▼ 1. Disney 董事長 Bob Iger 退出加州振興經濟小組
今年4月加州州長 Gavin Newsom 開出了108位重量級產業人物組成的振興經濟小組名單,希望藉此展現加州政府全力擺脫疫情、拚經濟的決心。這份包含 Apple 的 Tim Cook 、Disney 的 Bob Iger 等加州經濟要角的名單一度還引來批評,認為完全只有白人雇主觀點,並沒有顧及加州經濟中的非裔和拉丁裔企業以及眾多勞工的經濟正義觀點。5個月後傳出 Disney 的董事長 Bob Iger 在 Disney Park 部門大裁員的第二天,隨即毫不留顏面地退出加州振興經濟小組,和加州政府劃清界線。Disney 顯然對於加州政府對 Disneyland 重啟營業訴求相應不理非常不諒解。除了上週對州長的公開喊話之外,Diseny 一週以來還動員了多名加州州議員向州政府施壓,並聯合 Universal Studios 一起用 California Attractions and Parks Association 協會的名義發表公開聲明,但州政府始終按兵不動。州政府的另外一個壓力是美國以及加州疫情都沒有訪放緩的明確跡象,而且太早重啟經濟也造成許多美國確診案例是來自工作場所。比如今日另外一則驚悚的新聞:在疫情中幾乎完全照常運作的美國零售巨人 Amazon 已經有近2萬名員工確診。
▼ 2. Scorsese 和李安等導演警告美國國會電影院可能面臨滅絕
NATO 美國電影院經營者協會聯合美國導演工會和 MPA 美國電影協會發表聲明,呼籲美國國會對電影院產業提供進一步的紓困方案,否則電影院體驗可能面臨全面滅絕。NATO 向兩黨國會議員提出警告說美國中小型電影院有69%將面臨破產或永久關閉,66%從業人員可能面臨失業。他們在聲明中強調電影院的生存與否還影響了上游的製作和發行的相關就業機會,以及圍繞著電影院周邊的其他行業比如餐廳和零售商店等。在連署該聲明的電影人包含了:Pedro Almodovar、James Cameron、Clint Eastwood、Sofia Coppola、 Alfonso Cuarón、Christopher Nolan、Martin Scorsese、Denis Villeneuve、Taika Waititi、溫子仁和李安等人。
▼ 3. 柏林影展確認創辦人 Alfred Bauer 跟納粹黨的連結
今年初德國媒體 Die Zeit 爆出柏林影展創辦人 Alfred Bauer 掩蓋了自己跟納粹黨之間的連結,實際上卻是當年負責監控德國電影人的納粹高官。柏林影展反應迅速地將原本冠上 Alfred Bauer 名字的銀熊獎獎項刪除其冠名,並委託專家調查 Bauer 跟納粹之間的確切連結。近日調查報告出爐,確認了 Alfred Bauer 曾在納粹宣傳部長 Joseph Goebbels 戈培爾所成立的「Reich Film Directorate 第三帝國電影指導委員會」中擔任要職,並在戰後以一系列不符事實的陳述洗白自己成為反納粹份子。納粹垮台6年後,Bauer 隨即被任命為柏林影展首任主席。柏林影展並在1986年 Bauer 過世後以他的名字設立獎項。現任柏林影展執行總監 Mariette Rissenbeek 在聲明中說表示調查結果雖令人震驚,然而這些都是德國各文化組織在面對過去的納粹牽連時不可迴避的歷史元素。
▼ 4. 極右派團體 Proud Boys 和他們的追蹤者
〈Proud of Your Boy〉是 Howard Ashman 和 Alan Menken 為 Disney 動畫《Aladdin 阿拉丁》寫的歌曲,原本在電影中被刪減,但2011年被舞台劇版放回去劇情中。5年後這首歌非常倒楣地被極右派組織 Proud Boys 挑中,理由是極右派人士認為這首歌意在壓抑男孩(因為主角一直為自己的男孩身份道歉),因此索性把這句話用來做為組織名稱,以呼籲每個男孩都要以身為男孩感到驕傲。Proud Boys 日後以在各種遊行中觸發暴力衝突而著稱,並在日前的美國總統大選辯論會中被 Donald Trump 親自點名要這些激進份子暫時「後退待命」(Trump 和發言人稍後改口說完全不認識他們)。衛報在這篇報導中訪問了過去多次在遊行中被右派激進份子武力攻擊的跨性別者 Emily Gorcenski。Gorcenski 經歷多次暴力事件後,決定發揮自己資料分析專長,開始在網路上追蹤右派激進份子的身份、活動記錄和被法院定罪的記錄等等資料,並透過Twitter定期發佈,協助全世界掌握這些右翼激進份子的行跡。她的個人網路追蹤行動最終變成了一個有組織的計畫 First Vigil。Gorcenski 在訪談中說白人至上其實和男性霸權、異性戀霸權、反穆斯林、反猶太、反移民、反疫苗都是系出同源、互有連結的排他運動。你甚至可以看到反猶太的貼文聲稱「跨性別」是猶太人發明的。Gorcenski 以自己的資料分析專長為例,認為每個人有能力站出來對抗納粹,每個人都應該「找到方法撐起別人、幫助別人」。
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同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過19萬的網紅National Football News,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Nate Burleson & Frank Reich react to Green Bay Packers vs Indianapolis Colts...
