#葉郎每日讀報 #娛樂要聞揀三條
2.Fox 2000和舊好萊塢片廠規則的終結
▼ 1.Netflix Movies Turn Up in a Surprising Place: Theaters(https://flip.it/gJ29b7)
本週末《Army of the Dead 活屍大軍》成為首部在美國大規模上映的 Netflix 電影。兩年前還跟股東信誓旦旦地說絕對不會與 Netflix 往來的美國第三大連鎖電影院 Cinemark,在經歷一整年的疫情導致持續的新片荒之後,改口說「非常樂意提供影迷在串流上架之前提早看到這些電影」。《活屍大軍》還要等一週後才會在 Netflix 上架。華爾街日報掌握到的消息指出,除了延後上架的特殊待遇之外,Netflix 還大方地給了電影院更好的票房拆分比例。Netflix 圖的是什麼?顯然不是票房收入。因為欠缺好萊塢等級的行銷宣傳規格,一般預計《活屍大軍》並不會像其他好萊塢大片一樣大賣。Netflix 甚至在合約中約束電影院不得對外發佈票房訊息。Netflix 要的是口碑,希望這一批親臨電影院實地體驗的觀眾將這個消息傳出去: Netflix 的大銀幕電影和好萊塢一樣華麗、一樣精采、一樣好看。
▼2. ‘The Woman in the Window’ Marks the End of the Old Hollywood System(https://flip.it/NgP-dK)
Netflix 剛剛上架了 Amy Adams 主演的驚悚片《The Woman in the Window 窺探》。這部拖延多時的電影為 Fox 2000 這個發行品牌畫下最後一個句點,因為該品牌已在併購後被 Fox 關閉,而本片正是最後一部 Fox 2000 掛名的電影。在此同時《窺探》坎坷的籌拍過程更象徵傳統好萊塢片廠模式已經走到盡頭:Fox 2000 的老大 Elizabeth Gabler 和另一名好萊塢超級製片 Scott Rudin 都是最擅長物色適合拍成電影的小說而著稱,因此同時看上這部電影的原著小說。雖然 Fox 2000 成功搶到小說改編權,卻為了 Scott Rudin 叫得動更多大咖的業界影響力而選擇跟他合作共製。如今 Fox 2000 已經被 Disney 解散,Elizabeth Gabler 則成立自己的製片公司改跟唯一沒有串流品牌的 Sony 合作。另一方面 Scott Rudin 則在最近兩個月因為霸凌員工的醜聞而成為百老匯和好萊塢過街老鼠。至於 《窺探》則在 Disney 接手之後被迫進行深度補拍,使最近連續鑲金的作曲家 Trent Reznor 和 Atticus Ross 因而退出該片。而原本打算以本片的演技發揮而拿幾個大獎的 Amy Adams 在影評陸續出爐之後似乎已經得獎無望。《窺探》的幕後是各種好萊塢傳統運作規則的交集,歷經補拍修改和延後上映之後連電影院都上不了,最後計畫趕不上變化地陰錯陽差變成一部 Netflix 電影。
▼ 3. On Spotify, an Arranged Marriage Between Music and Podcasts(https://flip.it/KkOgog)
作為入門門檻很低的新媒介,podcast 創作者最容易遇到的障礙是音樂。他們無法像傳統電台主持人那樣隨心所欲地播放音樂,因為接洽授權需要人力和成本。而且不像傳統電台的授權價格那樣穩定,版權管理者經常對 podcast 音樂授權費獅子大開口。知名 podcast 創作者就曾在社群媒體上抱怨因為授權費漲太快,不得不下架早先的節目。部分 podcast 試圖用著作權法上的「合理使用」概念來播放音樂的片段,但實務上「合理使用」是個經常被法院判決改變的模糊概念,風險不低。專門處理授權的專家建議 podcast 創作者除非必要盡可能找人寫節目中需要的音樂,或是使用現成的音樂素材庫。問題是介紹音樂文化是電台文化中非常重要的傳統,podcast 理應繼承這樣的文化。Spotify 去年推出所謂 “music and talk" 的分類試圖解決這個問題,協助 podcast 創作者直接用歌單的形式取用 Spotify 既有的授權音樂庫。節目的聽眾如果原本就是 Spotify 付費用戶,就可以直接在節目裡聽到完整的歌曲。如果是免費用戶則只會聽到歌曲片段。Podcast 中播出的音樂,版權方同樣可以收到版稅。因為多數 podcast 仍是免費收聽(Spotify 最近才宣佈推付費訂閱制),Spotify 因此是用免費收聽的 podcast 賣得的廣告收入去支付這個版稅。Spotify 發展 podcast 產品的一貫說法是他們認為這麼做有助音樂愛好者與 Spotify 服務有更深入的關係,越多人談論音樂就會引來越多人聽音樂。
同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過25萬的網紅SKRpresents 陶山音樂,也在其Youtube影片中提到,李杰明 W.M.L Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_BJh1Mu7PPeS2THyw0DMZOYBOhYS2EAx 陳忻玥 Vicky Chen Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist...
