NFT was lately minted and will be officially listed in late September.
Owing to its digital characteristics, the NFT will be presented in subtle 2D animation, creating a distinction from the still image on the paper cover.
Please stay tuned and welcome to our IG live at 21:00 Taiwan Time on 22 September.
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週三晚上ig直播見 在 Cookie in Korea Facebook 的最讚貼文
Dear All ,
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週三晚上ig直播見 在 週三看新品直播🎥 ✨直播下單滿千送100購物金✨分享直播 ... 的推薦與評價
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週三晚上ig直播見 在 三立新聞網SETN 的推薦與評價
每週二、週四20:00線上與您相見|三立新聞網SETN.com. 虛擬主播報新聞,三立新聞網 ... iset 娛樂星聞IG: instagram.com/setstarmedia/ · 3:18 · 走鐘獎/YTR開車衝愛河 ... ... <看更多>
週三晚上ig直播見 在 聶永真Aaron Nieh - 永真在這邊跟您報告一下#週三晚上IG ... 的推薦與評價
永真在這邊跟您報告一下#週三晚上IG直播見 ⚡ 還記得VOGUE Taiwan 初夏推出的特別版封面嗎?經過數月籌劃、總部細節確認以及農民曆選日子,VOGUE ... ... <看更多>