這次很開心跟 FRED 合作 !
我們為大家準備了一個 30-40分鐘的Full body 居家運動影片,只要準備瑜珈墊跟彈力帶就可以跟我一起動囉!
🤍Hey guys!
Ready to sweat and Go Beyond?
I am collaborating with @Fredjewelry to present “Go Beyond with FRED” Fitness Campaign.
From now until 30 September, simply register at www.GoBeyondwithFRED.com to join the trainings hosted by me and some other fitness junkies @pipedwards @iamleahsimmons @utahlee @sulinip @ohohlawrence
Time to raise your pulse!
Push back the sofa, get ready to sweat and GO BEYOND with Force 10!
#FREDJewelry #GeBeyond #Force10