「arranged marriage」的推薦目錄:
- 關於arranged marriage 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於arranged marriage 在 Yim Mau-Kun Studio 冉茂芹畫室 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於arranged marriage 在 王筱涵醫師。皮膚科的生活內涵。 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於arranged marriage 在 SKRpresents 陶山音樂 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於arranged marriage 在 Tristan H. 崔璀璨 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於arranged marriage 在 LADIES FIRST Youtube 的精選貼文
arranged marriage 在 Yim Mau-Kun Studio 冉茂芹畫室 Facebook 的最讚貼文
油畫 75x47cm 1982 香港
My Mother
Oil painting 75x47cm 1982 Hong Kong
My mother’s maiden name was Huangpu Daoan and she was born in Taoyuan County, Hunan. The Huangpu family had fallen upon hard times, but her father was an avid reader who counted an original copy of the Twenty Four Histories in his collection. My mother attended the Zhounan Women School in Changsha then fled an arranged marriage to study at Daxia University in Shanghai. She quit the university after marrying my father. Together they had six children and when the Japanese invaded, she fled to Chongqing with relatives. When my father went to Taiwan in 1949 with Chiang Kai-shek’s government, the cross-strait separation meant they never did meet again in this life. When her children grew up and moved to different parts of the country, my mother applied to become a primary school teacher. She kept me and my little brother by her side and made the ends meet as best as she could.
My mother’s health was always poor and underwent many operations. She even fainted once at the front of the classroom. In 1950, she took me to the countryside to seek refuge with her brother. My uncle was a “small landowner” who had been persecuted by the farmers’ co-operative during the land reforms to cough up his “ill-gotten gains.” My grandma was so terrified that she chose to drown herself. My mother also tried to drown herself one night but I immediately woke my uncle up. He lit a torch and we fished my mother out of the dam with a bamboo pole. Many years later, my mother told me that it seemed so bright under the water that she thought the Guanyin Goddess had come to save her. On a pillar of the simple wooden house used as a dormitory by the primary school, she had pasted a picture of the Guanyin Goddess sitting in the lotus position from the packaging of a cigarette box.
We waited and waited, but when we finally received word from Taiwan in 1978, it was bad news. My father had passed away in Taipei! In 1980, I received permission to go to Hong Kong. Five years later, my little brother accompanied her to Taipei where she could finally burn incense at my father’s grave….Four years later, she moved with me and my big sister’s entire family to Taipei. She fell sick a short while later; when we took her to the Chang Gung Hospital in Keelung, the doctor said that it was organ failure.
