[狂人新聞台] 新世代中置油電超跑Aston Martin Valhalla
#小編:強勁動力系統結合F1技術 重新定義超跑思維
Aston Martin Valhalla 採用F1賽車底盤、混合動力系統、空氣力學以及全新電子技術,以駕駛者思維出發,打造為駕馭而生的核心駕控體驗。配備全新插電式混合動力(PHEV)系統,擁有三種動力模式。搭載性能強勁、反應敏捷的後中置4.0升雙渦輪增壓V8引擎,採用平面曲軸技術以提高靈活性,當引擎轉速達到7200rpm時,可輸出最大馬力 750PS,並將動力完全輸送至後軸位置。Valhalla輕量化排氣系統擁有主動調節的閥門設計,與車尾上方排氣管相互作用,延續品牌標誌性迷人聲浪。與全新V8引擎搭配的是一套前後軸配備150kw/400V電池的混合動力系統,該系統額外貢獻204PS,使Valhalla的綜合輸出功率超過950PS。在純電模式行駛下,動力將被完全輸送到前軸;其他駕駛模式設定,電驅動力會於前後軸間動態分配,依照駕駛需求及時應變發送至前後軸的電驅比例;在極端情況下,100%的電驅動力則會被輸送到後軸,與強勁 V8引擎共創極致性能表現。
Aston Martin Valhalla搭載全新設計之8速雙離合變速箱,採用E-reverse設計,取消傳統的倒擋齒輪,並配備電子限滑差速器(E-Diff),實現最大牽引力和操縱靈活性。混合動力系統中的電驅動力也被用來加強低速操控性,受惠於瞬時轉矩特性,混合動力系統輔助全新V8引擎,帶來亮眼的起步加速表現與極高換擋速度。電力系統和V8引擎能在雙離合變速箱中同時運行於不同檔位,使最大扭力輸出達到1000Nm,進而提高車輛性能。
開啟純電模式駕駛,Valhalla能達到130km/h最高時速,續航里程達15km,綜合二氧化碳排放量可低於200g/km。在950PS全輸出條件下,Valhalla可於2.5秒內完成0-100公里加速,最快速度高達330km/h。而Valhalla的賽道表現更是可期,Aston Martin將紐柏林北環賽道目標圈速設於6分30秒以內。
動力工程主管Ralph Illenberger表示:「Valhalla給予我們證明超級跑車量產實力的機會。除了成功研發增壓冷卻技術和平面曲軸V8引擎,也順利與強大混合動力系統完美結合。首次運用在品牌車款中的8速雙離合變速箱,宣告Valhalla將與未來產品共享此項跨時代先進技術,頂規動力系統與Valhalla高性能跑車基因相輔相成,共同開創品牌極致追求的突破性車藝篇章。」就車身結構而言,Valhalla由全新碳纖維單體座艙打造,在獲得最大車身強度的同時,也確保車身極致輕量化。移植於F1的推桿式前懸架,配有內置彈簧和減震器,不僅有效減少非簧載質量,更提供出色的車身配重。Valhalla後懸吊系統採取多連桿設計,使用Multimatic自適應彈簧以及可調節頻率的阻尼減震器,無論行駛於公路或賽道,皆擁有優秀動態表現。在賽道模式下,除了搭配更為硬挺的懸吊設定外,離地高度也大幅降低,可有效提升下壓力;除此之外,車頭部分更配置前軸抬升系統,用於改善上斜坡時的車輛低角。
Valhalla車重低於1,550kg,擁有傲視同級的功率重量比。得益於Aston Martin Valkyrie取法於F1空氣力學之設計理念,Valhalla採用一系列主動式空氣動力學套件,透過車頭、尾翼,藉由文氏管效應的強化,對車身底部氣流的巧妙梳理,成就Valhalla卓越動態性能。在150mph速度下,Valhalla精心雕琢的空氣力學設計可產生最大600kg下壓力,確保車輛高速過彎能力及穩定性。
Aston Martin Valhalla將同時提供左駕及右駕兩種版本,與女武神Valkyrie相比,Valhalla駕駛空間保留諸多F1賽車靈感,打造駕駛者導向的人體工學設計,以及更大的車室空間表現。車室配備中央觸控螢幕,可支持Carplay和Android Auto系統;可調式踏板及方向盤使座椅底座可固定於底盤結構上,同時提高腳部空間,完整還原與F1賽車相同之駕駛坐姿。
#Aston #Martin #Valhalla
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅CarDebuts,也在其Youtube影片中提到,LAS VEGAS — Today the Colorado ZR2 will be competing in its third Best in the Desert’s General Tire Vegas to Reno race. Since the truck made its debut...
