Cheers and celebrations filled the streets of Taipei Sunday as members of the Indian community revved-up their motorcycles decorated with Indian flags to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Indian independence.
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#葉郎每日讀報 #娛樂要聞揀三條
3.低價版 HBO Max 準備開賣廣告
▼ 1.Every Major Studio Got Together to Declare ‘The Big Screen Is Back,’ But it Was a Lot We’d Seen Before(
歷經整整15個月的營運中斷之後,NATO 美國電影院經營者協會請來各大片廠代表齊聚洛杉磯世紀城的 AMC 電影院,一起宣佈電影院的大銀幕終於回來。除了請來重量級好萊塢大咖 Arnold Schwarzenegger 致詞表示沒有電影院就沒有他之外,現場也放映接下來各大片廠即將上映的電影預告和片段。雖然多數預告早就在網路上釋出過,但在熟悉的大銀幕上投放仍然是完全不一樣的體驗。然而串流的陰影仍然無所不在。比如從 Fox 轉檯至 Disney 集團的 Searchlight Pictures 代表致詞的時候就不小心提到他們正在為 Disney 的串流服務 Hulu 和 Star 製作該片廠的第一部電視影集。或者最尷尬的時刻是整場活動最大的明星 Schwarzenegger 幾乎在同一時間爆出重量級新聞:Netflix 剛剛下訂了這位永遠的大銀幕英雄的第一部電視影集。電影院的伴侶們在過去一年獨守空閨期間紛紛染指了第三者串流產業,而現在元配終究回來宣示主權了。
▼2. The TV world is changing. You wouldn't know it from the major networks' fall schedules(
這週是美國電視產業的例行年度大事 Upfront 節目廣告預售大會。包含 ABC、NBC、CBS 和 Fox 等主要電視網各自舉辦季前發布會,向廣告商介紹新一季的節目並以優惠價值預售節目廣告時段。鼎盛時期曾有電視網在這段期間就賣掉秋季黃金時段70%的廣告時段。不過現在當然不是鼎盛時期,經歷連續幾年的收視率下滑和過去一年多的疫情,廣告主就算還沒有變心也都抱持懷疑的態度看待接下來的電視產業變化。CNN 在這篇報導中整理各家電視網的節目發佈,歸結出非常顯著的傾向是:電視台不再冒險投資新節目,而多半選擇安全牌的舊節目新一季、重啟、衍生節目等選項。犯罪節目繼續盛行,喜劇節目的量正在減少,而串流上比較難看到的運動賽事轉播則成為傳統電視台最能吸引觀眾的招牌。因為各媒體集團重心都已經轉向串流,所以以往主打賣電視節目廣告的預售大會開始出現一些離題的內容,比如順便宣傳一下母集團的其他服務或是搭售方案。去年的慘況是預售大會發佈的節目最後因為疫情根本取消或延後,相比之下今年至少電視業開始回到軌道上繼續往前推進。
▼ 3. Cosmic Injustice Alert: Jason Kilar Got WarnerMedia Revved Up … Only to Get Kneecapped By John Stankey?(
這禮拜最令人尷尬的 Upfront 節目廣告預售大會大概就是 WarnerMedia 的「現任」執行長 Jason Kilar 主持的這一場。他才剛剛在48小時內發現自己陷入宮廷陰謀中,因為他的主子密謀將公司交給競爭對手 Discovery 團隊經營,而剛剛雙手滿是血腥地老闆開除了數千人的自己則準備要下台一鞠躬。Kilar 仍鎮定而專業地演完這場發佈會,正式向廣告主宣佈他一手打造的串流服務 HBO Max 將在下個月推出月租10美元的低價版訂閱資格,並開始在節目中插入廣告。目前許多帶有廣告的串流平台都積極運用操作介面上的各種廣告板面來轟炸觀眾,HBO Max 的團隊表示他們將打造一個更謹慎而有效的廣告機制,希望用存在感更低的廣告達成更大的廣告影響力。
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Jim Steinman在2021年的4月19月辭世,享年73歲,這位非常有個人特質的詞曲作者留下許多撼動人心的佳作,他的風格非常容易鑑別,Jim Steinman也是我見過最有野心也最不怕麻煩的作曲家兼填詞者,他的作品總是企圖塞進所有他自覺值得表達的素材,簡直就像迷你音樂劇,大概不會有專輯比這張Meat Loaf在1977年發行Bat Out of Hell,這張由Jim Steinman御駕親征製作的個人代表作更加瘋狂,更加擁擠。
除非要把Bat Out of Hell的續集三部曲算進來,不過那也是Jim Steinman弄出來的東西。
Meat Loaf常說表演Jim Steinman的作品總是讓他心力交瘁而難以負荷,就像Leonard Bernstein老是說他沒有辦法常常演出Gustav Mahler的第九號交響曲一樣,那太消耗心智了。偏偏Meat Loaf唱起歌來總是忘我的投入,他在台上總是百分百融入表演者的角色,真的是挖心掏肺的詮釋詞曲,在這般相得益彰下個人美學得以充分展現的Jim Steinman堪稱文字的魔術師,他遣詞用字的功力的確相當深厚,至於格局特別恢弘嗎?未必,但整個編曲的組合的確讓人非常High,Bat Out of Hell也許算不上史詩級的作品(完成度上比不過The Who的 Tommy),然而這張專輯的本體是由Jim Steinman一部叫做Neverland的音樂劇發展出來的,看名字就知道是小飛俠Peter Pan的科幻版,結果文思泉湧的Jim Steinman發現所創作的三首歌曲內容與走向已經明顯與這個旨趣不符,那又好的讓他不忍放棄,最後Jim Steinman乾脆改變錄製一張特別的專輯。
那三首歌分別是:"Bat out of Hell", "Heaven Can Wait"及"All Revved Up with No Place to Go".
整張專輯就是是荒謬與情慾,全篇充滿詼諧及愚蠢,遍布刻薄的自嘲與諷刺,Meat Loaf與Jim Steinman這兩個個性強烈的角色卻在這裡有了絕佳的互補,只見大編制的樂團演奏與豐富的音色演出壓的聽眾連喘都喘不過氣來,再配合各式各樣配合歌曲情境的特殊音效及樂器輔助,當你還沒全然消化,Meat Loaf又以穿透力十足的歌聲持續轟炸,值得細品的字彙及詞句不斷向聽眾砸過來,這張專輯不但演出的人賣力,聽的人也要反饋相同的心力才會心領神會的投入。
Jim Steinman不只喜歡把文字堆砌起來,編曲也大幅採用"wall of sound"的觀念,發行人Todd Rundgren與Jim Steinman都是Phil Spector的信徒,而Phil Spector老兄跟他的wall of sound"理論根本是那時代的顯學。那是很直接的感官刺激,不敢說具有深刻的內涵,但絕對是難以抗拒的。
大師的突然離開實在有些讓我措手不及的,不過是說像這樣玩世不恭又特立獨行的天才大概也不想以傳統的方式告別,我想今晚就把這張Bat Out of Hell拿出來播放吧,按上Repeat鍵,好好享受一下Meat Loaf與Jim Steinman的痛快淋漓。
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EDITED: Final Cut Pro
CAMERA: Canon 70D
Vlog CAMERA: Canon G7X
MUSIC: sugiwa-creme

