如果計我那時候的成績,我應該可以拿 10000吧?
【中大獎助學金 料惠及逾千聯招學生】
此外,中大設立新的「疫境自強助學金」(CUHK Perseverance Bursary),嘉許本年度文憑試考生,協助受新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情影響的聯招申請人渡過難關。成功申請者可獲港幣最少一萬元助學金,最高金額為全年學費四萬二千一百。
#新生入學奬學金 #疫境自強助學金 #逾千學生受惠
【CUHK Offers Admission Scholarships and New Perseverance Bursary to Benefit 1000 JUPAS Students】
This year’s HKDSE students experienced a very “special” exam! To recognize the effort of the students who have persevered and to ease the financial strain on their families, CUHK offers “University Admission Scholarships” and launches the new “Perseverance Bursary” that will benefit more than 1,000 admitted JUPAS students.
For entry in 2020, JUPAS admittees with Level 5** in 6 or more subjects in HKDSE will be given a study allowance of HK$20,000, on top of a full-tuition scholarship and an exchange scholarship of HK$30,000. The maximum total amount of a University admission scholarship would be HK$402,600 for a 6-year medical programme, and HK$278,400 for a 4-year programme.
New students who have attained Level 5** in 3 to 5 subjects in HKDSE will be given, on top of the admission scholarships for which they are eligible, a scholarship of HK$10,000 for overseas exchange or outreach activities. Students admitted to CUHK with Level 5** in 2 subjects will be eligible for an admission scholarship of HK$5,000.
CUHK also announces a new “CUHK Perseverance Bursary” in recognition of the unwavering determination of HKDSE candidates, and to support admittees who have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Successful applicants will receive a sum of no less than HK$10,000 each, up to a full-tuition amount of HK$42,100.
The University rewards determined students with outstanding results, who are committed to strive for excellence and contribute to society after their graduation.
Detail: https://bit.ly/2ZHE1DZ
#AdmissionScholarships #NewPerseveranceBursary #Benefit1000JUPASStudents