誰 將 拿 下 #年度最佳設計獎?
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Who will win the Best Design?
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→→→ 空間設計類入圍的有:
The nominees of spatial designs are:
[ • • • ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ]
A total of 64 designs have been nominated as Golden Pin Design Award Finalists, including 20 spatial designs. The highly anticipated Best Design winners will be announced at a grand ceremony held in Taipei on the evening of December 5.
☞ 當日晚間將於 17:10 官方臉書直播。無法親自到場者,也可同步收看,共同見證得主誕生!鎖定金點設計獎臉書&Instagram,掌握第一手典禮消息!
Tune-in this December 5th for the Golden Pin Design Award 2019 Grand Ceremony, live streaming on the official Golden Pin Design Award Facebook page from 17:10 (GMT+8). Keep an eye on here for more updates.
▾ 報名傳送門|http://bit.ly/3446T99
▾ 活動時間|12 / 5 ( 四 ) 上午 09:00 - 12:00
▾ 論壇地點|松山文創園區-製菸工廠2樓 多功能展演廳
▾When: Thursday, December 5, 9AM - 12PM
▾Where: Multi-Showcase Hall at Songshan Cultural and Creative Park
▾Tickets: http://bit.ly/3446T99
*Tickets are available from Accupass for TWD$600 (standard).
Additional discounts are offered for group bookings of 10+ tickets, and for Taiwan Design Museum ticket holders.
#金點設計獎 #GoldenPinDesignAward #GPDA2019
#23點59分的饗宴 #SDGs17
gpda2019 在 經濟部工業局 Facebook 的最佳貼文
2019金點設計論壇,以設計 永續為主題
現場全程同步 #中英日口譯 ,名額有限,千萬別錯過~
▾ 報名傳送門|http://bit.ly/3446T99
▾ 活動時間|12 / 5 ( 四 ) 上午 09:00 - 12:00
▾ 論壇地點|松山文創園區-製菸工廠2樓 多功能展演廳
▾ 參與費用|早鳥票$500;一般票$600
・早鳥票種期間:10 / 25( 五 ) – 11 / 7( 四 )
・一般票種期間:11 / 8 ( 五 ) – 12 / 4( 三 )
▾ 限量贈禮|購買早鳥票將有機會獲得由劉耕名率領Bito甲蟲創意團隊設計、響應聯合國永續發展目標的明信片組,全組共17張,限量200組,欲收藏者動作要快!
▾ 講題一|「超越永續的建築實踐」
▾ 主講者:Huat Lim|zlgdesign 設計顧問公司執行總監
▾ 講題二| 「思索過去,創造未來」
▾ 小林弘和&山田春奈| SPREAD 藝術家/設計師
▾ 講題三| 「設計,以人為本」
▾ Luisa Bocchietto| World Design Organization 前任理事長
▾ 季裕棠| tonychi.com 創辦人
▾ 主辦單位| 經濟部工業局
▾ 執行單位| 台灣創意設計中心
▾ 官方網站: http://www.goldenpin.org.tw
▾ 官方Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goldenpindesign/
#金點設計獎 #GoldenPinDesignAward #GPDA2019 #金點設計論壇
▼Golden Pin Design Award 2019 Forum – Design and Sustainability
On the morning of December 5, the highly anticipated Golden Pin Design Award 2019 Forum takes place at Songshan Cultural and Creative Park. The event is hosted by prominent TVBS news anchor 夏嘉璐, with opening remarks from chairman of Taiwan Design Center Chi-Yi Chang, and the 4 speakers are Huat Lim, Haruna Yamada and Hirokazu Kobayashi, Luisa Bocchietto, and guest panelist Tony Chi. Audience members can listen in English, Chinese, or Japanese with live translation throughout the talks.
A designer’s mandate is not just to improve lives, but also to design sustainably. No matter whether it’s architecture, product or packaging, all designers must deeply consider the lifecycle and environmental impact of whatever they are designing. This year, we have the pleasure of listening to 4 international design luminaries share their experience and perspective on design and sustainability!
▾ Huat Lim|Managing Director of zlgdesign
Beyond Sustainability: Biophilia & Productive Architecture
▾ Haruna Yamada and Hirokazu Kobayashi|Artist and Designer at SPREAD
Think the Past, Create the Future
▾ Luisa Bocchietto|Former-President of World Design Organization]
Design for humanity
Last but not least, we’re also pleased to invite Tony Chi (Founder of tonychi.com) for our panel discussion after the talks. Don’t miss this chance to hear from some of the leading minds in the global design industry!
▾When: Thursday, December 5, 9AM - 12PM
▾Where: Multi-Showcase Hall at Songshan Cultural and Creative Park
▾Tickets: http://bit.ly/3446T99
*Tickets are available from Accupass for TWD$500 (early bird) or TWD$600 (standard). Additional discounts are offered for group bookings of 10+ tickets, and for Taiwan Design Museum ticket holders. Please note that you will need to show your Accupass ticket QR code at the door. Those who wish to borrow a translation device should remember to bring their ID card as a deposit for the device.
#GoldenPinDesignAward #GPDA2019Forum #DesignAndSustainability
gpda2019 在 江松霖 Facebook 的最讚貼文
設計師對我來說,是用獨到的眼光和感受,加上理性的方法跟大家分享美好的事物的人們。金點設計獎得獎作品中便能見到許多美好的設計,好多驚喜的創意在裡面展現,原本對於音樂盒的想像,是小時候打開會有芭雷舞者的飾品盒與木刻的旋轉音樂盒,這次使用MURO BOX智慧音樂盒,除了連結手機操作很方便,還有自己的APP可以選歌,甚至編曲。因為操作簡單,打開就玩了一個上午。音樂盒傳出自己寫的歌,也有種奇妙又開心的感覺。
第二個是體驗了募資超過八百萬的UYAS Play,從打開包裝到看到音響本尊美麗到忍不住令人:「哇!」了一聲,音質也很令人驚喜,還有像KTV點歌的party mode可以待播、插播的功能,讓同個空間裡的人可以互相分享喜歡的歌。使用的音樂平台也是主流的平台,操作起來非常順手。(操作方便真的好重要啊!)
▲ 2019 金點設計獎全球徵件中 ▲
報名時間:即日起至 07.02 *17:00止
#金點設計獎 #GoldenPinDesignAward #GPDA2019