【一連七集,第五】哈佛知識分享: Trade-offs 如何「取捨」?
你要取得更多,就要捨棄更多。「取捨」is tough, but you have to do it!
股神巴菲特 Warren Buffett 有句名言好影響我:
"The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.‘’
成功及非常成功嘅人分別就係非常成功嘅人對絕大部分事情都係 say No.
識我嘅朋友都知道,我經常講:「我乜都唔識、乜都唔買! 我只買幾千萬以下香港嘅街舖。 我唔買樓、唔買工廈、唔買商廈、唔買農地、唔買車位/骨灰龕位、唔買大灣區、英國樓、非洲農地、 火星月球。 全部都唔買,送畀我都唔要。Again … 我只買港幣五六千萬以下香港的街舖仔。 香港有十萬間,買十世我都買唔晒! 呢世我只想買一千間。」
哈佛大學教授 Michael Porter 亦講過: “Strategy is making trade-offs in competing. The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do."
策略就係要以「取捨」去競爭。 策略嘅精髓就係要知道唔做乜!
上一集講過,何謂一個好嘅策略 Good Strategy? 教授 Michael Porter 話要經得起五個 Tests:
A distinctive value proposition 獨特的價值主張
A tailored value chain 度身訂造的企業價值鏈
Trade-offs different from rivals 同競爭對手不同的「取捨」
Fit across value chain 成條企業價值鏈的活動要配合
Continuity over time 持續性、持續性,不能一時一樣
今集同你講第(3) Trade-offs different from rivals 要贏,就要有同競爭對手不同的「取捨」。
What are trade-offs?
"Trade-offs are the strategic equivalent of a fork in the road. If you take one path, you cannot simultaneously take the other." by Michael Porter
「取捨就好似去咗一個交叉路口咁, 你只可以二選其一,唔可以兩條路都行晒。」
做生意,唔係多啲,就好啲。 多啲產品、 多啲服務、多啲客戶, 唔代表你就係好啲。 因為你營業額可能多咗三成, 但利潤反而可能無咗一半。 咁我就情願營業額細啲,利潤多一倍好過。 記住一開始嘅時候我話 Michael Porter 講過:
"Competition is not about being the BEST, not about MARKET SHARE. Competition is about being UNIQUE, about earning PROFITS" by Michael Porter
video …
QB House (Quick Barber) 就係做咗好多「取捨」 trade-offs , 好多嘢唔做,但反而吸引咗一班想「快、靚、正」 ,但又唔想求求其其、 污糟邋遢剪個頭髮嘅繁忙上班一族, most likely 男士們、三四五十歲左近。10 minutes, just cut!
QB House 專注培訓、建立系統,令呢班目標顧客群由原本一兩三個月先剪個頭髮,而家一兩三個星期就去剪轉一轉。 剪快咗、剪多咗,就令QB House 同佢嘅髮型師雖然做少咗嘢,但反而收入及利潤上升。This is what I call "trade-offs", LESS IS MORE!
就係因為 QB House 嘅 Trades-offs 同一般髮廊嘅競爭對手唔同,當初首創新嘅經營模式係日本做到最獨特, 亦都解釋咗點解佢1996年由東京一間開始, 短短幾年間就能夠開到全球幾百間分店,2018年仲係東京証交所主板上市, 依家市值近20億港幣。 雖然有好多人想抄佢,QB House 嘅專注,佢 make 嘅 trade-offs 至今依然令佢每年生意額都上升,到今日都保持住係「速剪」行業嘅領導地位。
我成日都話,「當你乜都做,等如你乜都唔做!」 …. 因為你無樣嘢做得好、無樣嘢做得專。When you please everybody, you please nobody. 做生意要「取捨」,唔放手,唔會得到更多。
可能你會覺得 Just-Cut, QB House 都做咗啦。 做髮廊仲可以點變? 根據 Michael Porter,大把方法變。 最緊要就係,唔係人做你做。Your trade-offs have to be different from your rivals, then you have a strategy.
