[搬龍門?係咁架啦。告政府丫。]China Joe咩!只準買唔準賣!十分大陸化(其實大陸都冇乜咁做)。但搬龍門改規則,古已有之。長大啦。我唔相信券商忽然同錢作對,都係上面施壓。華爾街大鱷?未必有咁大權力。好大機會係官府。投資是好危險的。想搵大錢,記住低調,低調,同埋低調。
1. 朋友傳嚟,未FC,但應該真,外媒都有報。茅呀?你咪去告券商。但我相信在你簽份agreement Section AAZ 第235段 第83節 下面嘅remark應該 link咗去份附件入面用 font 8 寫明有咁嘅權力,你已經agree咗。
2. 「不如轉去沽空IB TD Ameritrade Charles Schwab啦」
3. 不過又講下,搬龍門改規則呢啲嘢,古已有之。所以讀下書都係有必要嘅。唔好以為搵到漏洞可以為所欲為。
4. 1980年嘅3月27日,史稱Silver Thursday.之前亨特兄弟(Hunt Brothers)玩「囤積居奇」,買咗全世界超過30%嘅流通白銀,就係諗住夾淡倉,cornering,吸乾啲街貨,到期日你地冇實貨交收,多一多錢都要問我搶(see?根本呢啲嘢你未出世已經有人做)。結果銀價升咗7倍,Tiffany都登廣告鬧呢兩條財大氣粗嘅德洲石油佬
5. 結果係咪發達?梗係唔係。紐約商品交易所改規則,要求大幅加大孖展額。咁兩兄弟原本諗住絶世發財好橋,本身已經係做大槓杆(唔係邊買到咁多白銀?),即時出事。被迫斬倉,銀價大瀉。
6. 呢兩兄弟,輸咗10億美金。1980年嘅10億,不過仲未輸身家。但之後先正,之後,畀人民事訴訟,擾亂市場秩序,最後都係告到佢破產,從此冇人識。只係教科書會提
7. 類似嘅嘢,仲有好多。索羅斯狙擊港元時,香港都改規則,任一招夾高拆息,蘋果一仔之類鬧到九彩,話干預自由市場。咁你可以睇返上面嘅故事。
8. 亞洲金融風暴時,在馬來西亞馬哈蒂爾更加係即時落閘行外匯管制,IMF班鬼佬屌到七彩,又係話「干預市場」「立下極壞先例」。話咁樣外資冇晒信心,馬來西亞有排衰,外資切尼咁話(係咪好熟面口?)。結果?李光耀信徒嘅馬哈蒂爾睬撚你有味,馬來西亞一年就走出經濟衰退,增長亦係咁多東南亞國家最快,更加唔使咩求IMF呀要借錢呀要開放市場要緊縮之類喪權辱國。呢單亦係馬哈蒂爾政治生涯最得意之作之一。
9. 近少少?韓國。舊年3月時禁沽空,咁好多地方都禁,唔少地方08年都禁過,或者係只禁金融股。反而香港近N年都冇做過,所以每逢啲人講大陸佬我就覺得好撚好笑
10. 咁你話,改規則?係呀,會改規則的。個規則咪話你知可以改規則。唔順超嘅告上法庭咯。韓國有三權分立啦掛?
