Abdominal wind can cause stomach pain?
“When I was young, my mom would rub pain relieving aromatic oil for me when I had stomachache. She says the pain is due to wind in the stomach. Is it true?”
CheckCheckCin: From a Chinese medicine perspective, there are many reasons for abdominal pain. Pains are categorised by different positions, such as stomach, umbilical abdomen (ie around the navel), lower abdomen (downward navel) and outer part of the lower abdomen (navel to the left and right).The abdominal pain caused by “stomach wind” you referred to is mainly related to the stomach. When eating too fast, you will unconsciously consume the air into your stomach, and you will have stomach bloating discomfort. Besides belching and farting, you may have abdominal pain. That’s why when you were a child, Your mother always told you not to suck the air from the empty cup by straw and not face to the windward position so avoid the wind going into your stomach. In fact, besides the external "wind", liver depression and qi stagnation are the main causes of the abdominal pain, affected by emotions and pressure, the air does not flow well and creates qi stagnation. Besides the symptoms of stomach qi and snoring, many people have other symptoms such as indigestion, stomach bloating and abdominal pain. Due to stomach bloating, so there will be "bub" sound when you beat your belly. Pain relieving aromatic oil has the effect of relieving pain and clearing the wind. It can relieve this type of abdominal pain with a small amount of pain relieving aromatic oil by warming the stomach, but it does not mean that it is effective for every type of abdominal pain!
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