大家一齊支持我地啦 stay tuned with us. Hong Kong open windsurfing will start next week in Stanley main beach!!!
星期一充滿Monday Blue?今日起Bloomberg TV將會播放30秒宣傳片,相信滑浪風帆選手的分享可以為你提提神!
Looking for some excitement to beat the Monday office blues? Check out our 30-second short video on Bloomberg TV as our windsurfing heroes share their great ocean stories.
中文版本 Chinese Version
海通國際 Haitong International
Windsurfing Association of Hong Kong
HKG-5 Hayley Chan 陳晞文
Michael Cheng Windsurfing - 鄭俊樑
Adrian Lee Chun Ting 李俊霆 HKG 6
Charlie 魏瑋恩 HKG-4
#海通國際 #香港滑浪風帆 #乘風領航 #海通國際2017香港滑浪風帆公開錦標賽 #HaitongInternationalHKO2017 #HaitongInternational #HongKongWindsurfing #NavigatingNewFrontiers