11. 但呢度唔係最正,反正好多地方都禁咗。最正係,韓國嘅沽空禁令,到而家都仲生效!你老味你望下KOSDAQ升咗幾多?但一路都唔敢拎走呢個禁令。
12. 本人嘅理解,都係政治,因為好多人去光化門廣場去青瓦台示威請願(咁,網上都得嘅,唔一定要去圍世宗大王)。有冇搞撚錯呀,畀人沽空?唔得呀。搞笑?就係咁搞笑。你見印度孟加拉大學捉出貓都有人上街示威,搞錯呀,做乜唔畀出貓。
13. 認真講,背後講論述,話好多韓國散戶,特別係後生仔,入晒市。跌咗落嚟佢地咪輸錢?社會不穩呀。邊個負責?特別係文在寅已經多麻煩嘢。而家拖下拖下話三月先可以畀你沽空
14. 背後聽聞亦都反映韓國社會問題(韓國是好很多問題的說),後生仔搵唔到工,上游唔到,炒股已經係難得嘅發財機會。聽聞亦係同一理由,韓仔炒BitCoin特別喪(聽聞另一原因係網速快,又普及,又平)。
15. 教訓?除咗嗰句:「規則咪就係隨時可以改規則」之外。中國人傳統智慧都係啱,富不與官鬥。固然華爾街大鰸(其實即係乜?好似Deep State咁)唔係官,但有好大影響力。總之,發財梗係低調啲。上晒頭條話We Own the market就好難唔搞你了。
16. 呀仲有,正如亨特兄弟都有手尾跟,今次呢堆有冇?可能都有。雖然要起晒啲人出嚟都有啲難,就肯定係搞最高調吹脹嗰啲。
17. 至於乜嘢叫「操控市場」?我唔係律師當然唔知,但 Matt Levine做過律師又做過投行,佢就話你知(https://bityl.co/5O0Q),其實都冇一個清晰嘅定義,睇個官點諗,又睇你好唔好彩會唔會畀人搞了。
你嘅2020年點?我嘅2020年就幾好。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100唔使,5個月已1200人訂!(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。年費仲有85折,仲係睇13個月添。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過139萬的網紅Jessica Vu,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello! Hope this chit chat get ready with me helps you relax a little bit! ? Thank you to YSL Beauty for sponsoring this video ♡ Fluent in more than...
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- 關於silver font 在 Haqiem Rusli Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於silver font 在 TheChency Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於silver font 在 Jessica Vu Youtube 的最讚貼文
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silver font 在 Haqiem Rusli Facebook 的最讚貼文
Tshirt officially #fanbase saya, "Qiemilio" 💯 by Haqiem Rusli.
Tshirt colour : white
Font : Black,maroon,Silver
Short sleeve : Rm25.00
Long sleeve : Rm30.00 *not include postage
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THANKS❤😁 #HaqiemRusli
And nnti boleh pakai baju ni kt Akustika saya soon!😙
silver font 在 TheChency Facebook 的最讚貼文
silver font 在 Jessica Vu Youtube 的最讚貼文
Hello! Hope this chit chat get ready with me helps you relax a little bit! ? Thank you to YSL Beauty for sponsoring this video ♡
Fluent in more than one language? Help me + other viewers by adding subtitles for this video in your language here! ?♀️
✧ IG: https://www.instagram.com/jessyluxe
✧ TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@jessyluxe
✧ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/luxejessy
✧ SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/jessyluxe
✧ SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/user/x39pm9yrqj1nklvv9ptgvsd3d
Hi! I filmed this chit chat grwm a little differently bc I wasn't in the mood to talk on the day I filmed...let me know what you think of this format! I wanted to do a chill catch-up talk and was going to sprinkle in some of your confessions (which you submitted on IG stories), but they were a little too wild for this video ? Maybe I'll do a separate video in the future.
ALSO uhh YSL Beauty? ? I didn't mention it in the video because I didn't want to sound like too much of a fangirl, but my first channel logo was inspired by the YSL logo (it was a JV interlocked in the same font) so this is a very full-circle moment for me! How surreal to be able to support and be supported by a brand I admire so much during this trying time. Thank you times a million ?♡ I hope this video brought you all a little bit of peace. I added the sound of rain and muffled the music so you can hear it better...although rainy days put me in a gloomy mood, I think the pitter-patter of raindrops falling against a window is the most soothing sound. I haven't heard the sound of thunder in so long. Missing FL and my family a little bit more today ⛈ I will visit when this is all over!
Hope you're all well + healthy ?
