【感謝 Thank You ❤️ 】
The pandemic pushed me to bring my Bazi consultations online. The same pandemic also locked many people up at home, and that's one major reason why my Youtube channel rocketed in number of subscribers and views.
So a typical day of mine will be me talking to my laptop in the day, and me jamming a post or editing a video on my laptop in the night. That means I stare at my Apple more than staring in the eyes of my husband.
Once, my consultations started at 10am.
I first flew ✈️ to New York,
then sprinted 🏃to Taipei,
followed by a somersault🤸♂️to Kuala Lumpur,
and Flash-ed my way ⚡️to Tokyo.
In that one day, my vocabulary repertoire of English, Mandarin and Cantonese were all used up.
When my work day ended, the husband asked what I wanted for dinner. I stared at him for that one, two seconds, momentarily not knowing what language to reply him in. 😂
One heartwarming thing about meeting clients is receiving their thank-you emails after our consultations.
Some people may view such consultations as merely transactional. After all, I am paid to remove ill fortunes for my clients, so it is justifiable that I do what I do. I am not a businesswoman, and there are plenty of Feng Shui practitioners available, local and overseas. There is indeed no need for clients to get into my good books or curry favour with me.
So it is always surprising when they take time to write thank-you emails to me. After all, I am not of the character who will give my clients a sweet discount when they say honeyed words of me. 😁
I am unable to reply to all, so here's "Thank you so much" to all of you. ❤️
The best way to thank me will always be you taking action. I look forward to seeing your lives improve and your wisdom grow.
Tashi Delek. 🙏
13 reason why線上看 在 那些電影教我的事 - Lessons from Movies Facebook 的最佳解答
The indifference in this world is exactly the reason why the innocence in our heart is worth fighting for.
親愛的莎瑪 (For Sama), 2019
myVideo 影音隨看:https://lessons.pros.is/RS6H9
在2011年以前,就讀阿勒坡大學的瓦黛(Waad Al-Khatea)是個20歲的大三生,他過著和我們沒兩樣的日常生活。唯一的不同,是住在敘利亞的她,有個萬年專制總統阿薩德(al-Assad)。阿薩德家族從1970年代發動政變取得政權之後,至今還是將敘利亞緊緊握在手中,並已傳承到第二代巴夏爾(Bashar al-Assad)的身上。長年對人民的壓制,隨著中東阿拉伯之春對於民主與經濟的運動浪潮,敘利亞也爆發了革命。
從那時候開始,瓦黛開始記錄他們的抗爭。才20幾歲的他成為了公民記者。實踐著理想的他,也在反抗陣線裡,找到自己的伴侶:後來成為了戰地醫生的漢札(Hamza al-Kateab)。幾年後,他們也在戰地裡迎接了長女莎瑪(Sama),並且在醫院裡生活。