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在家收到好美好美的Ferrari SF90 Spider素描,兄妹倆又搶到吵架了,以後還是不要讓他們開包裹比較好🤣
SF90 Spider在台發表,新聞稿如下🥰
作為Ferrari法拉利旗下首款量產插電式混合動力敞篷跑車,SF90 Spider擁有極致的性能表現、非凡的創新科技及無與倫比的駕馭激情。如今,Ferrari Taiwan法拉利臺灣正式為躍馬車主及車迷朋友們帶來這輛跨世代敞篷性能大作,以1000 cv的狂妄動力及源自F1賽車的尖端科技,完美樹立超級跑車市場的全新標竿。
全新敞篷跑車沿襲SF90 Stradale車型的技術規格及巔峰性能,並採用Ferrari法拉利最新的可折疊式硬頂敞篷設計,帶來純粹的駕馭樂趣和更強大的功能性。可折疊式硬頂敞篷於2011年率先應用在後中置引擎配置的Berlinetta車型中。
SF90 Spider的誕生象徵著超級跑車的重要演進,更是躍馬車主追求Ferrari法拉利頂尖技術及渴望暢享敞篷駕馭樂趣的絕佳之選。
SF90 Spider作為首部量產插電式混合動力系統敞篷跑車,由最大輸出功率高達780cv的V8渦輪增壓引擎及三台電動馬達共同驅動,其中一台裝置於車輛後軸,另外兩台則安裝於前軸,最大輸出功率達到令人驚歎的1,000 cv,大幅超越其他量產敞篷跑車的性能表現。
SF90 Spider的精密控制邏輯系統,可自動監測並調整動力分配,以適應不同駕駛情境,且絲毫不會增加駕駛困難度,駕駛者只需透過全新eManettino控制旋鈕選擇四種動力操控模式「eDrive純電模式」、「Hybrid混合動力模式」、「Performance性能模式」以及「Qualify排位賽模式」,彈指之間便可暢快享受激情澎湃的駕馭體驗。
承襲SF90 Stradale的優勢,SF90 Spider亦搭載全時四輪驅動系統,其加速性能更樹立全新標竿;0-100加速僅需2.5秒,0-200公里加速僅需7.0秒。
Ferrari法拉利工程師經由精密的機械配置,大幅提升SF90 Spider的動態控制系統。其中,全新eSSC電子側滑角控制系統,可即時檢查車輛動態性能,根據收集到的數據,透過安裝於前軸的電動馬達向內外輪分別提供扭力,以控制車輛的駕駛穩定性,不僅提供車輛出彎時需要的抓地力,更帶來簡單直觀的操控體驗,令駕駛者能充滿自信,暢享極限駕馭樂趣。
SF90 Spider採用創新空氣力學設計,在時速250公里/小時可產生高達390公斤的下壓力,在沒有大型醒目的空氣力學套件下,樹立高性能公路跑車的極高的下壓力與優異的空氣力學效率的全新標竿。此外,SF90 Spider也採用大量獲得專利的空氣力學設計,其中包括最著名的閉合式襟翼與鍛造輪圈。閉合式襟翼是安裝在車尾的主動式空氣力學套件,可根據駕駛條件進行調整。而鍛造輪圈的剖面設計則令人聯想到源自Scuderia Ferrari法拉利車隊F1賽車的輪圈幾何造型。
SF90 Spider的設計重點在於確保其承襲SF90 Stradale標誌性的造型風格。在Ferrari Styling Centre法拉利設計中心的鬼斧神工下,車頂區域與整車完美整合,呈現渾然一體的視覺美感。更令人讚歎的是,車尾設計也兼顧了可折疊式硬頂敞篷機構及其收納空間,讓人能輕易透過引擎蓋一窺V8渦輪增壓引擎之美。無論在開篷或關篷狀態下,V8引擎都是車輛數一數二的亮點,盡顯紅鬃烈馬的卓然風姿。
內裝設計上延續從賽道衍生的駕駛理念:「眼觀路面,手握方向盤」,並成為人體工學設計及內裝風格的主要準則。在此理念之下,SF90 Spider採用了全新HMI人機交互介面,其中包括採用觸控式螢幕的全新方向盤,讓駕駛者雙手無需離開方向盤即可隨時掌控各項功能。全數位化的中央儀錶板採用16英寸曲面高解析度螢幕,可透過方向盤上的按鍵進行控制。
延續躍馬敞篷跑車的精髓,SF90 Spider採用可折疊式硬頂敞篷結構,關篷時可確保最佳隔音及保護性,即使車輛處於高速行駛狀態下,敞篷亦不會產生變形,提供出色的乘坐空間及駕乘舒適性。可折疊式硬頂敞篷採用緊湊、俐落、輕盈的設計,僅14秒便可完成開啟或關閉,在行進過程中亦可輕鬆作動。
此外,SF90 Spider還為追求極速的駕駛者提供專屬升級配備,如同SF90 Stradale一樣,Assetto Fiorano車型提供一系列性能升級,明顯與標準版車型做出區別,尤其是基於Ferrari法拉利GT賽事經驗打造的Multimatic避震器。除此之外,透過高性能材質(碳纖維材料及鈦金材料)的應用,車身重量大幅減輕21公斤,並配備碳纖維後擾流板以及為提升在賽道乾燥路面表現而特別設計的米其林Pilot Sport Cup二代輪胎,該款胎面質地更加柔軟且表面溝槽更少。
此外,Assetto Fiorano車型也提供選配雙色車身塗裝,充分彰顯其非凡的賽道性能。
此七年原廠維護計畫包含2019年2月1日後出廠的躍馬車型,並經由受訓於馬拉內羅Ferrari Training Centre法拉利培訓中心的專業服務團隊,採用現代最先進的檢修儀器進行每年度的檢查與保養。
#售價 Ferrari SF90 Spider
#Ferrari #FerrariTaiwan
#SF90spider #台灣蒙地拿
multimatic 在 狂人日誌:MadVnz Facebook 的最讚貼文
