M E D I A...
❐蘋果動新聞【動畫●泡菜x榨菜】過年着韓服拜黃大仙 港韓混血兒自嘲怪胎 - http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/enews/realtime/20170525/56734910
❐香港01 【Pokemon GO救貓】捉精靈捉到趴坑渠救貓 90後女生:污糟唔緊要 - https://www.hk01.com/article/109142
❐香港01 (有片)帶貓露營全攻略 要顧及生態 90後女生自製手提砂盆 - https://www.hk01.com/article/109513
❐香港01 (有片)主子微服出巡 去露營成焦點 貓奴:所有人都臣服於佢 - https://www.hk01.com/article/109516
P O P U L A R U P L O A D S...
❐ 用釜山方言和韓國人對話 || https://youtu.be/kDQiFE6uaZo
❐ 西貢赤徑露營 || https://youtu.be/pBaThBQtlN8
❐ 廣藏市場 天空公園 || https://youtu.be/WDmo8nuuMCs
O T H E R V I D E O S...
❐ 我和韓星網 KSD TV的 collaboration || https://youtu.be/22luPmWyDNI
Jade is a Half-Korean creator based in Hong Kong.
She learned Busan dialect from her mother before learning standard Korean, which explains her funny Korean accent.
She created her first YouTube channel in 2014 which has gained huge popularity, but now her new channel "Jade Chin Blog" will feature a wider range of content beyond Korean language and travel.
Apart from creating videos, Jade also writes advertorials for beauty brands in her free time.
안녕하세요,我是Jade Chin,90後港韓混血兒。
韓國觀光公社Travel Leader
ViuTV 《晚吹 飛自由》《8%的聲音》《晚吹 喵喵喵》《估你唔到》