Datuk Wira 李宗伟(LCW)-Video 007,
Rotator Cuff Resistance band Exercise!
Hey, let's learn from DWLCW! @leechongweiofficial
Resistance bands offer a low impact solution to exercising and strengthening your shoulders.
Shoulders are the MOST movable joints in the human body, which makes them prone to possible injuries.
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The main three bones: the SCAPULA the CLAVICLE and the HUMERUS comprise the shoulder joint.
Muscles, tendons and ligaments keep your shoulders in a normal (stable) position.
You can perform these shoulder rehab exercises with bands as an addition to your normal training routine or as part of a workout, or a stand-alone dynamic stretching routine before you workout / warm up exercises.
By strengthening the muscles surrounding your shoulder joints you can prehab, rehab and prevent the chances of future injuries.
However, please consult your specialist doctor (NOT the normal doctor!) or physio therapist if you're experiencing the following symptoms.
1.extreme pain and deep aching
signs of swelling
2.difficulty raising your arms over your head
3.difficulty sleeping on your arm after injuring your shoulder
If you or someone you know have knee pain? Prevention with exercise to relieve and strengthen the shoulder pain is the WAYYYYYYYYYYSSSS
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