拜登的兒子亨特被爆出新的黑電郵,指他在2015年向利比亞接頭人開價200萬美元作為上期佣金,以透過拜登解封奧巴馬所凍結的150億美元資產。這封電郵的特別之處,是它並非洩自亨特的手提電腦,而是有人主動向Business Insider報料。細看這封電郵的行文,總覺得奇奇怪怪:
「Per phone conversation I met with #2 son. He wants $2 per year retainer +++ success fees. He wants to hire his own people – it can be close circle of people for confidentiality. His dad is deciding to run or not.
His positives are he is Chairman of UN World Food Program, son of #2 who has Libya file, access to State, Treasury, business partner SofS J. [John] Forbes K [Kerry] son and since he travels with dad he is connected everywhere in Europe and Asia where M. Q. [Muammar Qaddafi] and LIA [Libya Investment Authority] had money frozen. He said he has access to highest level in PRC [China], he can help there.
His negatives are that he is alcoholic, drug addict – kicked [out] of U.S. Army for cocaine, chasing low class hookers, constantly needs money-liquidity problems and many more headaches.
We should meet in Gstraad or London to decide next steps.」
內文所用的術語的確與之前所曝光的同類電郵相像,例如稱拜登做#2(No.2即是副總統),銀碼不寫單位,主要人物用字母代替(K即是當時的國務卿克里),但愈看就愈覺得它刻意地「脗合」,而且過分地全方位和鉅細無遺——這是小說家撰寫兩個角色書信來往時的一個大忌,要寫得像回信,理應沒頭沒尾才是——除非要向讀者交代。這個Sam Jauhari是為亨特辦事的,為何他要向利比亞的接頭人特意講亨特的缺點?
#2這個術語,本來是為免直接說成拜登是有份的,為甚麼又會穿崩說「His dad is deciding to run or not」?中國也被拖下水,亨特與中國來往不是新聞,但如果這封是偽信的話,這就起了提醒讀者的作用。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅Coolgang,也在其Youtube影片中提到,羅斯威爾飛碟墜毀事件是 1947年在美國新墨西哥州羅斯威爾市發生的不明飛行物體墜毀事件。 事件發生後,美國藍皮書計劃於1952年正式開始,目的是重新處理UFO檔案,並為此建立機密級別;然後送到美國國家檔案管理局儲存。 根據當年的新聞報導以及近年的一些歷史紀錄片片段,我試著還原真相。 墜毀的飛碟總共有...
confidentiality level 在 Taipei Ethereum Meetup Facebook 的精選貼文
📜 [專欄新文章] Using MPC to Help Achieve Blockchain Privacy
✍️ Yahsin Huang
📥 歡迎投稿: https://medium.com/taipei-ethereum-meetup #徵技術分享文 #使用心得 #教學文 #medium
This post answers some of the most commonly asked questions about using multi-party computation (MPC) in blockchains.
What is MPC?
Multi-party computation (MPC) is a cryptographic protocol that does a joint computation involving multiple parties over their inputs while keeping those inputs private.
A famous example of MPC is Yao’s Millionaires Problem. Two millionaires want to know who is richer without finding out information about each other’s actual wealth. Naively they can simply tell their wealth to a third party. Then the third party compares their wealth and lets them know who is richer. But then this option is undesirable because the third party learns the information of their wealth.
The challenge of Yao’s Millionaires Problem is the computation wouldn’t be able to have a result without the two parties’ private information. To get the end result, you need those information involved in the computation. But at the same time, you are not allowed to reveal those private information to the party who performs the computation. That’s the main problem that MPC wants to solve.
Why it matters in blockchain?
In the real world, not everyone’s a millionaire. Not everybody wishes to compare their assets and wealth with others. In the blockchain space, there’s a need to ensure the inputs are shielded from multiple parties for privacy purposes; hence, the need for MPC protocols.
If we look at the current landscape of the blockchain world, notice there are blockchains doing great for programmability, such as Ethereum blockchain, allowing developers to build great tools and applications on top of them. There are also blockchains doing great for privacy, such as ZCash blockchain, allowing users to send transactions in a privacy-preserving way.
However, there’s a lack of blockchains that are designed for maximum programmability with maximum privacy. That’s why a lot of folks are pushing forward the work on incorporating MPC protocols into blockchain designs.
Why ZK is not enough?
Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) is great at shielding private information that involves only one party. ZKP alone cannot be applied to provide privacy in multiple-party settings, such as auctions or in the case of Yao’s Millionaires Problem. In those settings, computations would involve private inputs from multiple parties, and so ZKP wouldn’t be enough. We would need to turn to MPC to achieve that.
Recent developments in MPC
In his presentation “MPC as a Blockchain Confidentiality Layer,” Miller gave a high-level overview of how MPC can be viewed as a confidentiality layer for blockchains as illustrated in the slide. Credit: https://youtu.be/0VuBELYfChM
How does MPC work with blockchains?
HoneyBadgerMPC builds a sidechain that performs MPC protocol computation. The sidechain acts as a confidentiality layer to the public blockchain, where secret data is stored.
How can developers build MPC applications?
Developers are able to develop MPC applications with Ratel language. Writing Ratel feels very similar to writing Solidity contracts. The compiler compiles Ratel code into two parts: the Ethereum part, and the MPC as a sidechain part.
Ratel code looks like this: https://github.com/initc3/HoneyBadgerSwap/blob/coconut/ratel/trade.rl
Learn more about MPC as a sidechain
One of the biggest news this past month was you could now play with HoneyBadgerSwap’s demo website. HoneyBadgerSwap is basically a dark pool version of Uniswap using MPC. You will need some Kovan ETH to test it out. Yunqi Li (UIUC, IC3) made a great Medium story about HoneyBadgerSwap. Read it here: “HoneyBadgerSwap: Making MPC as a Sidechain,” published on April 22, 2021.
