"The truth is the planet is running out of resources to feed 8 billion people and, very soon, 10 billion. We have to change, whether we like it or not. So why not better prepare for the future?"
For the latest CNN Marketplace Asia, I talk to Green Monday CEO David Yeung about vegan Spam, plant-based fish, and why we need to take meat off the menu.
Yeung is a pioneer of the plant-based movement who is exporting his company's green alternatives worldwide with a popular vegan "Spam" called OmniPork. With backing from high-profile investors including director James Cameron as well as $70 million in its latest round of financing, Green Monday has introduced 's plant-based meats to 20 countries and has launched a new line of plant-based seafood.
"People are actually very surprised that 73% of global seafood consumption happens in Asia," he tells me. "The problem with the ocean is that we cannot just fish endlessly."
Yeung believes shifting Asia and the world to a more sustainable diet is crucial to our common survival.
#plantbased #sustainable #alternativemeat #vegan #GreenMonday #OmniSeafood #OmniPork #GreenCommon #OmniFoods #sustainability #green #eco #meatless #meatfree #vegetarian #instagreen #Marketplace #MarketplaceAsia #CNN
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終於可以買《新餐肉》返屋企煮啦 🤤🤤🤤
除咗素食朋友等咗好耐、我班食肉獸朋友亦好開心終於等到改邪歸正版嘅午餐肉。餐旦麵呀~餐旦治呀~餐肉炒旦呀~餐肉煎旦飯呀~早餐~lunch~宵夜⋯方便又快又易整⋯ 最緊要係健康零罪感。而家喺全線 green common 有得賣啦!
🌱 記得新餐肉 *唔駛* 解凍、喺冰格直接落pan煎香就ok!
🌱 零失敗、零罪感!
#新餐肉101【一次過解答新餐肉疑問 💁🏻♀️💚】
新餐肉正式開賣首日,已經比人橫掃過千包🔥 各位植物肉新手 #欲知新餐肉點煮、#邊度有得賣、#有咩成份? OmniPork 新豬肉一帖解答各位嘅疑問 🤔️
OmniPork Luncheon新餐肉🐷含
同罐頭裝豬肉製午餐肉比較,新餐肉嘅熱量及總脂肪分別低 40%同49%,鈉含量少 62%。同時零殘忍、非基因改造、無添加激素、抗生素同味精。
YEARS of hard work from our entire team from Hong Kong to Canada (R&D) to Thailand (production). A truly revolutionary innovation that guarantees to reshape people’s imagination about the possibility of plant-based. The evil comfort food now becomes guiltfree. The wait is finally over! Time to STOCK UP on OmniPork Luncheon at Green Common! Coming to other Asian markets very soon. Stay tuned !!
Thank you for your amazing support, we had to restock the entire frozen section by mid-afternoon as everything was sold out!!!
另一好消息~ 我哋第九間 green common 亦剛剛喺荃灣開鋪,多謝支持!新店佔地逾2,500呎,採光一流☀️,仲有唔少「打咭位」📸 添,絕對係荃灣最矚目嘅Go Green新地標啊📍
全新Green Common荃灣店 >>
Green Common 全線分店地址:
🌱Kind Kitchen 上環南豐店
香港中環德輔道中173號 Nan Fung Place 1樓1號舖
🌱Green Common 中環置地歷山店
香港中環遮打道18號置地歷山B/F, B2舖 (中環港鐵站H出口)
🌱Green Common 灣仔店
香港灣仔皇后大道東202號QRE Plaza 2樓 1&2 號舖
🌱Green Common 尖沙咀海港城店
香港九龍尖沙咀廣東道17號海港城海運大廈地下OT G61號舖
🌱Green Common 旺角店
香港九龍旺角奶路臣街17號The Forest 1樓110號舖 (中旅社對面)