你嘅「取捨」要同你競爭對手唔同,咁你就有好策略。人哋 Just-Cut, 咁你可唔可以 Just Perm 電髮? Just Color 染髮? Just Blow Dry 吹頭?
唉! Just Blow Dry? 美國加州有間咁嘅髮廊 …
佢就好似係 QB House 嘅翻版,但係 No Cuts No Color, Just Blowouts. 齋吹頭! 美金$40,45分鐘時間,班目標顧客群,即係長頭髮嘅二三四五十歲女士們, 就可以 enjoy 喺個輕鬆嘅環境洗下頭、按下頭、吹下頭、飲杯 champagne、聽下音樂、Relax 下,就有個清神爽利嘅頭見人!
因為做得夠專,懂得運用 Michael Porter 所指嘅 trade-offs ,同一般髮廊競爭對手唔同嘅 trade-offs, 好多女士就個個禮拜去幫襯,relax relax 下。2010年由美國加州第一間店開始, 十年間,全美開超過一百間分店, 擁有超過5000個髮型師, 每次美金$40,每個月幫緊20萬個客人吹頭。 淨係吹頭,依家營業額每年超過一億美金。
全球最大嘅傢俬公司,IKEA, 又係另一個Michael Porter 所指 Trade-Offs 嘅典型例子。佢由產品設計 (自己裝嵌)、產品種類 (簡單得來又多幾樣選擇)、 自己推住架車嘅購物模式、至到客戶服務 (間舖頭永遠唔易搵到人幫手,人客自己搞掂,慳番啲成本,換取平啲價錢),到最後排隊畀錢、自己包裝、抬件貨返屋企 …. 如果唔係送貨要額外收費 (無得免費)。IKEA 成條嘅企業價值鏈 value chain 都係同其他一般嘅傢俬公司好唔同,有好唔同嘅 Trade-offs 取捨。
IKEA 嘅「取捨」,就能夠吸引咗一班 “with a thin wallet" 想價錢平,但又想 good design, 唔介意自己辛苦做多啲, 工餘時間,甚至乎自己花成日裝嵌埋嘅顧客。IKEA 明白佢唔會 serve 晒所有人。 我以前係美國讀大學、 或者啱啱出嚟 New York 做嘢,都好鍾意去 IKEA 買嘢,因為平! 而家? 叫我花成日嵌件傢俬,睬你都傻! I was an IKEA Customer, but not anymore! It's OK, you cannot please everybody! 做生意就係個「取捨」! 賺到錢就得啦。
美國最賺錢嘅航空公司 Southwest Airlines 西南航空都係一樣,No first class, No meals, No assigned seats, No baggage transfer, No planes other than Boeing 737s, No International Flight … so on and so forth.
無頭等、無飛機餐、無預設定座位、無行李轉運 、除咗波音737乜嘢客機都無、無國際航線。 仲有好多都比一般其他航空公司無。
但就係因為「冇」, 運動複雜程度及成本下降,Southwest 就可以專注做以下幾樣嘢特別好,就係「平」、「快」、「準時」、員工做得開心自然服務態度更好。其他乜都無, 但未必個個客人都啱!
於是 Southwest 有個好出名嘅 "Pen Pal" 故事,就有位乘客 Mrs. Crabapple, 經常好唔滿意 Southwest Airlines 乜都冇,無頭等、無飛機餐、無預設定座位、無行李轉運等等等等, 經常寫信去 Southwest 投訴,呢個「筆友」"Pen Pal" 個個客戶服務部同事都怕咗佢, 寫完又寫, 回覆左又寫,投訴完又投訴。 直至客戶服務 部嘅同事們都冇計, 叫當時嘅CEO/創辦人 Herb Kelleher 回覆。佢點寫? 真人真事! 60秒內,佢回覆:
“Dear Mrs. Crabapple. We will miss you. Love, Herb." 即係話,請佢走, 唔好再返來!