Watch a really great talk by Andrew Miller “MPC as a Blockchain Confidentiality Layer,” presented at the IC3 Blockchain Camp 2020, to understand the HoneyBadgerMPC protocol more.
If you are someone who would like to delve into the topic with textbooks, be sure to add the book “A Pragmatic Introduction to Secure Multi-Party Computation” to your reading list. The content is available in PDF.
Using MPC to Help Achieve Blockchain Privacy was originally published in Taipei Ethereum Meetup on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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ลักเซมเบิร์ก ประเทศที่มี GDP ต่อหัว มากสุดในโลก / โดย ลงทุนแมน
ส่วนใหญ่เราคงจะนึกถึง ประเทศสิงคโปร์...
Continue ReadingLuxembourg, the most GDP per capita country in the world / by investing man
If it comes to small countries
But can make a huge income per capita
Most of us think of Singapore
But indeed.
There is another country in our world with just size.
Bangkok with nonthaburi
But can make the number 1 per capita income in the world
That country is luxembourg..
A lot of people may not be familiar with this name.
The question is where is this country?
Luxembourg is located west of Europe with no exit to the sea.
And adjacent to powerful countries like Germany, France and Belgium
This country has 2,586 square kilometers with a population of only 600,000 people.
Interesting is GDP per capita of this country
Number 1 is Luxembourg. There is GDP per head. 3.5 million baht.
Number 2 AND 3 ARE MACAU and Switzerland. There are GDP per head. 2.6 million baht.
Number 8 AND 9 Are USA and Singapore. There is GDP per capita. 2.0 million baht.
Number 26 is Japan. There is GDP per head. 1.3 million baht.
Number 72 is China. There is GDP per head. 3.1 hundred thousand baht.
The number 87 is Thai. There is GDP per head. 2.3 hundred thousand baht.
So what good is Luxembourg?
If it comes to Thailand, the tourism industry would be the main source of income
But for Luxembourg, the main industry is to provide financial and banking services.
Luxembourg has a policy that protects confidentiality and provides huge benefits to foreign investments such as cheaper tax thinking.
Foreign companies can set up companies in Luxembourg and can transfer money back to their country with tax deducted at a very low rate.
That's why luxembourg is called tax haven or low tax land
Therefore, many foreign funds come into Luxembourg, such as big companies like Amazon and Microsoft.
Interesting is that this country is the center of large fund around the world.
Luxembourg currently has the world'S 2th largest fund size, only United States.
With assets under administration over 132.3 trillion baht.
All International funds in the world are over 62 % registered in Luxembourg.
136 foreign banks from 29 countries are located here.
The interesting thing is why people around the world trust Luxembourg so much. Why not afraid that money will be taken easily.
Must say the key factor is transparency and political stability.
Luxembourg is currently the world's number 9th least corruption country.
The World's number 2 economic and politically stable
It is also arranged to have credibility rates (credit rating) from 3 main institutions of the world like standard & poor's, Fitch and moody's at AAA level.
There are only 11 countries in the world..
However, at present, the awakening of each country to prevent offshore company or set up foreign companies to avoid tax is getting more.
We will have to keep track of how future luxembourg situation will be.
But what's nice to learn of this is that in every country with high progress, no matter how big or small the area is.
Transparency is always a key factor..
Read, invest, man, more fun.
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confidentiality level 在 Coolgang Youtube 的精選貼文
羅斯威爾飛碟墜毀事件是 1947年在美國新墨西哥州羅斯威爾市發生的不明飛行物體墜毀事件。
事件中只有一位生存的外星人,就是埃本斯 Ebens👽 EBE#1
來自行星SERPO,DIA名稱為DIALP-0916 Zeta Reticuli I和II系統= 距離地球38.42光年
就是出現在影片中,傳說外號 Skinny Bob 的外星人👽
1952年去世,後來才有Project Serpo 就是要把外星遺體送回埃本斯星球。
Project Serpo 是一個外星人與地球人交換計畫,從1965年成立。
透過羅斯威爾生存下來的 EBE#1 傳送的訊息回到家鄉行星SERPO聯繫地球。
歷史頻道 (History)中的遠古外星人 (Ancient Aliens)紀錄片,喜歡外星人題材可以去看這系列。
The Roswell UFO crash was in Roswell, New Mexico, the USA in 1947.
After the incident, the U.S. Blue Book Project officially began in 1952, with the goal of reprocessing UFO files and establishing a level of confidentiality for this; then it was sent to the U.S. National Archives Service for storage.
According to the news reports that year and some historical documentary clips in recent years, I tried to restore the truth.
There are two crashed flying saucers in total 🛸
There was only one surviving alien in the incident, which was Ebens.(Extraterrestrial Biological Entity)
Do you think the Roswell UFO crash was really a spy balloon declared by the US military?
Or do you believe that there are really aliens? Skinny Bob 👽
Check out 🤘
👽酷奇王 FB https://goo.gl/vYfSEk
👽酷奇王 IG@afropopcorn
Peace & Love 👽
#外星人 #Roswell #Alien

confidentiality level 在 Classified information - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Typical classification levels[edit] · Top Secret (TS)[edit] · Secret[edit] · Confidential[edit] · Restricted[edit] · Official[edit] · Unclassified[edit] · Clearance[ ... ... <看更多>
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Data Classification in Government organizations commonly includes five levels: Top Secret, Secret, Confidential, Sensitive, and Unclassified. ... <看更多>
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Confidential (top confidentiality level) · Restricted (medium confidentiality level) · Internal use (lowest level of confidentiality) · Public ( ... ... <看更多>