Friday Foodie thoughts. Turkey leg prepped for about 2 days. Each container is about 200-300g of meat. Cooking is seriously a lot of fun and seasoning your meats is important. No I don't shy away from sodium, in fact i season my meats well with either Himalayan pink salt or Celtic Sea Salt (which has higher magnesium content - tastes amazing by itself on food by the way. :)
Here's how i've been cooking my turkey leg meat. I marinate it with garlic, ginger, celtic sea salt and turmeric. No need for oil, cause the fat from the turkey, will produce and amazing sauce which you see in the glass jar, that can be used to cook or flavour other dishes. Season your food well fit lovelies and you will get real excited to eat your food! :)
P.S Turkey leg is not the leanest protein source, so i don't have it everyday.
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