I was very busy at the time and I didn’t realize how serious my mother’s condition was at first. As I was massaging her icy-cold hands during one visit, she asked me, “Mau-kun, was your mother great or not?” I was taken by surprise and did not know what to say. I eventually answered: “Let’s not use the word great. You are a wonderful example…” My mother patted the back of my hand…
I almost choked on my tears during the simple funeral in Keelung. Oh, mother, how much you suffered! You even donated what little wages you earned towards flood relief. You taught me to write in a neat hand, to be fluent in my writings, and to lead an earnest life….My mother was a truly great woman. We refurbished my father’s tomb and placed the urn with my mothers’ ashes inside the coffin by my father’s shoulder….They can now talk about ancient Chinese poetry for all time…
arranged marriage 在 王筱涵醫師。皮膚科的生活內涵。 Facebook 的精選貼文
【 快樂婚姻的ABC三寶】
「Adjust, Be Flexible, Compromise」
Netflix的年度夯片之一是「印度媒婆」,Arranged marriage #媒妁之言 的婚姻在印度文化依舊盛行,媒婆直言「Love marriage doesn’t work.」
西方網友罵聲一片,直說各種 #歧視 太多,但收視紅盤,邊罵邊看。
我倒是覺得很好看,經歷過 #華人婆媽 文化洗禮的,看這部會覺得蠻有共鳴。而且有些觀點很實際,婚姻和談戀愛本來就不同。
我的確做了些 #調整,但不是為了別人,而是為了自己。(但我還是覺得上面同樣的話也去跟男生說啊💁♀️)
婚姻是要 #了解接受 對方本來的樣子?還是調整成對方想要的樣子?
應該是前者吧,但要有能互相配合 #調整 步調的能力才能走下去🤔
ABC三寶也應該是對婚姻裡的 #雙方男女 都說,而不是只有針對一方。
富豪男—家族珠寶商💎 擁有高級生活品味、全家都在逼他結婚。但他就沒想定下來🤷♂️
老公最受不了律師女、媽寶男,我和老妹最愛模仿Auntie Sima用印度腔講話、搖頭合掌、笑對方不夠flexible。難得一部片讓我們三個都覺得有趣😜
#SpeakMyMind #婚姻所感
arranged marriage 在 SKRpresents 陶山音樂 Youtube 的最佳解答
李杰明 W.M.L Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_BJh1Mu7PPeS2THyw0DMZOYBOhYS2EAx
陳忻玥 Vicky Chen Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_BJh1Mu7PPesjmDrxXWkBeOs3WKaA4nh
李杰明 W.M.L IG: https://www.instagram.com/wmlhiphop/
陳忻玥 Vicky Chen IG: https://www.instagram.com/vickychenmusic/
SKRpresents IG: https://www.instagram.com/skrpresents/
Listen: http://www.soundscape.net/a/11265
MV BTS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-m8Lj2wmB0&list=PLK32k4idPxMOucgQR3PpToiadISmx9cuE&index=51
詞:李杰明 W.M.L
曲:李杰明 W.M.L
編制:陶山Skot Suyama
導演:Michael Li
Can you accept me?
oh~ 你是否能看見我的狼狽
Can you accept me failing?
oh~ 慾望摧殘後該如何後悔
When our desires are fighting each other, how should we deal with it?
oh~ 你是否能接受我不完美
Can you accept me as not a perfect human?
後退 後退 不存在的薔薇
If you can't, I'll step back, cause maybe the perfect love was never there
你是否能接受 愛的現實
Can you accept the reality of love?
是否能接受 我的老實
Can you accept my honesty?
Can you accept I don't do sweet talk?
我對你的愛 始終會是真實
But my love for you still true
你給我再多鼓勵 再多時間努力
You can encourage me, give me more chances
But I'll never be the perfect half for you
我其實沒有骨氣 接受你的賭氣
I'm actually not brave, won't take on this challenge
你要的東西都假的 還要我看著辦
Because everything you want is not real
你希望我是王子 希望我是天使
You want me to be a prince, want me to be an angel
我家沒有養馬 我背上也沒有翅膀
But I don't have horse at home or wings on my back
你說你要王子 能住進大房子
You say you just want a prince and the big house
Ok then I guess you have to eat a poison apple first
If the romance that you want
requires me to ignore who I am
那你說的浪漫 會激發我抗戰
Than I will just want to fight this romance
Try to use my true feelings to awaken you from the obsession of prince
Can you accept that?
oh~ 你是否能看見我的狼狽
Can you accept me failing?
oh~ 慾望摧殘後該如何後悔
When our desires are fighting each other, how should we deal with it?
oh~ 你是否能接受我不完美
Can you accept me as not a perfect human?