🌱Green Common 荃灣如心廣場二期店
新界荃灣大河道 98 號如心廣場二期 1 樓 101 號舖
🌱Green Common 將軍澳店
🌱Green Common 屯門店
香港新界屯門屯門鄉事會路 88 號天生樓地下 7-11 號舖
🌱Future Bar by Green Common
九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號 K11 MUSEA B2層 201-14號舖
#GreenCommon #OmniLuncheon #OmniPork #OmniFoods #CravingWithoutGuilt #新豬肉 #新餐肉 #零罪感 #GreenCommon #新店開張 #MakeChangeHappen #MakeGreenCommon #NinaMall #如心廣埸 #新餐肉 #不停補貨ing
omnifoods hong kong 在 Janis Chan 陳貝兒 Facebook 的最讚貼文
兩年前,我哋推出咗全球第一個 #植物豬肉 OmniPork 新豬肉。好開心見到除咗素食者鍾意之外,好多本身食開肉嘅朋友都會視 Omnipork 為一個好好嘅健康選擇。今年我哋預料會打進20個地區市場,成為全球植物性飲食旋風的生力軍。而今日,好開心再有全新產品加入 Omni 大家庭:
對傳統午餐肉有情意結,但又覺得佢太邪惡嘅朋友記得要試下呢個「改邪歸正」版嘅全素餐肉!新餐肉不含任何防腐劑同味精,健康之餘亦冇任何動物成份更加係零罪感。以下係 #新餐肉 嘅資料:
1. 主要成份:
- 大豆、小麥、椰子油、天然色素(甜菜紅,即來自紅菜頭)
2. 對比傳統午餐肉,新餐肉最大賣點?
- 傳統午餐肉屬加工肉類,製作過程中會加入可致癌的防腐劑硝酸鹽,因此被世衞界定為一級致癌物。新餐肉不含硝酸鹽或任何防腐劑。
3. 為何新餐肉比傳統午餐肉更健康?
● 卡路里低40%
● 總脂肪低49%
● 鈉質低62%
● 0毫克膽固醇
兩款「新」味蕾驚喜,歡迎今日率先到 Kind Kitchen 堂食體驗。
📍Kind Kitchen
香港中環德輔道中173號 NAN FUNG PLACE 1樓1號舖
OmniPork has stormed across Asia since our launch in April 2018. This year, we expect to reach up to 20 regional markets, becoming one of the world's hottest plant-based proteins.
From the nostalgic taste of luncheon slices to the tender bite of meaty strips, plant-based eating has never been more versatile. Pushing the edge of food innovation, we are proud to introduce two groundbreaking additions to our OmniFoods family: OmniPork Luncheon and OmniPork Strip.
Facts about Omni Luncheon:
Main Ingredients?
- Soy, Wheat , Coconut Oil, Natural Colour (Beet Red).
What is the biggest selling point for OmniPork Luncheon?
- Traditional luncheon meat is a type of processed meat that is categorized as Class I carcinogen by WHO due to the addition of nitrate as preservative. OmniPork Luncheon DOES NOT HAVE NITRATE AND PRESERVATIVES.
Why OmniPork Luncheon is healthier than traditional luncheon meat?
Compared with traditional luncheon meat, OmniPork Luncheon has:
Calorie less 40%
Total fat less 49%
Sodium less 62%
0mg Cholesterol
Experience them first at Kind Kitchen Hong Kong, starting today!!
📍Kind Kitchen
Shop 1, 1/F, Nan Fung Place, 173 Des Voeux Road Central, Central, Hong Kong
@Green Monday #plantbased #tasteTheFuture #gogreen #eathealthy #grateful #sustainability #foodtech #foodscience
omnifoods hong kong 在 OmniFoods 新豬肉 - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Green Monday x OmniFoods合辦「小廚神駕到」食譜徵稿比賽 ... 【 #Omnilicious 家嚐變新】港式炸醬麵HONG KONG ZHA JIANG NOODLES WITH OMNIPORK STRIP. ... <看更多>
omnifoods hong kong 在 OmniFoods - Home | Facebook 的推薦與評價
Green Monday 聯同李錦記Lee Kum Kee HK (李錦記香港) 以及4位著名廚師,拍攝一系列植物肉烹飪指南 ,當中包含9個創新食譜,涵蓋植物豬肉同植物海鮮應用,以及 ... ... <看更多>