[狂人新聞台]Ferrari SF90 Spider:Beyond Imagination超越想像
作為Ferrari法拉利旗下首款量產插電式混合動力敞篷跑車,SF90 Spider擁有極致的性能表現、創新科技及無與倫比的駕馭激情。如今,Ferrari Taiwan法拉利臺灣正式為躍馬車主及車迷朋友們帶來這輛跨世代敞篷性能大作,以1000 cv的狂妄動力及源自F1賽車的尖端科技,完美樹立超級跑車市場的全新標竿。
全新敞篷跑車沿襲SF90 Stradale車型的技術規格及巔峰性能,並採用Ferrari法拉利最新的可折疊式硬頂敞篷設計,SF90 Spider作為首部量產插電式混合動力系統敞篷跑車,由最大輸出功率高達780cv的V8渦輪增壓引擎及三台電動馬達共同驅動,其中一台裝置於車輛後軸,另外兩台則安裝於前軸,最大輸出功率達到令人驚歎的1,000 cv,大幅超越其他量產敞篷跑車的性能表現。SF90 Spider的精密控制邏輯系統,可自動監測並調整動力分配,以適應不同駕駛情境,駕駛者只需透過全新eManettino控制旋鈕選擇四種動力操控模式「eDrive純電模式」、「Hybrid混合動力模式」、「Performance性能模式」以及「Qualify排位賽模式」,SF90 Spider亦搭載全時四輪驅動系統,其加速性能更樹立全新標竿;0-100加速僅需2.5秒,0-200公里加速僅需7.0秒。
SF90 Spider採用創新空氣力學設計,在時速250公里/小時可產生高達390公斤的下壓力,在沒有大型醒目的空氣力學套件下,樹立高性能公路跑車的極高的下壓力與優異的空氣力學效率的全新標竿。此外,SF90 Spider也採用大量獲得專利的空氣力學設計,其中包括最著名的閉合式襟翼與鍛造輪圈。閉合式襟翼是安裝在車尾的主動式空氣力學套件,可根據駕駛條件進行調整。而鍛造輪圈的剖面設計則令人聯想到源自Scuderia Ferrari法拉利車隊F1賽車的輪圈幾何造型。
SF90 Spider的設計重點在於確保其承襲SF90 Stradale標誌性的造型風格。在Ferrari Styling Centre法拉利設計中心的鬼斧神工下,車頂區域與整車完美整合,呈現渾然一體的視覺美感。更令人讚歎的是,車尾設計也兼顧了可折疊式硬頂敞篷機構及其收納空間,讓人能輕易透過引擎蓋一窺V8渦輪增壓引擎之美。無論在開篷或關篷狀態下,V8引擎都是車輛數一數二的亮點,盡顯紅鬃烈馬的卓然風姿。
此外,SF90 Spider還為追求極速的駕駛者提供專屬升級配備,如同SF90 Stradale一樣,Assetto Fiorano車型提供一系列性能升級,明顯與標準版車型做出區別,尤其是基於Ferrari法拉利GT賽事經驗打造的Multimatic避震器。除此之外,透過高性能材質(碳纖維材料及鈦金材料)的應用,車身重量大幅減輕21公斤,並配備碳纖維後擾流板以及為提升在賽道乾燥路面表現而特別設計的米其林Pilot Sport Cup二代輪胎,該款胎面質地更加柔軟且表面溝槽更少。此外,Assetto Fiorano車型也提供選配雙色車身塗裝,充分彰顯其非凡的賽道性能。
#Ferrari #SF90 #Spider #Beyond #Imagination
multimatic 在 CarDebuts Youtube 的最佳貼文
LAS VEGAS — Today the Colorado ZR2 will be competing in its third Best in the Desert’s General Tire Vegas to Reno race. Since the truck made its debut at the 2017 Vegas to Reno, the ZR2 has been piloted by Chad Hall of Hall Racing in 11 Best in the Desert races, logging 3,275 miles in some of the most challenging off-road conditions imaginable.
A total of 434 vehicles have competed in all 11 races in the Best in the Desert series since the ZR2’s race debut. As a testament to the grueling nature of off-road racing, the ZR2 is one of only four vehicles — fewer than 1% of total entrants — that completed each of these 11 competitions.
“Our goal with the Best in the Desert competition is to push the engineering and development of the Colorado platform in the most extreme conditions imaginable,” said Mark Dickens, chief engineer, Government Programs, Performance Variants, Parts and Motorsports. “We’ve already learned things over the past two years that have shaped our off-road portfolio, including the performance parts and motorsports catalog, production vehicles and GM Defense projects.”