後退 後退 不存在的薔薇
If you can't, I'll step back, cause maybe the perfect love was never there
I'm willing to communicate to get close
I'm willing to face my insecurity, fight off my ego
But you just want me to say ”I'll love you forever”
那我要 我要你 試著用點腦子
Ok, then please think with me
Two heart's connections
For sure won't come true because of a marriage certificate
That will only create distance
Love becomes a game
一輩子只能愛一個人就看誰先認輸 nah~
Who ever makes a mistake loses
我認輸 因為我認出
I'll Iose first
這遊戲不會有分數 分不出任何勝負
Because I see this game is not helping our love
扼殺正常的慾望 只會兩敗俱傷
If we can't be the best of ourselves, then both of us lose
我不想隨口承諾 讓這份愛氧化變髒
I don't want to just give out an empty promise just to make you happy
Will you accept that?
oh~ 你是否能看見我的狼狽
Can you accept me failing?
oh~ 慾望摧殘後該如何後悔
When our desires are fighting each other, how should we deal with it?
oh~ 你是否能接受我不完美
Can you accept me as not a perfect human?
後退 後退 不存在的薔薇
If you can't, I'll step back, cause maybe the perfect love was never there
說真的 我其實很愛妳
Actually I really did love you
I really did care about making you happy
But I already gave everything I had
And now I can only appreciate the love we once had
吵架 會是最溫暖的溝通
Fighting is the warmest communication
吵架 零距離的每一分鐘
Fighting is when we are most close
吵架 是對這份愛的珍重
Fighting is because I still don't want to give up
算了 不吵了
Forget it , I will stop fighting
Because turns out you just want a prince and not me
oh~ 你是否能看見我的狼狽
Can you accept me failing?
oh~ 慾望摧殘後該如何後悔
When our desires are fighting each other, how should we deal with it?
oh~ 你是否能接受我不完美
Can you accept me as not a perfect human?
後退 後退 不存在的薔薇
If you can't, I'll step back, cause maybe the perfect love was never there
SKRpresents 陶山音樂
Produced & Arranged by Skot Suyama
Gaffer Ching-Han
Styling by Ping Ping
BloodFlowDP Michael Li
BTS by Lewis Shih
Cover Art by Bruno Yen
Executive Manager Phoebe Cheng

arranged marriage 在 Tristan H. 崔璀璨 Youtube 的最佳解答
Thank you SO much for 10k! 滿了一萬訂閱,3Q!!
ANSWER:My hair weighs 0.6kg (1.3lbs) when wet.
It's been 15 years and figured it's about time to taste the flavors of soda I've long forgotten. While I taste them again I wanted to chat a bit, so arranged a Q&A!
Lot's of questions about boyfriends, marriage, and my hair. lol
有收到很多關於男朋友、結婚跟頭髮的問題 哈哈
See you next week, when I start sharing some of my life here in Taipei!
Arigathanks gozaimuch to these two!
📷攝影師:Shawn, Ben
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【崔璀璨 Tristan H.】
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arranged marriage 在 LADIES FIRST Youtube 的精選貼文
This year for International Women's Day, we decided to take a look into a 24h day of our favourite female girl boss icons and try it out for ourselves! We love Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift and Rihanna, for various reasons, be it advocating self love, their successful business sense and their passion to make the world better. Will Cherylene, Juhi or Jasmine do it best?
Follow our hosts:
Cherylene - https://www.instagram.com/cherylenechan
Juhi - https://www.instagram.com/juhinars
Jasmine - https://www.instagram.com/jasminelhr
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arranged marriage 在 What Modern Arranged Marriages Really Look Like - Brides 的相關結果
2022年2月23日 — An arranged marriage is a marital union planned by the families, typically parents, of the couple. It's estimated over half of the marriages ... ... <看更多>
arranged marriage 在 Arranged marriage - New World Encyclopedia 的相關結果
In an arranged marriage, the marital partners are chosen by parents, community elders, matchmakers, or religious leaders in an effort to guide young people ... ... <看更多>
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3 天前 — arranged marriage翻譯:包辦婚姻。了解更多。 ... <看更多>