♡ xo
˖ OLens Russian Velvet Green Soft Contact Lenses https://bit.ly/2yfnz2Q ‹ use code "JESSICAVU" for $ off ›
˖ Too Faced Born This Way Super Coverage Multi-Use Sculpting Concealer ("Almond") http://bit.ly/2x8lh1e
˖ Anastasia Beverly Hills Soft Glam Eyeshadow Palette ("Orange Soda", "Burnt Orange") https://bit.ly/3em4vjG
˖ ColourPop Pressed Powder Shadow ("Worth It") - no longer available; similar: https://bit.ly/2VrGoYd
˖ Revlon ColorStay Micro Hyper Precision Gel Eyeliner ("Brown") https://bit.ly/2xtzgmd
˖ Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil ("Torch") https://bit.ly/2Ry3pri
˖ Maybelline TattooStudio Eyeliner Pencil ("Bold Brown") http://bit.ly/2NJ9Mp8
˖ Petite Cosmetics Stick With Me Eyelash Glue https://bit.ly/2RaWYdA
˖ Velour Lashes False Lashes ("Would I Lie?") https://bit.ly/2V6JO3M
˖ ColourPop BFF Mascara ("Brownie Points") http://bit.ly/32o29dd
˖ YSL Touche Eclat Blur Primer ("Silver") https://bit.ly/2JyncTc
˖ YSL Touche Eclat High Cover Radiant Concealer ("2.5 Peach") https://seph.me/2z2iISN
˖ Focallure Sculpt Glow Contour Palette ("01 Maui Nights + Opal") http://bit.ly/34FIzL4
˖ Physicians Formula Butter Bronzer Murumuru Butter Bronzer ("Bronzer") https://bit.ly/2VurII9
˖ Make Up For Ever Star Lit Powder ("2 Frozen Gold") https://bit.ly/2RuzUqz
˖ Buxom Plumpline Lip Liner ("Hush Hush") https://bit.ly/3aaykAp
˖ Anastasia Beverly Hills Pro Pencil ("Base 1") http://bit.ly/2CX1s1V
˖ YSL Rouge Volupte Rock'N Shine Lipstick ("Nude Solo", "Cacao Bounce") https://bit.ly/2xBa5OP
˖ GHD Platinum White Professional Performance Styler Flat Iron, 1'' https://bit.ly/3b1U5Ut
‹ use yesstyle code "JESSICA10" for $ off ›
˖ chuu ADAN Lightweight Rib Knit Cardigan ("Yellow") - no longer available; similar: https://bit.ly/2ya7E5G
˖ Artemis Apollo Pearl Kasim Earrings (I took off the dangle part) https://bit.ly/2XAd5FE
˖ MAKA Color Block Square Scarf https://bit.ly/2XxGQXz
˖ INK+IVY Bree Knit Throw Blanket ("Coral") https://bit.ly/3ekYbsY
˖ Sigma Beauty 3DHD Blender Makeup Sponge http://bit.ly/2GOkuZA
˖ Sigma Beauty Tapered Blending Brush E40 http://bit.ly/2VnLqEz
˖ ColourPop Tapered Blending Brush E2 http://bit.ly/2G1nIds
˖ Sigma Beauty Eye Shading Brush E55 http://bit.ly/2NbCcaJ
˖ Shiseido Eyelash Curler http://bit.ly/2yTEe8H
˖ Luxie Rose Gold Tapered Face Brush 520 http://bit.ly/2RJMYX8
˖ ColourPop Small Tapered Brush E9 http://bit.ly/2V55rPe
˖ Sigma Beauty Shader Crease Brush E47 http://bit.ly/2GQc85s
Canon EOS Rebel T6i DSLR
EF-S 18-55mm IS STM Kit Lens
Final Cut Pro X 10.4.1
˖ Joey Howard - Moment (Instrumental) https://thmatc.co/?l=E66170C
˖ Eric Reprid - Something to Nothing https://thmatc.co/?l=CBD75CE7
˖ Dewey Wiles - Just Because You're Sorry - https://thmatc.co/?l=BDBD7B8D
? BUSINESS EMAIL: jessica@rare.global
FTC: Sponsored by YSL Beauty ♡ Some links listed are affiliate links and some products used I received in PR („• ֊ •„)

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