聽落好似好搞笑,但Michael Porter 話呢個係一個典型嘅 trade-offs 例子,you cannot please everyone. 記住,一開始嘅時候,我講過:
"Strategy is making trade-offs in competing. The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do." by Michael Porter.
策略就係要以「取捨」去競爭。 取捨嘅精髓就係要知道唔做乜!
"When you try to offer something for everybody, you tend to relax the trade-offs that underpin your competitive advantage." by Michael Porter.
當您嘗試做曬所有嘢去服務每一個人,你嘅「取捨」就會減少, 同時亦都會減少你嘅競爭優勢。
善用 Trade-offs 「取捨」去增強自己競爭力嘅機會隨處都係,爭在你願唔願意「放手」,先能夠取得「更多」。
包括我自己在內, 如果我乜嘢地產項目都投資,有賺錢就買, 甚至乎集資錢多地盤都搞埋, 我只係一個三四流嘅地產發展商。 我點同新鴻基/恒基/長實打呢? 但我專注幾千萬以下嘅香港街舖,我就係一個一流嘅商舖基金公司, 全香港人, 包括所有大嘅地產發展商,係街舖買賣都唔會夠我來。 社運/肺炎後,全香港買賣舖無人夠我哋多,呢個係事實!
"Trade-offs are choices that make strategies sustainable because they are not easy to match or to neutralize." by Michael Porter.
「取捨」會令到策略更有持續性,因為競爭對手 好難去複製或抵消你嘅優勢。特別是你嘅 first mover advantage 先行者優勢。
即是有人入嚟炒,Michael Porter 話新入嚟嘅 「模仿者」好多時都只係做 Straddling 跨騎, 即係好似「一腳踏兩船」咁, 自己本身嘅本業又做,商舖又做,結果兩邊都做唔「專」。
就係因為有自信我先咁講。因為好似今集一開始咁講,根據 Michael Porter 嘅 "Trade-offs different from rivals", 我哋係放棄咗好多嘅嘢,同競爭對手大大唔同,先能夠建立到我哋今日係香港街舖嘅領導地位。 只要我哋專注,我哋嘅基金投資者會賺錢! I know it. 但如果有一日,我開始搞工廈、搞商廈、搞地盤、搞英國樓、搞埋茶餐廳、 補習社 、 酒樓、酒店等, 就係投資者應該攞錢走嘅時候! 乜都做,就開始等如乜都唔做!
你呢? What are your trade-offs? 你的「取捨」同競爭對手有咩唔同呢? 抑或人做你做,人客想要乜,你就俾佢乜呢?
There is no problem with that! 第一集一開始我就話,99%嘅公司都係咁,養家活兒可能好多年都冇問題, 但根據 Michael Porter,你只係停留係第二個 S - Sustaining 持續緊嘅階段。 做好多年,搵到食,但可能仍然冇人識你,無突破。Survive, Sustain, 但要去到第三個 S, Succeed, I mean Super Successful 好似一支箭咁標上去,等如以上 QB House, DryBar, IKEA, Southwest Airlines 咁,你就要有 strategy 策略。 你嘅「取捨」trade-offs 要同競爭對手截然不同。
李小龍嘅名言,亦都係掛喺我公司office嘅唯一名言: "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."
李小龍唔怕嗰啲踢過一萬種唔同腳法嘅人。但佢怕嗰啲踢過一種腳法一萬次嘅人。 你嘅腳法又點呢? 有興趣一齊研究下點做? 聽多啲 Michael Porter,就來我星期六嘅早餐會啦! 下集我再同你講 (4) Fit across value chain 成條企業價值鏈的活動,如何配合去增強你的競爭優勢?
My hobby 《星期六早餐會》!
九/十月份早餐會 Topic: Applying "Michael Porter" to your business: How to compete and win!