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Lamborghini Squadra Corse, the motorsport department of Automobili Lamborghini, is unveiling the new Huracán Super Trofeo EVO, making its world debut at an exclusive event in Sant’Agata Bolognese and announces its new partnership with the famous Swiss luxury watchmaker Roger Dubuis.
Following the debut of the Huracán LP 620-2 Super Trofeo three years ago, the racing car has now been extensively redeveloped.
The new Huracán Super Trofeo EVO raises the already high standards of the previous model with entirely redesigned aerodynamics, new devices to improve safety, and several improvements to its mechanics and electronics. The developments combine to offer drivers and teams an efficient and highly professional race car, which makes its track debut at the three continental series in Europe, Asia and North America from spring 2018.
The car will not only participate in the one-make Lamborghini Super Trofeo series, but it may also compete in international Gran Turismo championships in the GT Cup category, and Endurance races, providing more versatility for teams and drivers.
The livery of the Lamborghini Huracán Super Trofeo EVO is designed by Lamborghini Centro Stile, and focuses on the car’s new shapes. The Titan Grey base color celebrates the partnership linking Lamborghini Squadra Corse and Roger Dubuis, which will begin from 2018.
The two brands share the same values, such as the ongoing pursuit of excellence, the search for innovative materials, and obsessive attention to detail during the production of their precision instruments: namely Roger Dubuis watches and Lamborghini cars.
“Lamborghini Squadra Corse is continuing its plan to grow and consolidate its position as a trend setter on the competition scene. We are proud to work with a prestigious brand such as Roger Dubuis; one which shares our values of ongoing innovation and product uniqueness, while always respecting our heritage and with the purpose of thrilling and amazing our customers and all those who love the brand around the world,” said Stefano Domenicali, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Automobili Lamborghini.
Roger Dubuis Chief Executive Officer Jean-Marc Pontroué is clearly revved up about this high-energy partnership: “Like Lamborghini, we deliver ‘engines’ distinguished by their extreme quality and cutting-edge performance. Like the owners of exceptional Italian super sports cars, our customers are interested in standout aesthetics that ensure instant recognition matched by exclusivity and rarity. Combining our talents to deliver exceptional timepieces with unique experiential value, we are therefore placing ourselves in a higher place.”

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That was the message Carmelo Anthony had for anyone who expected immediate greatness out of Seattle rookie Kevin Durant.
Durant's shot was off in his NBA debut, and the Denver Nuggets beat the SuperSonics 120-103 on Wednesday night in the season opener for both teams.
Durant scored 18 points in just over 31 minutes, but shot just 7-of-22.
"He's going to be all right," Anthony said. "I've been in that situation. I hope nobody puts too much pressure on him and makes him take that team to the NBA Finals this year."
Anthony bottled up the rookie on defense and showed him a move or two on offense. Anthony finished with 32 points, making three 3-pointers.
"It's tough when you have to start off your first game against Carmelo Anthony," said Allen Iverson, who had had 25 points and 14 assists. "The future is bright for him and the sky's the limit for him. He's going to be great."
Durant didn't feel so great after the game.
"I'm always hard on myself even if I played well," he said. "My team did a great job of getting me some open shots. I need to knock them down. I had a lot of open shots I should have knocked down."
Durant was taken by the Sonics with the No. 2 pick in the draft last June. He scored his first NBA point on a free throw about 1½ minutes into the game, and had his first airball two minutes later on a short jumper in the lane. Durant's initial basket came on a driving layup late in the first quarter. He showed no effects of a gimpy ankle, which he sprained on Oct. 23.
"I thought he played all right for a 19-year-old kid playing his first game," Sonics coach P.J. Carlesimo said. "It ain't about how individuals play. It's how our team played. We got beat."
Kenyon Martin contributed seven points and three blocked shots in 18 minutes. Martin was back in Denver's starting lineup after missing 106 games over the last two seasons due to microfracture surgeries on both knees.
"I know a lot of people didn't expect him to look that good," Anthony said. "He showed us a lot out there."
Before the game, Martin got on the public address system and told the revved-up crowd, "We're going to bring the Nuggets their first championship."
Anthony, the league's second-leading scorer last season, has predicted the Nuggets will win 60 games this season.

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