Not only has the ZR2 survived the challenges of the Best in the Desert series, but the Chevrolet and Hall Racing teams have found ways to make the truck more robust and efficient since its debut. The truck finished its first 2017 Vegas to Reno in 18 hours and 51 minutes. The following year, the ZR2 improved its finishing time by more than four hours to 14 hours and 34.5 minutes.
The production-based ZR2 is one of the only vehicles that competes in the stock 7300 class. It regularly beats the race times of a wide range of off-road vehicles — everything from dune buggies to modified Ford Raptors, Jeep Wranglers and trophy trucks in the more extreme and well-represented Class 6000 and 6100 classes.
World-renowned off-road racer and engineer Chad Hall received one of the first Colorado ZR2s ever built in May 2017, and he’s been running it ever since. His vehicle began life as a Red Hot Crew Cab ZR2 powered by a 3.6L V-6 engine paired with an eight-speed automatic transmission.
This vehicle was modified with prototype suspension and driveline parts that were developed into 15 factory race components now available to Colorado ZR2 customers. The truck has since been updated with the same production parts available through the Chevy performance catalogue. This portfolio includes race-tuned versions of ZR2’s Multimatic Front and Rear Long Travel DSSV shocks with up to 15 percent more suspension travel in the front and 10 percent in the rear.
Other factory racing parts include a 1.5-inch Body Lift System, Front and Rear Jounce Shock Systems, ZR2 Steel Driveshaft, Plunging Ball Spline Half Shaft System and severe duty Tie Rod Sleeve Systems.
“In off-road racing, your speed comes from your suspension, not your engine. Usually, when you modify the suspension on a stock truck, the rest of the truck can’t keep up with it,” said Chad Hall. “However, the Colorado is such a great platform, everything seems to work at the same level. This is true even during off-road races, which are some of the most punishing miles you’ll ever put on a truck.”