哈佛分享: 如何應用「米高波特」於你盤生意? 點競爭? 點贏?
講起哈佛策略教授, 無人出名過 Michael Porter. 有幸我2017年在哈佛親身上過他教的課程, 今次早餐會同你分享,希望對你做生意亦有所啟發。
有興趣參加啦 😃 每次限四位 (包括我)。 人多傾唔到計。
對象: 中小企老闆/創業者/公司管理層,連我限4位。
有興趣參加的話,請 whatsapp 你的名片給 Suki (我助手) (+852) 5566 1335。
我唔係靠呢行搵食,免費,我請食早餐 😉 Be friends ..... 有機會到時見你。李根興 Edwin
聯絡李根興 whatsapp (+852) 90361143
#michael_porter #競爭策略
同時也有550部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅So-ju Twins,也在其Youtube影片中提到,?FOLLOW US? Sue's IG: https://www.instagram.com/cheongsueann Jo's IG: https://www.instagram.com/joannwithadash Hey guys, It seems like it took us for...
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do or do not there is no try 在 Benny Price Fitness Facebook 的最佳貼文
I’ve spent the past 4 months training in a lot of gyms, and watching hundreds of people in different countries and environments train got me thinking “if I had to give them ALL one piece of advice, what would it be?” 🤔
I settled on slowing down their reps. I don’t know why there is such a wild obsession with “explosivity” 🤷🏻♂️ It’s like everyone has forgotten the equation F=ma, and lost the ability to observe what happens to joint control when people try to move weight quicker than they’re capable of coordinating 🧐
I would love to go up to the tonnes of people throwing weight around as quickly as they can and ask them what they think they’re getting out of it❓
The only possible argument could be that they’re training for the “athletic carry over” of moving quickly (a separate topic of suspect science that I won’t go into now), but it’s very hard to believe that such large portions of each gym consider themselves “athletes” and aren’t just training for improved strength, quality of life and aesthetics 😎
If anyone is under the impression that making the intended muscles contract and produce force under control at a high intensity without “explosivity” is not getting them the same gains as faster movements, please let me assure you that is not the case☝🏽
5️⃣ Things to consider with high acceleration movements:
- Forces at transitions increase dramatically, reducing control of the joints that aren’t meant to be moving.
- Stress placed on connective tissue to manage what muscles can’t increases.
- Resistance profiles get changed (and rarely for the better)
- “Range of motion” becomes harder to control, and thus less regular
- Load placed on muscles becomes acceleration-dependent, harder to track & thus only possible to gradually, consistently increase if you have advanced equipment to measure this with.
I’m not saying bouncing out of the bottom of reps and swinging into “full range” will be the death of your joints ☠️ or get you no gains. (To varying degrees) our bodies are resilient & adaptable and regardless of what you do contractions are still taking place and force is still being produced 💪🏽
I’m just saying it rarely makes much sense.
do or do not there is no try 在 Phoebelieves Facebook 的最讚貼文
Waking up in the morning feeling refreshed!
I believe all girls out there has at least experienced mild PMS during their menstruation cycle and it is kind of uncontrollable that there’s some heat inside ur body to make you feel irritated all the time 😅😅 The only way we could cool down do is try to stay in with A/C try to minimize the irritability especially on the hottest of days.. Am glad that I do not need to turn on the aircond cause of its cooling sensation from the pad!
But now, I found Kotex Herbal Cool. Kotex Herbal Cool is a newfound product to my period struggles as it helps to cool me down with its long lasting cooling effect because of their natural cooling tea-tree extracts!
Believe it or not, with Kotex Herbal Cool, I can say goodbye to the A/C as it also helps to relieves my uncomfortable stuffiness 😌
I’m no longer an angry bird but a cool girl now 😉
#kotexherbalcool #kotexshecan #kotexstaycool @kotexmy
do or do not there is no try 在 So-ju Twins Youtube 的最佳解答
Sue's IG: https://www.instagram.com/cheongsueann
Jo's IG: https://www.instagram.com/joannwithadash
Hey guys,
It seems like it took us forever to edit this vlog. But we hope we are not too late~ First, we would like to thank you guys for all the bday wishes. You guys made our day even more special and warmer ?? We hope that we can continue to celebrate more bdays with you guys ???
