【好事接2連3🎉🎉 日本第3批疫苗來囉!】
今天,COVID19公費疫苗預約平台已經開放18歲以上登記意願(外籍人士也可以用居留證號登記喔),#注射疫苗 不僅能保護自己與家人,也是 #對日本最好的感謝方式。
外交部誠摯感謝日本持續協助台灣對抗疫情,並祝福 #東京奧運 順利成功!
外交部は、台湾の政府及び国民を代表し、日本に心から感謝するとともに、#2020東京オリンピック の成功をお祈りします!
Thanks again to our friends in #Japan! In a press conference earlier today, Japanese Foreign Minister Motegi Toshimitsu announced that the country will donate a third batch of #COVID19 vaccines to #Taiwan, which are set to arrive here July 15.
The third donation from Japan will bring the total donation to over 3.3 million vaccines, which will likely save the lives of many and get us closer to being able to #EndThisPandemic and return to normal life!
Taiwan is now allowing all residents (including all foreign residents) born before or during 2003 to register their willingness to be vaccinated on this online platform: https://1922.gov.tw/vab/
If you want to be part of the solution, #GetTheJab!