又係星期一!記得今晚睇 #晚吹 - #有酒今晚吹 第45集 ViuTV 99台 23:30-00:00!今集嘉賓係 伍仲衡 Harry Ng及石詠莉Sukie S🥳🍷🥂! 仲有我詩詩 #品酒師 同 #強尼 及 #沈殷怡 一齊約定你! 開定支咩酒一齊睇呀?今晚同大家分享 #新西蘭葡萄酒 🥳!仲有配上 #添好運 嘅點心😋😋!記得支持下呀!#Cheers!
It’s Monday again! It’s the 45th episode of “Night Talk - Chit Chat Drink” on ViuTV Channel 99 tonight! We’ll have singer Sukie S and musician Harry Ng as the guests! 🥂🍷🎉🥳U’ll also see me as a wine & spirits specialist together with Johnny Hui & Shirley Shum sipping wine & spirits together with our guests! What wine/spirits will you open tonight to watch it together? I will talk about #NewZealandWine tonight ! 🥂🍷😆I’ll be pairing it with dim sum from Tim Ho Wan! 😋😋! please support! Cheers!
靚衫贊助/costume sponsor: Iris & Ink from THE OUTNET.COM
#wine #spirits #talkshow #nighttalk #tvshow #viutv #ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園 #Foodandwine
公啟行 Kung Kai Hong Co., Ltd 強尼 #theoutnet #irisandink Shirley Sham 沈殷怡 #FeltonRoad Felton Road Winery Pegasus Bay Winery #PegasusBay Kim Crawford Wines #kimcrawfordwine ASC Fine Wines #ascfinewineshk Watson's Wine #watsonswine