We realised we only have 5000-word limitation here so we couldn't answer everyone. Sorry guys~ We'll probably answer them in our other vlogs.
Lots of love,
Jo & Sue
? What kind of app you use to edit your insta stories?
Sue: Inshot app. Cinema 02 filter + grains OR I use SNOW app
Jo: VSCO. M5 filter, M5 +2.8, Exposure +0.4, Contrast +0.5, Sharpen +4.1, White Balance : Temperature -0.9, Tint +1.2, Vignette +8.0, Grain +4.0
? How to you manage alone time?
We both have our own routine & we respect each other space. We actually spend most of our time alone~ Just in the vlog it seems like we are together 24/7
? If all expenses paid and no pain at all, what kind of plastic surgery would you girls do?
Love this question! We do get sponsorship offer for plastic surgery and we have kinda high tolerance for pain but we still rejected the offer =) We don’t think we would change a thing~ It’s not that we are happy with everything that we’re born with just that we think we rather learn to love what we are given. That being said, we are not against plastic surgery either.
? With your current income, do you guys be able to make a living on your own?
We survived. LOL~ It’s not a lot but we love what we do and we’ll continue to work hard.
? What happens if you are over 35 and have not married yet?
Good question~ We don’t think it should be an issue. Married or not, it won't change a thing =)
? Is there any tips or book recommended to start reading?
We all have different book preferences. When people say they are not a reader we always think that they have not found the right book. It’s not you, it’s the book LOL So keep searching and keep reading. Don’t feel bad to leave a book if you don’t like it~
? What if one day you two fall in love with the same guy?
It’s not going to happen~ We both have different taste in guys
? If you were to focus on one thing you can improve on, what would it be?
Sue: I would like to improve my sleeping habit. I need to sleep early.
Jo: For work, I want to improve my Photoshop skill. For personal, I want to overcome my fear of crowds.
? What is something which gives you happiness recently?
Jo: Baking cakes & learning crochet
Sue: Exercising & Baking breads
? Places / Country you guys want to travel when C19 ends or safe to travel again?
Jo: Korea
Sue: Taiwan~ Since we’re learning Mandarin, I think Taiwan is the great to practice my Mandarin. Plus, I like Taiwan.
? What’s your preference in guys?
Jo: I like hardworking guys. And also someone who knows how to enjoy life alone and with people too.
Sue: I like animated guys… I’ll leave it as that. LOL
? What made you start your own business? How to solve it when no customer buy?
We started our first business as a side thing. We just love clothings and we thought selling clothing would be fun. When we closed our clothing business down, opening another business seems like a familiar thing to do~
& how to get more customers? You can pay for ads. Get influencers to promote your business. Get family and friends to spread the news.
? Do you guys inspire each other? Who inspire who the most?
We both have different style so we get inspirations from outside sources ( like on Pinterest, YouTube or Instagram)
? How tall are you guys? Both of you look so tall.
We get that a lot. But we are tiny~ 157cm =)
?What’s the cutest thing someone did for you?
Jo: The cutest thing is when a perfect stranger gave me an extra rose because he saw my then bf only gave me one stalk of rose. lol
Sue: When my mum bought us balloons on our birthday
? Advice to those who are entering into their 20s?
Jo: If you just entering your 20s, Welcome to adulthood~
My advice … Live & Be happy. Do what you love. Learn about yourself as much as you can. Learn new things. Try new things. and use SPF HAHA!
Sue: This is an exciting time. Like what Jo said, "Learn about yourself as much as you can". It's the time you get to choose what you want to do, what you want to be and be sure to choose wisely who you surround yourself with. .
