[MIRACLES CAN HAPPEN!] State Theatre has today been proposed to be a Grade 1 historic building in Hong Kong! We wholeheartedly thank the public for the great interest, support and affection you’ve shown for this wonderful treasure of Hong Kong over the past year. We are also very pleased the Antiquities Advisory Board made a professional and fair decision that does justice to the exemplary value of State Theatre. Reason wins the day.
A Grade 1 historic building in Hong Kong is one “of outstanding merit, which every effort should be made to preserve if possible”. This status will give State Theatre a better chance of protection. There is still plenty to do in the days and months ahead for good heritage conservation of the theatre. But together we can try to make it happen. Stay tuned.
#活現皇都 #關注皇都戲院 #感動中 #皇都戲院 #活現香港 #SaveOurState #StateTheatre #ReasonWinsTheDay