Hall’s race truck was recently upgraded with ZR2 Bison skid plates on its engine, transmission and differential as well as other American Expedition Vehicles Colorado accessories such as Crestone DualSport beadlock wheels and a snorkel for air filtration while racing in dusty climates. For its third year, the ZR2 race truck also receives a new wrap that incorporates the GM Defense logo and additional HID KC HiLiTES to improve nighttime visibility.
multimatic 在 7Car小七車觀點 Youtube 的最佳解答
Ferrari 正式發表旗下全新插電式油電混合動力跑車 SF90 Stradale,搭載 3.9 升雙渦輪增壓 V8 引擎與三顆電動馬達組成的混合動力系統,最大綜效輸出達到 986hp (1000ps),性能表現 0-100km/h 加速時間僅需 2.5 秒,0-200km/h 加速僅需 6.7 秒。
multimatic 在 CarDebuts Youtube 的最佳解答
Chevrolet is expanding the performance envelope of the segment-redefining Colorado with the Colorado ZR2 AEV concept and ZR2 Race Development Truck.
Revealed at the SEMA Show today, the trucks demonstrate the capability of Colorado and its off-road performance variant, the Colorado ZR2.
“Colorado has reignited the midsize segment with class-exclusive features and performance,” said Jim Campbell, U.S. vice president, Truck Strategy, Performance Vehicles and Motorsports. “Some customers want even greater capability, and the ZR2 AEV concept and ZR2 Race Development Truck showcase the efforts we’ve made to explore how owners can get even more from their trucks.”
The Colorado ZR2 AEV concept, created in collaboration with legendary off-road manufacturer American Expedition Vehicles and featuring the available 2.8L Duramax turbo-diesel engine, elevates the already capable ZR2 for even greater adventures.
“ZR2 puts an exclamation point on Chevy’s off-road engineering ability,” said AEV founder Dave Harriton. “Our collaboration taught us that Colorado makes a great platform for building an off-road truck that can take you as far out as you want to go, safely.”
The ZR2 AEV concept and the ZR2 Race Development Truck feature a Chevrolet Performance development suspension that includes:
Front and rear jounce shocks, plunging front half-shafts, high-angle upper ball joint and increased stiffness high-angle tie rods
Long-travel rear leaf spring suspension, anti-wrap link and rear differential cover
Specially tuned Multimatic DSSVTM Shocks
The concept’s unique content includes:
AEV front and rear off-road bumpers, complete underbody skid protection, expedition bed rack, high clearance fender flares and high-rise snorkel
AEV DualSport beadlock wheels
35-inch BF Goodrich® KM2 Mud-Terrain tires
Front and rear high output LED auxiliary lighting
ARB refrigerator/freezer, Equipt aluminum storage cases, NATO-style fuel cans and James Baroud USA awning in the bed
Recovery shackles, Hi-Lift jack, Warn 9.5xp-s winch and MAXTRAX
ZR2 Race Development Truck
The ZR2 Race Development Truck builds on the ZR2’s desert-running capability with a long-travel version of the stock truck’s DSSV shocks. These are tuned for high-speed off-road use, adding unique parts validated by Chevy Performance Engineering and legendary off-road racer Chad Hall in the Best in the Desert racing series:
1.5-inch body lift
33-inch Goodyear Wrangler MT/R tires
Rear shock skidplates
Rear differential skidplate
Steel driveshaft
Wheel spacers with extended-length wheel studs
Off-road air intake and performance exhaust
The ZR2 Race Development Truck also shares the 3.6L V-6 and segment-exclusive eight-speed transmission with ZR2. Both trucks leverage the electronic locking front and rear differentials, Off-Road Mode and additional elements from the regular production ZR2.
“Colorado can play any way you want,” said Campbell. “The work with AEV and Hall Racing acknowledges the strengths of our midsize platform, with both SEMA entries showcasing the versatility that’s already made Colorado a resounding success.”
Colorado celebrates its three-year anniversary this month, with more than 250,000 sales in 36 months. Colorado also boasts the segment’s first applications of 4G LTE Wi-Fi and Apple CarPlay, along with safety features such as Forward Collision Alert and Lane Departure Warning.
The Colorado ZR2 AEV concept and ZR2 Race Development Truck join approximately 20 additional Chevrolet models this week at the SEMA Show, Oct. 31-Nov. 3. Follow the action at ChevySEMA.com, #CHEVYSEMA, @ChevroletPerformance on Instagram and Chevrolet Performance on Facebook.
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