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Music by Chinsaku - Blossom - https://thmatc.co/?l=682C114
Music by frumhere, kevatta - warm feeling - https://thmatc.co/?l=6E20961C
Music by eSNa - Playboy - https://thmatc.co/?l=82495F87

do or do not there is no try 在 Youji Youtube 的最佳貼文
Please subscribe and give me a like!
――――― アドバタイズ / Advertisement ―――――
?...チャンネルメンバー登録 / Register as a Channel Member
このチャンネルがお気に召しましたら / If you like my channel
――――― 日本語 ―――――
* 初参加の方にはチャットで質問をしますのでお答え下さい。
* 人数が多い場合は交代制にします。数回負けると交代になります。チャンネルメンバーの方は交代頻度が減少します。
* ゲーム内の名前の後ろに「†DRYH」を付けている方は、ぼくが観戦している時にカメラに映します。
* フレンド申請を送ったら”必ず”Switchで使っているお名前を教えて下さい!
* フレンド枠には上限があるため、たまに整理します。名前が変わって誰か分からない方は整理対象になりやすいです。次やる時にまた送って下さい。
* チャットには書かないで下さい。
* 暴言・煽りはそっちの自由。だが、裁くのはこっちの自由だ。
* 人数合わせが必要なリグマやプラベを抜けたい時は、事前報告(1試合前)をお願いします。
* 回線落ちなどで他人に迷惑を掛けたら謝りましょう!幼稚園で習いましたよね。
* 英語圏リスナーさんのチャットの翻訳は受け付けておりません。
* 不良ではないのでタイマンはしません。大人なのでかくれんぼもしません。
* 放置や意図的な回線切断
* 裏部屋の作成・やり取り
* 他プレイヤーに対する指示・文句
* 自分や他人の個人情報の開示
* 個人的なネガティブな話
* リスナー同士の他人が混ざれない会話
* 似た・同じ内容の発言の繰り返し
* 宣伝・売名行為
* その他公序良俗に反する発言
例:「eng こんにちは」→「Hello」
――――― English ―――――
Hello my name is Youji. I'm a Japanese American that lives in the U.S. I can speak Japanese and English. Nice to meet you.
?...About Stream
I’ll play regular, league, salmon run but I mostly play private battles. What game mode I do mainly depends on time or how many people are able to play.
Please follow my instructions when we play league or salmon run. Please read below about the Private Battle rating system.
?...About Private Battle Rating
It’s special private battles that using a tool to decide rules, stages and teams.
* I'll ask you a question on the chat if this is the first time you are playing this.
* If there are many players, We’ll taking turns to spectate or leave. You can stay longer if you are a channel member!
* If you put “†DRYH” after your in-game name, I’ll put you into my camera when I spectate.
?...My Friend Code
* If you sent a friend request, you MUST tell me your in game name!
* I’ll delete you if I don’t recognize you because you changed your in game name. Please send it again next time.
* Do not type this password on the chat.
* You will be punished if you choose to disrespecting others or squidbagging.
* I want you to tell me in advance (1 game ahead) when you want to leave from my league or private battle.
* If you annoy others (eg. disconnect on purpose), you should have the decency to apologize. I assume that is a basic manner you already learned in kindergarten.
?... Warnings
Please be mindful of your actions. Even if it’s not listed on here I warned you.
* Go AFK or disconnect on purpose
* Boss people around or tell others what to do
* Reveal you or someone else's personal information
* Talk about your personal negative stories
* Talk to other viewers about personal topics that no one else can understand or relate to
* Posting the same or similar messages over and over
* Advertising
* Any other inappropriate talking
You may use these commands inside “” to have Nightbot to react you. The same command can be used only once in 5 seconds.
It gonna translate English sentence to Japanese
e.g.: “jpn Hello” → “こんにちは”
It tells you the local time in Japan.
Try it then you'll know.
