Just gave it some thought last night. #MissHongKong2021 Watching competitions are really fun and all but if you are one of the competitors in it, it is the most nerve-racking experience ever. First off, i want to say thank you all the 20 girls last night for showing us what you are made of, looking top shape and trying the best you could in this tough training period. It’s not easy, we past pageant women have all been through it. Elimination rounds are not a good feeling either. It’s okay that you did your best and the certain outcome you wanted didn’t turn out. It’s okay to have mixed feelings and don’t know where you stand after the show. Give yourself time to digest, reflect and move forward again😚 As for the question section, you all answered wonderfully, no one was more right or more wrong. We all just wanted to see you girls be your natural selves and let your inner self shine🥰🥰🥰
Awesome job! Everyone was so confident and you all progressed so much since I watched your #Mestaycation episodes in quarantine🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
To end it with a positive note, as long as you gave your best and you have no regrets, you did great❤️👍🏻
You walk your path, you will bring light to your road. This is not the end, this is all a beginning to something bigger. The winner title is not the only life goal you will have, this is a great stepping stone to knowing more about what you truly want in your life❤️ always be curious. Always keep the good attitude and stay optimistic🥰 #asmyparentswouldsay #talkwithyourfriendsfamily #getsomeconstructivefeedback #dreamsaregood #theremaybeanevenbiggerdreambehindthat #dontgiveup #applausetoaltheperformers #thankyouforyourhardwork #keepsmiling #beyourself #itsgoingtobeokay #proudofyou
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