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【分拆Facebook Google Apple Amazon?】
Robert Reich: Break up Facebook (and While We’re at It, Google, Apple and Amazon)
Big tech has ushered in a second Gilded Age. We must relearn the lessons of the first, writes the former US labor secretary
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或許讀者大概聽過馬丁路德的「兩國論」。有些人以路德的兩國論為教會與政治分割的緣由。例如美國憲法之父麥迪遜(James Madison)就以路德的「兩國」觀點作為「政府不干涉宗教事務」的理由;二戰時大部分保守路德宗教會也以兩國論作為不干預希特拉政權的理據;一些對政治持保守立場的教會更以路德的兩國論來解釋教會不參與政治活動的原因。然而,對於兩國論,我有以下澄清:
1. 路德在認為「政府」與「教會」同樣是上帝在地上設立的權柄。政府擁有從上帝而來的合法性,因此,教會應順服掌權者,不參與政府的事務。
2. 其實「兩國論」這三個字不是路德自己提出的。德國學者 Hans Martin Barth 指出,路德其實沒有講過所謂「兩國論」,路德只提出「兩個國度」或「兩個治理組織」的概念。1580年路德宗的重要文獻《協和書》也沒有「兩國論」的教義。相反,第一個將路德的概念命名為「兩國論」的人其實是巴特(Karl Barth)。巴特於1922年回應路德學者Paul Althaus 寫的一篇文章 〈基督教社會倫理的基本問題〉(Grundfragen der christlichen Sozialethik)首次提出「兩國論」(Lehre von den zwei Reichen) 這字眼來形容路德的「兩國」看法。
3. 不過,究竟路德的「兩國」是怎樣的兩國呢?這正是許多人誤解的地方。首先,我們需要知道,路德的「兩國論」從來都建基於一種「天啓終末論」的背景:「上帝國度」(regnum Dei)與「魔鬼國度」(regnum diaboli)的二元爭戰。路德強調魔鬼是地上的掌權者(Herrn dieser Welt)。因此,面對魔鬼的國度,上帝分別設立兩個屬靈與屬世的體制。一個以行動維持「公民的義」(justitia civilis)的政府;另一個就是以信心追求「上帝的義」(justitia Dei)的教會。
4. 因此,真正的「兩國」二元其實不是「教會」與「政府」,它們只是「上帝國度」共同對抗或避免「魔鬼國度」的兩個權柄。所以,德國解放神學家 Ulrich Duchrow 認為,「三國論」(Drei-Reiche-Lehre)其實更能準確描述路德的政治神學。所謂「三國論」,就是強調在上帝設立的「政府」與「教會」以外,更存在着「魔鬼的國度」。政府與教會以不同的手段——劍與福音——來轄制黑暗的國度。
5. 因此,其實路德的「兩國論」不一定導致一種維穩或政治冷漠的教會政治倫理。莫特曼對路德有非常好的評論,他說: 「兩個體制越是更多共同對抗魔鬼國度,兩個體制的關係就越是緊密,他們的共同性就越是明顯。」(Je mehr die beiden Regimente in ihrem gemeinsame Kampf gegen das Reich des Teufels gesehen werden, desto enger rücken sie zusammen und desto deutlicher wird ihre Gemeinsamkeit offenbar) (Moltmann, Politische Theologie, 132-3)
6. 因此,「兩國論」的確設立了政治與教會之間在功能與本質上的分野,但教會與政治之間,不完全是河水不犯井水的二元分割。
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first reich 在 National Football News Youtube 的精選貼文
Nate Burleson & Frank Reich react to Green Bay Packers vs Indianapolis Colts

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ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://store.epicgames.com/legendauser/metro-last-light-redux
Metro Last Light Redux พากย์ไทย
Metro: Last Light takes place in 2034, one year after the events of Metro 2033, following the ending of the original novel in which Artyom's missile strike against the Dark Ones — mysterious beings that seemingly threatened the survivors of a nuclear war living in the Moscow Metro — occurred. The Rangers, a neutral peacekeeping force that operates throughout the system, have since occupied the D6 military facility Artyom visited during the first game. This is a huge, and not fully explored pre-war bunker, and Artyom, now a Ranger himself, remains unsure whether killing the Dark Ones was the correct decision. Rumors of D6's discovery and its great riches have spread around the Metro; rival factions, such as the Soviet Red Line and Nazi Fourth Reich, hope to seize the bunker and its contents.