Have a good time and best of luck❗️
Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/youjiman

do or do not there is no try 在 Youji Youtube 的精選貼文
Please subscribe and give me a like!
――――― アドバタイズ / Advertisement ―――――
?...チャンネルメンバー登録 / Register as a Channel Member
このチャンネルがお気に召しましたら / If you like my channel
――――― 日本語 ―――――
* 初参加の方にはチャットで質問をしますのでお答え下さい。
* 人数が多い場合は交代制にします。数回負けると交代になります。チャンネルメンバーの方は交代頻度が減少します。
* ゲーム内の名前の後ろに「†DRYH」を付けている方は、ぼくが観戦している時にカメラに映します。
* フレンド申請を送ったら”必ず”Switchで使っているお名前を教えて下さい!
* フレンド枠には上限があるため、たまに整理します。名前が変わって誰か分からない方は整理対象になりやすいです。次やる時にまた送って下さい。
* チャットには書かないで下さい。
* 暴言・煽りはそっちの自由。だが、裁くのはこっちの自由だ。
* 人数合わせが必要なリグマやプラベを抜けたい時は、事前報告(1試合前)をお願いします。
* 回線落ちなどで他人に迷惑を掛けたら謝りましょう!幼稚園で習いましたよね。
* 英語圏リスナーさんのチャットの翻訳は受け付けておりません。
* 不良ではないのでタイマンはしません。大人なのでかくれんぼもしません。
* 放置や意図的な回線切断
* 裏部屋の作成・やり取り
* 他プレイヤーに対する指示・文句
* 自分や他人の個人情報の開示
* 個人的なネガティブな話
* リスナー同士の他人が混ざれない会話
* 似た・同じ内容の発言の繰り返し
* 宣伝・売名行為
* その他公序良俗に反する発言
例:「eng こんにちは」→「Hello」
――――― English ―――――
Hello my name is Youji. I'm a Japanese American that lives in the U.S. I can speak Japanese and English. Nice to meet you.
?...About Stream
I’ll play regular, league, salmon run but I mostly play private battles. What game mode I do mainly depends on time or how many people are able to play.
Please follow my instructions when we play league or salmon run. Please read below about the Private Battle rating system.
?...About Private Battle Rating
It’s special private battles that using a tool to decide rules, stages and teams.
* I'll ask you a question on the chat if this is the first time you are playing this.
* If there are many players, We’ll taking turns to spectate or leave. You can stay longer if you are a channel member!
* If you put “†DRYH” after your in-game name, I’ll put you into my camera when I spectate.
?...My Friend Code
* If you sent a friend request, you MUST tell me your in game name!
* I’ll delete you if I don’t recognize you because you changed your in game name. Please send it again next time.
* Do not type this password on the chat.
* You will be punished if you choose to disrespecting others or squidbagging.
* I want you to tell me in advance (1 game ahead) when you want to leave from my league or private battle.
* If you annoy others (eg. disconnect on purpose), you should have the decency to apologize. I assume that is a basic manner you already learned in kindergarten.
?... Warnings
Please be mindful of your actions. Even if it’s not listed on here I warned you.
* Go AFK or disconnect on purpose
* Boss people around or tell others what to do
* Reveal you or someone else's personal information
* Talk about your personal negative stories
* Talk to other viewers about personal topics that no one else can understand or relate to
* Posting the same or similar messages over and over
* Advertising
* Any other inappropriate talking
You may use these commands inside “” to have Nightbot to react you. The same command can be used only once in 5 seconds.
It gonna translate English sentence to Japanese
e.g.: “jpn Hello” → “こんにちは”
It tells you the local time in Japan.
Try it then you'll know.
Have a good time and best of luck❗️
Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/youjiman

do or do not there is no try 在 Yoda "NO. Try not, DO. Or do not. There is no Try - YouTube 的推薦與評價

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do or do not there is no try 在 Do. Or do not. There is no try. - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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