這是我處女下海第一次行花生騷。仲要係一個好有心嘅品牌—Beam Bold,鼓勵女性們要盡情發揮自我,非常有意思。
我身邊的就是創辦人兼設計師 Audra,設計不但用最優質和舒適的綿加絲布料、還真的令人有種莫名想揮袖起舞的衝動❤️
Sincerely inviting you to join me in this fashion show!
It’s my virgin catwalk experience! I’ll be showing the amazing designs from Beam Bold, a brand that encourages women to be who they are. Beside me is the founder and designer Audra, her dresses are not only sourced with high quality sustainable materials, the silk and cotton blend feels divine and wearing them just makes you want to dance in the wind! ❤️
No matter what our skin colour or size or background, we can shine bright as women. In fact, it’s our natural birth right. .
Photography: Phoebe Khloe