Metro Redux is a post-apocalyptic first-person shooter, and a two-part remake of Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light for next-generation consoles. It was developed by 4A Games and published by Deep Sliver. The enhanced versions of both games can be bought together as a bundle or separately.
Metro Redux features remakes of both games in an improved 4A Engine. While Metro Last Light Redux includes general improvements, Metro 2033 Redux has been completely remade in the Last Light engine and updated to include the same features as Metro Last Light. Metro Redux has been released for the next-generation consoles, the Xbox One and PS4, as well as PC.
This game is based on Dmitry Glukhovsky's book Metro 2033.
In 2013, nuclear war had devastated the Earth, wiping out billions of lives. Among the affected nations is Russia, including the now-desolate wasteland of Moscow. A handful of survivors manage to hide in the Metro system, salvaging spare parts and growing mushrooms for food. Animals such as rats, bears, and others are mutated into horrific monsters, while the air in many areas that humans breathe becomes heavily irradiated and impossible to survive in without a gas mask. While there is a constant state of war between the Communists and the Nazis both trying to promote their radical ideologies, bandits are stealing, killing and looting in the metro tunnels, even keeping hostages to gain bullets, which are used as currency.
Twenty years later, in 2033, the northern station of VDNKh, now called Exhibition, falls under attack by a group of mysterious creatures referred to as the Dark Ones. Artyom (Russian: Артём), a 24-year-old male survivor born before the bombs fell and the adopted son of the station commander, is persuaded to leave his home there and seek help from the rest of the Metro by Hunter, an elite soldier of the Spartan Order. Hunter gives Artyom his dog tags and tells him to present them to his superiors in Polis, the "capital" of the Metro, before disappearing while tracking the Dark Ones.

first reich 在 Shiney Youtube 的最佳解答
ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://store.epicgames.com/legendauser/metro-exodus
Metro Last Light Redux พากย์ไทย
Metro: Last Light takes place in 2034, one year after the events of Metro 2033, following the ending of the original novel in which Artyom's missile strike against the Dark Ones — mysterious beings that seemingly threatened the survivors of a nuclear war living in the Moscow Metro — occurred. The Rangers, a neutral peacekeeping force that operates throughout the system, have since occupied the D6 military facility Artyom visited during the first game. This is a huge, and not fully explored pre-war bunker, and Artyom, now a Ranger himself, remains unsure whether killing the Dark Ones was the correct decision. Rumors of D6's discovery and its great riches have spread around the Metro; rival factions, such as the Soviet Red Line and Nazi Fourth Reich, hope to seize the bunker and its contents.
Metro Redux is a post-apocalyptic first-person shooter, and a two-part remake of Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light for next-generation consoles. It was developed by 4A Games and published by Deep Sliver. The enhanced versions of both games can be bought together as a bundle or separately.
Metro Redux features remakes of both games in an improved 4A Engine. While Metro Last Light Redux includes general improvements, Metro 2033 Redux has been completely remade in the Last Light engine and updated to include the same features as Metro Last Light. Metro Redux has been released for the next-generation consoles, the Xbox One and PS4, as well as PC.
This game is based on Dmitry Glukhovsky's book Metro 2033.
In 2013, nuclear war had devastated the Earth, wiping out billions of lives. Among the affected nations is Russia, including the now-desolate wasteland of Moscow. A handful of survivors manage to hide in the Metro system, salvaging spare parts and growing mushrooms for food. Animals such as rats, bears, and others are mutated into horrific monsters, while the air in many areas that humans breathe becomes heavily irradiated and impossible to survive in without a gas mask. While there is a constant state of war between the Communists and the Nazis both trying to promote their radical ideologies, bandits are stealing, killing and looting in the metro tunnels, even keeping hostages to gain bullets, which are used as currency.
Twenty years later, in 2033, the northern station of VDNKh, now called Exhibition, falls under attack by a group of mysterious creatures referred to as the Dark Ones. Artyom (Russian: Артём), a 24-year-old male survivor born before the bombs fell and the adopted son of the station commander, is persuaded to leave his home there and seek help from the rest of the Metro by Hunter, an elite soldier of the Spartan Order. Hunter gives Artyom his dog tags and tells him to present them to his superiors in Polis, the "capital" of the Metro, before disappearing while tracking the Dark Ones.

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